Minggu, 07 Mei 2023

The Tables Represent Two Linear Functions In A System

The Tables Represent Two Linear Functions In A System

jawaban dari two tables in the kitchen​

Daftar Isi

1. jawaban dari two tables in the kitchen​

two tables ini the kitchen

2 meja di dapur

Jawaban:2 meja ada di dalam dapur

Penjelasan: semoga membantu :)

2. ...... tables are threre for the students in the Classroom? threre are two tables ini the Classroom​

How many

tolong koreksi jika salah

3. Buat pertanyaan dari kata there are two tables in the room

How many tables in the room?

Maksudnya itu bukan? how many table inthe rom

4. Tolong buat kalimat dengan menggunakan there are dan there is.dengan memasukan kata benda dibawah ini: 1.two tables in the living room 2.six spoons on the table 3.a bottle in the bag 4.a rice bowl on the table 5.four knifes in the kitchen 6.a television in the badroom 7.two cars in the garage 8.a plate on the table 9.a lunch box in the box 10.two cupboards in the dining room


1. There are two tables in the living room.

2. There are six spoons on the table.

3. There is a bottle in the bag.

4. There is a rice bowl on the table.

5. There are four knifes in the kitchen.

6. There is a television in the badroom.

7. There are two cars in the garage.

8. There is a plate on the table.

9. There is a lunch box in the box.

10. There are two cupboards in the dining room.


There is (ada/terdapat) digunakan untuk kata benda yang jumlahnya tunggal atau satu.There are (ada/terdapat) digunakan untuk kata benda yang jumlahnya lebih dari satu atau banyak.

Semoga Membantu{X}

jadikan jawaban terbaik :)

1. there are two tables in the living room.
2. there are six spoons on the table.
3. there is a bottle in the bag.
4. there is a rice bowl on the table.
5. there are four knives in the kitchen.
6. there is a television in the bedroom.
7. there are two cars in the garage.
8. there is a plate on the table.
9. there is a lunch box in the box
10. there are two cupboards in the dining room.

5. which are the functions of our circulatory system


yang merupakan fungsi dari sistem peredaran darah kita..

6. What are the two functions of advertising

artinya :Apa dua fungsi periklanan

7. ... twenty tables in the clasroom​

There are twenty tables in the classroom




8. which are the functions of our circulatory system


yang merupakan fungsi dari sistem peredaran darah kita





semoga membantu


maaf kalo salah

9. terjemahan tables in the classrom

meja meja di dalam ruang kelasMeja meja di dalam ruang kelas.

Semoga membantu:)

10. What are the main parts and functions of our respiratory system ??

- Nostrils = are involved in air intake, i.e. they bring air to nose, where air is warmed and humidified.
- Trachea = filters the air we inhale and branches into the bronchi.
- Bronchi = the two air tubes that branch off from the trachea and carry atmospheric air directly into the lungs
- Lungs = are the main organ of respiratory system, are the site in body where oxygen is taken into and carbon dioxide is expelled out.
- Alveolus = the tiny sac like structure present in the lungs which the gaseous exchange takes place.
- Diaphragm = expands and reduces the amount of space for the lungs and forces air out

11. the name of the male reproductive system and the functions

its alat kelamin jantan, fungsinya adalah untuk menghsilkan sel jantan untuk pembuahan pada sel telur(ovum)

12. Describe the two major functions of the xylem tolong ya kakk


What are the two main functions of xylem?

Xylem is one of the two types of transport tissue in vascular plants, phloem being the other. The basic function of xylem is to transport water from roots to shoots and leaves, but it also transports some nutrients.

Semoga membantu

13. In the sentence, "There are two tables, somechildren, and a chair in the room", what are theplural nouns? Choose the right answer: ....​


Tables and children

14. The ________ join clause is based on all the columns in the two tables that have the same name and the same datatype.



15. " There is" or " There are" five pens in the box. a car in the garage. some books on the table. a telephone in the bedroom. two tables in the kitchen. many birds in that tree. a magazine on the floor. four chairs in the room. seven days in a week. a drink in the fridge.​


There are five pens in the box

there is a car in the garage

there are some books on the table

there is a telephone in the bedroom

there are two tables in the kitchen

there are many birds in that tree

there is a magazine on the floor

there are four chairs in the room

there are seven days in a week

there is a drink in the fridge


setau aku kalo there is itu cuman 1 objeknya

kalau there are ada banyak objeknya

16. NO USE THERE IS OR THERE ARE1 There is a teacher in the classroom.2 __________ six tables in the classroom.3 __________ a clock on the wall.4 __________ two windows.5 __________ six students in the classroom6. ___________ chairs in the classroom​


2. There are

3. There is

4. There are

5. There are

6. There are

2. there are

3. there is

4. there are

5. there are

6. there are

17. there are two tables in the kitchenubahlah kalimat di atas menjadi kalimat negative dan kalimat bertanya!​


(-) There's no table in kitchen

(?) How much table in the kitchen

18. Fill in the tables...

Verb2: Read
Verb 3: Read
Meaning: Membaca

Verb2: did
Verb3: done
Meaning: melakukan/mengerjakan

19. There were 850 green tables and red tables altogether in a room. The red tables were arranged in 25 rows with 10 tables in each row. The green tables were arranged in rows of 20. How many rows of green tables were there?​


850. =(25×10)+(20×g)

= 250+(20×g)


600. =(20×g)

600:20. =g

30 =g

g. =30

20. twenty tables in the classroom​


twenty tables in the classroom artinya

dua puluh meja di kelas

semoga bermanfaat ✨

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