Rabu, 10 Mei 2023

The World On A Turtles Back

The World On A Turtles Back

You....................ride on the back of a cat,but you................ride on the back of a horse.​

Daftar Isi

1. You....................ride on the back of a cat,but you................ride on the back of a horse.​





kalo salah maaf

2. sea turle sea turtles are reptiles. there are at least 7 kinds of sea turtles. they swim by beating their flippers. they can't withdraw into their shells most sea turtles live in warm seas around the world. the leather back is one of the biggest sea turtles. sea turtles are about 8 feet and can weigh up to 415 lb .they eat animals and plant .females are the only ones that leave the water to lay their eggs. the female buries its eggs and leaves becouse it is helpless on landdi artikan ke bahasa indonesia

Kura kura laut, kura kura laut adalah reptil. Setidaknya ada 7 jenis kura kura laut. Mereka berenang dengan menggerakan siripnya. Mereka tidak bisa masuk kedalam cangkang mereka. Kebanyakan kura kura laut hidup di daerah lautan yang hangat disekitar penjuru dunia. Leather back(gak tau bahasa indonesianya) adalab salah satu jenis kura kura laut yang paling besar. Kura kura laut memiliki panjang sekitar 8 kaki dan bisa mencapai berat. 415 lb. mereka memakan binatang dan tanaman. Betina adalah satu satunya yang dapat meninggalkan laut untuk bertelur. Sang betina mengubur telurnya dan meninggalkannya karena dia tidak berdaya di daratan.

3. contoh kalimat in the back, on the backbantu kak pliss​


• There is food in the back of the car

• 'can you pick up the groceries in the back of rhe van?'

• We sat on the back of a camel


semoga membantu #learnwithbrainly


there are 2 many books in the backthere is 1 bag on the backthere is 1 pencil in the backthere are 5 letter on the back


4. Mr.Arman id a farmer.He world on the......a.mosque. b.rice field​


B. rice field


semoga membantu dek


b. rice field

semoga membantu

5. The word ' return ' on the text has the similiar meaning asA.Send BackB.Give BackC.Take BackD.Put Back

d mungkin maaf kalo salahreturn : mengembalikan = give back : mengembalikan
A. mengirimkan kembali
C. mengambil kembali
D. menempatkan kembali

6. Turtles are reptiles and cold blooded. They depend on their surroundings their body heat. Turtles are covered with hard box-like shell which protects the soft body and organs. It is composed of an upper section called a carapace and a lower plate called a plaston. The head, tail, and legs of turtles are covered with scales. Turtles withdraw them inside the shell for protection. Turtles have four paddle shaped flippers which help them swim. Turtles do not have teeth, they have a sharp beak instead. Turtles can breathe on land and underwater. They mainly eat jellyfish, sea snails, and other soft-bodied, slow-moving sea animals. Female turtles lay their eggs sand on beaches. Once the eggs are covered the female returns to.the sea. When the eggs hatch the baby turtles crawl down to the sea and take care of themselves.​


Kura-kura adalah reptil dan berdarah dingin. Mereka bergantung pada lingkungan sekitar mereka, panas tubuh mereka. Kura-kura ditutupi dengan cangkang keras seperti kotak yang melindungi tubuh dan organ lunaknya. Ini terdiri dari bagian atas yang disebut karapas dan pelat bawah yang disebut plaston. Kepala, ekor, dan kaki penyu ditutupi sisik. Kura-kura menarik mereka ke dalam cangkang untuk perlindungan. Kura-kura memiliki empat sirip berbentuk dayung yang membantunya berenang. Kura-kura tidak memiliki gigi, mereka justru memiliki paruh yang tajam. Penyu bisa bernapas di darat dan di bawah air. Mereka terutama memakan ubur-ubur, siput laut, dan hewan laut bertubuh lunak dan bergerak lambat lainnya. Penyu betina bertelur pasir di pantai. Setelah telur tertutup, betina kembali ke laut. Saat telur menetas bayi penyu akan merangkak ke laut dan merawat dirinya sendiri.


7. The world "we" on the sentences above refers to

we refers to "kita" pada kalimat/pargaraf

8. Rewrite the jumbles paragraph into meaningful text 1) Female turtles lay their eggs in the sand on beaches. Once the eggs are covered the female returns to the sea. When the eggs hatch the baby turtles crawl down to the sea and take care of themselves. 2) Turtles are covered with a hard box-like shell which protects the soft body and organs. It is composed of an upper section called a carapace and a lower plate called a plaston. The head, tail and legs of turtles are covered with scales. Turtles withdraw them inside the shell for protection. Turtles have four paddle shaped flippers which help them to swim. Turtles do not have teeth, they have a sharp beak instead. 3) Turtles are reptiles and are cold blooded. They depend on their surroundings for their body heat. 4) Turtles can breathe on land and under water. They mainly eat jellyfish, sea snails and other soft- bodied, slow-moving sea animals. Turtle Classification Appearance Behaviours Reproduction


3 - 2 - 4 - 1



Classification --> paragraph 3

Appearance --> paragraph 2

Behaviours --> paragraph 4

Reproduction --> paragraph 1

Semoga membantu^^

9. For the engagement, she wants the … ring on the world.

For the engagement, she wants the Most Expensive ring on the world.


Arti dari kalimat di atas adalah "Untuk pertunangannya, dia menginginkan cincin ..... di dunia" Jawaban yang dibutuhkan adalah berbentuk adjective.

Kata "The" yang terdapat pada sebelum bagian "in the world" menunjukkan bahwa kata yang dibutuhkan adalah "yang paling" dan merupakan bentuk superlative adjective.


The most beautiful : yang paling cantik/indah

The most handsome : yang paling tampan

Maka, jawaban dari kalimat rumpang di atas adalah the most expensive.

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut:

Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai Kalimat Rumpang pada https://brainly.co.id/tugas/2285924


10. Surprisingly, the raven was not angrygold. Bring a l meter long bag, and Igold." The younger brother then toldclimbed on the raven's back and theNew back home on the raven's backy.​


Anehnya, gagak itu tidak marah

emas. Bawa tas sepanjang 1 meter, dan aku

emas. "Sang adik kemudian memberi tahu

memanjat punggung gagak dan

Rumah baru di punggung gagak



semoga bermanfaat

11. d. Found - eggs – beach - some – with – their - on - the -I- turtlessusun dengan benar! ​


I with their found some turtle eggs on the beach





12. Tail of the commet always on the back of the

Tail of the commet always on the back of the sun.tail of the comment always on the back of the sun

13. For the engement she wants the ....ring on the world


diamond ring


14. is giraffe the tallest animal on the world​


Reaching heights between 14 and 19 feet, giraffes are the tallest mammals walking the earth, which is a great advantage considering that their favorite food grows in treetops. Towering over the African savanna, giraffes are the world's tallest animals

15. Activity 3Read the following text with correct pronunciation.Then, answer the questions.Turtles are reptiles and cold blooded. They depend on their surroundings for their body heatTurtles are covered with a hard box-like shell which protects the soft body and organs. It is composedof an upper section called a carapace and a lower plate called a plaston. The head, tail, and legs of turtles arecovered with scales. Turtles withdraw them inside the shell for protection. Turtles have four paddle shapedflippers which help them swim. Turtles do not have teeth, they have a sharp beak instead.Turtles can breathe on land and underwater. They mainly eat jellyfish, sea snails, and other soft-bodied,slow-moving sea animals.Female turtles lay their eggs in the sand on beaches. Once the eggs are covered the female returns to thesea. When the eggs hatch, the baby turtles crawl down to the sea and take care of themselves.​


Hard = KerasPlate =  PelatScales = sisikPaddle = kakiBeak = paruhto breathe = untuk bernafasto hatch = untuk menetasheat = panas

setengahnya kepotong

semoga membantu..

16. spell and write on the world​


Spell and write on the world :

Mengeja dan menulis di dunia.


Tolong di perjelas....

17. is there a pocket on the back?bahasa inggis​


apakah ada kantong di belakang?





artinya apakah ada kantong di belakang

18. If the Sun rises on the west, the world ​

the world will still 'bulat' not 'datar'

the world will be destroyed

19. write 3 seasons on the world​


fall / autumn







20. We need a coat hook on the back of..... door. *​

we need a coat hook on the back of a doorsorry if wrong


The mungkin??

We need a coat hook on the back of the door.


#Makasih :)

#Semogamembantu ;)

#Maafbangetkalosalah :(


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