Rabu, 24 Mei 2023

What Do These Words Have In Common

What Do These Words Have In Common

Humans, plants and mushrooms are all alive. What do these organisms have in common?

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1. Humans, plants and mushrooms are all alive. What do these organisms have in common?


Humans, plants and mushrooms have in common that they are all composed of cells, which are the basis of life.

Cells are the smallest element within the complex structure of living beings and are the basis of their levels of organization.

Common characteristics among humans, plants and mushrooms:

They are multicellular beings (with several cells).

All them feed themselves, through food they incorporate certain materials from the environment, these materials are transformed and used to carry out all activities.

All them breathe.

All them reproduce, that is, they originate new individuals similar to them.

In order to maintain their cellular organization, they carry out a biological process known as homeostasis.

All comply with the life cycle.

Therefore, we can conclude that humans, plants and mushrooms have in common that their biological composition is based on cells and they perform the three vital functions (nutrition, respiration and reproduction)


manusia itu apa sih?

Humans are a primate species that originate and live on earth with the largest population, the most extensive distribution, and are characterized by their ability to walk on two legs, as well as brains.

apa sih itu tumbuhan?

Plants are multicellular eukaryotic organisms that belong to the kingdom Plantae. It consists of several clades, namely, flowering plants, gymnosperms or open seed plants,

2. what do all rocks have in common

the anser is d:a and b sorry kl salahthe anser is ad and usualuy my badminton you do you like thank you

3. What do dogs and rabbits have in common?​


they will both eat and beg for things that are not good for them. they both usually like to be pet, rubbed and paid attention to. they both rarely like to be picked up or held, preferring to stand firmly on the ground.


Fur, ears, tail, nose, mouth, lips, foot, lungs, heart, liver, etc

4. A. How do you say these question words in your language? What? Where? Who? How?


semoga membantu ya jadi kan jawaban terbaik ya kalo ini membantu mu

5. 6. courses/ semester/ this/ what/ you/ have/ do (make question from these words) ​

What courses have you do this semester?
“Les apa saja yang sudah kamu ikuti semester ini?”
hope this helps ^^

6. do you have these shoes in smaller....?

do you have these shoes in smaller size?

7. What relationship do these two friends have? Tentang Magie dan Helen

Maybe friendship.. more than friends

8. can you state the occupation ?what do they have in common?apa artinya?

Can you state the occupation? = Apakah kamu mengenal pekerjaannya?

What do they have in common? = Apakah persamaan yang mereka punya?

Apakah kamu mengenal perkejaan

9. Arrange these words intogood senteces 1.drink-could-some-i-have-more-? 2.for-what-do-can-i-you-?

1. Could I have some more drink?
2. What can I do for you?
1. Could i have some more drink?
2. What can i do for you?

10. can you state their occupation? what do they have in common​


1. doctor

2. police

3. teacher

4. air hostess

5. mechanic

6. hair salon


the similarities are, the same as a noble job


1. Doctor

2. Police

3. Teacher

4. Air hostess

5. Mechanic

6. Hairdresser

The similarity is, this job work in the service sector.

11. Have you been to some libraries? What do libraries have in common? Write a report text about libraries. Follow the guidelines below. 1)List the things all libraries have. 2)What do these people do ? 3)What kind of people you find in libraries? 4)What rules do libraries have ?

-New Book lists

2. If people come to library, they want to read books or borrow some books

3. They are must be diligent & Curiosity people because they want to know the knowledge from the book they have been reading

- It is forbidden to bring the food into the library
- Mobile phones must be switched to silent mode
- All  books & periodicals must be returned to the shelves after use
- Conversations between friends must not be allowed 

Good Luck!!!1)List the things all libraries have
-book -magazines -Telescopes -Museum passes ArtworkA -plot in a community garden-Energy meters-Cake pans-ToolsBones -Musical instruments -Dogs -Seeds-People-newspaper-dictionary.
2]reading a book or borrow some book
3] diligent and curiosity people
4]-don't bring a food
   -when read must be quiet

12. What do ant ladybug dragonfly centipede and spider have in common​


Apa kesamaan semut ladybug capung kelabang dan laba-laba?


Apa kesamaan semut kepik capung dan laba-laba?

Sama-sama tidak bertulang belakang dan sama-sama bertubuh beruas. Ini membuat mereka sama-sama tergolong dalam filum "arthropoda"


Both have no backbone and both have segmented bodies. This makes them both belonging to the phylum "arthropods"

13. 1.what makes those people succesfull2.what characters do those people have in common​


1. apa yang membuat orang-orang itu sukses

2. kesamaan karakter yang dimiliki orang-orang itu

14. what do these words mean

translate: apa arti dari kata-kata ini?

smoga membantu!Apa arti kata kata ini

15. Human, plant and muhroom are all alive. What do thee organim have in common?.


They are all made of cells


Semoga membantu :]

16. what do these words mean in bahasa indonesia​


apa arti kata-kata ini dalam bahasa indonesia ?




apa artinya dalam bahasa Indonesia

maaf kalo jawabannya salah


17. What do the students in the canteen? (mention 2)Arrange these words in to the good sentence!​


itu kayaknya ada bacanya

18. what do you know about these words/phrase?

surgeon is people who is doing surgery
nanny is a person who take care a children, we know it as baby sitter
behaviour means attitude, some manner we used to do
noble has the same meaning with humble
camouflage -
shelter is a place where we can hide and be safe
generouse is a good behaviour, a density to give to others
appreciate = give a good response
lainnya tidak yakin,,

19. 1. what are they famous for?2. what do you think males these people successful?3. what characters do those people have in common?4. what can you learn from them?​

1. football and art

2. proud


4 .

20. arrange these words in to good sentences for-what-do-can-i-you-?

What can i do for you ?Answer:

Offering help
What can i do for you?
(Ada yg bisa saya bantu?)


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