Senin, 22 Mei 2023

Which Statement Regarding The Mammalian Heart Is Correct

Which Statement Regarding The Mammalian Heart Is Correct

which statement is correct based on the chart

Daftar Isi

1. which statement is correct based on the chart


itu diartiin apa gimana ?


klo artinya : pernyataan mana yang benar berdasarkan grafik

2. which statement is not correct based on the label

karena soal tidak lengkap, saya akan mengartikan.

Which statement is not correct based on the label = pernyataan manakah yang tidak tepat/benar berdasarkan pada label?

3. which statement is not correct based on the nex?​


pernyataan mana yang tidak benar berdasarkan teks tersebut?​

semoga membantu & maaf ya kalo salah

4. the correct statement for the picture is..​


B. The cat under the chair




kucing itu/kucingnya dibawah kursi

5. Which one is the gerund's statement.....

itu aja yang aku tahu

6. which one is the correct statement about the writes's father artinya​


yang mana pernyataan yang benar tentang ayah si penulis


semoga membantu y kak

7. which the statement below is false​


what to do with the same time as well as


what to do with the same time as well as the same thing as

8. Which is the incorrect statement?​

halo mana pertanyaan nya?where is the questioquestions


9. the correct statement for the picture is....,​


D. the cat between the rock


Jika ada kalimat dengan BETWEEN, artinya benda atau makhluk hidup ada di antara suatu benda.

Semoga terbantu :D

10. Apa maksut dari which statement is FALSE is the witc


pernyataan mana yang palsu.

maaf kalau salah.


suruh memilih jawaban yang salah, dari pernyataan yang diberikan

11. apa jawab dari soal bahasa inggris"which of the following statement is correct based on the text above?

itutu artinya 'yang mana dari pernyataan dibawah ini yang benar sesuai dengan teks diatas?'Maaf itu pertanyaannya tidak ada jawaban yang bisa dipilih. Karena arti soal diatas adalah ' pernyataan yang benar berdasarkan teks, adalah'.

Sedangkan jawaban dan teks tidak disertakan.

12. what is your opinion regarding respecting other's argumentative statement which you personally disagree to it?

I think,although we don't agree with the opinions of others. We have to respect them,because in order for them to feel valued and be more opinions, it is better to make a conclusion.
I hope my answered could help you

13. Ani is 36 years old. Dina is 37 years old.dita is 30 years old. Which the statement below is correct?​

jawaban nya yaitu 40 mungkin

Jawabannya A. Ani is the youngest than others

14. which of the following statement is correct according to the text?​


sang-gwan eobs-eo geunyang pointeu man wonhae mianhajiman sang-gwan eobs-eo

eochapi doulyeoneungeoya sigan nangbi ya

ye, an halgeyo singo manhamyeon eobjang-iogo iss-eoyo

jjinja mianhe-!! jjinjayo na jjinja

15. Which statement is correct based on the picture about Mr. Hendra​

I can help

I jus gonna say what my teacher looks like


- black hair

- dark brown skin

- islam

- nice

16. Choose True, if the statement is correct or False if the statement is wrong​


the writer got it from his grandfather (false)

it's brown and looks like a toy car (true)

17. what is the correct statement?​


PQ // KL

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Sorry If wrong

[itu yg sama panjang kan ?]

18. the correct statement four the picture is...​


C. The cat is infront of the door


Karena kucingnya di depan pintu sehingga jawabannya c.

Semoga membantu dan maaf kalau salah ^^


c. The cat is infront of the door

Hope this help^^

Sorry if my answer's wrong

19. what is the correct statement​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

GH-RS, karena memiliki sudut tegak lurus 90°

20. The result of the Dutch-Indonesia Round Table Conference that was agreed on November 2, 1949 was opposed in both respective countries. BECAUSE The result of the conference postponed the negotiation regarding the West Irian and debt issues. The answer is... (A) If the statement is correct, the reason is correct, and both show a cause and effect relationship. (B) If the statement is correct, the reason is correct, but both do not show a cause and effect relationship. (C) If the statement is correct and the reason is incorrect. (D) If the statement is incorrect and the reason is correct. (E) If the statement and the reason are both incorrect.

The result of the Dutch-Indonesia Round Table Conference that was agreed on November 2, 1949 was opposed in both respective countries. (INCORRECT)


The result of the conference postponed the negotiation regarding the West Irian and debt issues. (CORRECT)

The answer is D. If the statement is incorrect and the reason is correct.


Pernyataan di atas berarti: Hasil Konferensi Meja Bundar Belanda-Indonesia yang disepakati pada 2 November 1949 ditentang di kedua negara.

Alasan di atas berarti: Hasil konferensi itu menunda negosiasi mengenai masalah Irian Barat dan masalah utang.

Pernyataan di atas kurang tepat karena hasil KMB tidak ditentang oleh kedua negara, karena akhirnya Indonesia berbentuk RIS (Republik Indonesia Serikat). Meski ada tiga permasalahan yang tidak menemukan titik terang (masalah Irian Barat, hutang, dan masalah Uni Indonesia-Belanda), Indonesia dan Belanda melaksanakan perjanjian KMB.

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Detil jawaban


Keterangan: Kunci Jawaban SBMPTN 2019

Kode: 12.24


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