Jumat, 05 Mei 2023

Why Should A Passenger On A Snowmobile Stay Seated

Why Should A Passenger On A Snowmobile Stay Seated

there are 288 Passengers seated on a train. the ratio of the number of passenger who are standing ia 9:13. how many passenger are there altogether

Daftar Isi

1. there are 288 Passengers seated on a train. the ratio of the number of passenger who are standing ia 9:13. how many passenger are there altogether

Altogether = 22/9 x 288 passengers
   = 22 x 32 passengers
   = 704 passengers

2. 1. Why should you stay away from windows in a tornado?​


because the glass can be broken by a tornado


kaca bisa hancur/pecah saat terjadi tornado



1. the window can broke,

2. also the objects that flew away by the tornado can fly through the windows

3. the tornado can flew you away

3. Why should we stay at home during corona virus pandemic?​


Because, it will literally reduce the spreading velocity of the virus. It will also help the elders to prevent themselves from a fatal disease that the virus contains.


karena mencegah penyebaran penularan lewat social distancing

4. why should we stay at home during corona virus pandemic?Beri penjelasan ya​


Coronavirus spread so fast that we don't  know which one is affected. We stay at home to reduce the spread of the Coronavirus Pandemic, and that's the best solution that we have ever think about

If one person affected, then the symptons doesn't always show up early, but maybe 14 days later.


Coronavirus menyebar sangat cepat sehingga kita tidak tahu yang mana yang terpengaruh. Kami tinggal di rumah untuk mengurangi penyebaran Pandemi Coronavirus, dan itulah solusi terbaik yang pernah kami pikirkan

Jika satu orang terpengaruh, maka gejalanya tidak selalu muncul lebih awal, tetapi mungkin 14 hari kemudian.

Semoga membantu, maaf jika ada kesalahan


because this kind of virus spreads through the air in several minutes and reach the people around them, so we have to stay at our own home


karena virus ini menyebar melalui udara dan dalam beberapa menit dapat menjangkau orang disekitarnya

5. ( to, in order to, so that) 1. Why should we swim?........ have strong muscles 2. Why should we do a warm up before doing any exercise ?........ not to get muscle injury 3. Why should we have a regular exercise ?........ have good health 4. why do We swim?......... stay in shape ​


1. to

2.in order to

3.so that


6. why should we stay at home during corona virus pandemic?​

because if you come out you will be exposed too and accidentally you play a role in the spread of the corona virus

7. they stay focused why should it be done by people in monday morning??

They are focused because they start to do their duty because monday is the day people go to school/ go to work

8. Tell us, why we should wash our hands, take a bath 2 times a day, physical distancing, stay at home?​


-to prevent the spread of covid-19

-to prevent increased covid-19 mortality

-I hope it helps you;)


9. Sekar : why do you just stay at home? Let’s go out Rio : I’m sorry. I have a lot of homework. I … them before tonightShould goShould go,Should FinishShould FinishShould be goingShould be going,Should have doneShould have done,Should have finished​


should have finished


10. Hortatory Exposition (Writing Activity) why people should stay at home during the pandemic off covid 19​


Many experts suggest a number of ways to support the spread of Covid-19. ... Apart from that, the public also observes the importance of staying at home to support and prevent the spread of the corona virus.


yang artinya : Banyak ahli saran sejumlah cara untuk mendukung penyebaran Covid-19. ... Selain itu, masyarakat juga mengamati pentingnya tinggal di rumah untuk mendukung dan mencegah penyebaran virus corona.

maaf kalo salah

11. Why we should stay at home during corona virus pandemic?​


To break the chain of transmission of the corona virus

(Untuk memutus rantai penularan virus corona)

12. why did the occupants of the houses decide to stay on the roof?

i dont know, because i dont see any question in this page...maybe you forget to put it in

13. why should we stay away from drugs?Tolong jawab kan Tentang narkoba

because drugs can interfere with our health and also not good for consumption
(karena narkoba dapat menggangu kesehatan kita dan juga tidak baik untuk dikonsumsi)

14. Why we should stay at home during Corona virus pandemic?​


because we must keep healthy of family and can stop pandemic of Corona virus

Because if we leave the house, we will be infected by people who are already infected out there, and when we go home we will spread the virus to the people at home.



15. : Why should we jog?1. Arman:We should jog in order to have stronger lungs.ElangWhy should we swim?Herman2..have strong muscles.Arif:Why should we do a warm up before doing any exercise?Maulida3.. ..not to get muscle injury.Aulia:Why should we have regular exercise?Marisa..have good health.Martha5. Katrin:Why do we swim?...stay in shape.Fathiha​

Jawaban :

2. So we can


4.So we would

5.In order to

Penjelasan :

1. Arman : Why should we jog?

Elang :We should jog in order to have stronger lungs.

2.Herman :Why should we swim?

Arif : So we can have strong muscles.

3. Maulida :Why should we do a warm up before doing any exercise?

Aulia : To not to get muscle injury.

4. Marisa :Why should we have regular exercise?

Marisa : So we would have good health.

5. Katrin :Why do we swim?

Fathiha : Inorderto stay in shape.

16. berikan agreeing dan disagreeing dari: A. Woman should stay at home. B. Woman should not work​


Setuju dan tidak setuju

A.wanita harus tinggal dirumah

B.wanita seharusnya tidak bekerja


gue artiin dalam bahasa Indonesia maaf kalau salah ya




I agree with the woman should stay at home, because they must keep themself from promiscuity


I not agree with the woman should stay at home, because most of them have a lot of work.



I agree with the woman should not work because they have responsibilities at home as housewife


I not agree with the woman should not work, because there must be among those who do not have a husband so that no one else can earn a living to fulfill their daily lives

17. While underway in narrow channel,a vessel should stay?

the ship must stay memorable:v

right? Already know how to do a small way through sono ngakak parah wkwk:v

18. ......to stay healthy,we should eat a lot more

The way

maaf kalo salah :)in order to (?) maaf klo salah hhe

19. they stay focused why should it be done by people in monday morning??

They are focused because they start to do their duty because monday is the day people go to school/ go to work

20. why should we stay at home during corona virus pandemic?​

So we dont get exposed to the virus if we get exposed to the virus we might get infected


supaya kita tidak tetular virus corona,

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