Kamis, 28 April 2022

Cameron Says The Shape Below Is A Parallelogram

Cameron Says The Shape Below Is A Parallelogram

the shape of mountain is.... a. rhomb c. parallelogramb. prism d. triangular ​

Daftar Isi

1. the shape of mountain is.... a. rhomb c. parallelogramb. prism d. triangular ​


D. triangular ( segitiga)

2. .1.a.The shape of a kite is ...kiteb. Parallelogrampyramidd.squareC.​


quadrilateral / Square


In Euclidean geometry, a kite is a quadrilateral whose four sides can be grouped into two pairs of equal-length sides that are adjacent to each other. In contrast, a parallelogram also has two pairs of equal-length sides, but they are opposite to each other instead of being adjacent.


jika tidak terlalu dipahami, bisa lihat yg dibawah yaa

Dalam geometri Euclidean, layang-layang adalah segi empat yang keempat sisinya dapat dikelompokkan menjadi dua pasang sisi yang sama panjang yang saling berdekatan. Sebaliknya, jajar genjang juga memiliki dua pasang sisi yang sama panjang, tetapi mereka berlawanan satu sama lain bukannya berdekatan.

Aku ga terlalu paham sama option yang ada di abc kamu, penjelasan lebih lengkapnya ada digoogle yaa

Semoga membantuu<3

3. The book is in the shapeof rectangleThe vase is in the shapeof a ....The clock is in theshape of a..The road sign is in theshape of a ....The "Belah Ketupat" isin the shape of a..the vase is in the shape of a...tolong jawab nanti aku follow +jawaban terbaik​


The vase is in the shape

of a Circle

The clock is in the

shape of a Circle

The road sign is in the

shape of a Triangle/Circle

The "Belah Ketupat" is

in the shape of a Diamond

the vase is in the shape of a circle


Sorry if I'm wrong!

Maaf kalo salah!


The vase is in the shape

of a Circle

The clock is in the

shape of a Circle

The road sign is in the

shape of a Triangle/Circle

The "Belah Ketupat" is

in the shape of a Diamond

the vase is in the shape of a circle

#semoga membantu

4. 2. Look at the figure below. 12 cm C 8 cm 10 cm B The area of the parallelogram is ...

L = a x t

L = 12 x 10

L = 120 cm²

semoga membantu


~ diketahui :

alas : 12 cmtinggi : 10 cm


[tex]l = a \times t[/tex]

[tex] = 12 cm\times 10cm[/tex]

[tex] = 120 {cm}^{2} [/tex]


5. arange the jumbled word below into a good sentences 1. shape-star-is-it2. is-what-it-shape3. the-is-spherical-globe4. is-mr. Aryo-librarion-a5. read-mita-novel​


1. it is star shape

2. what is it shape

3. the globe is spherical

4. mr. Aryo is s librarion

5. mitta read novel

semoga membantu

1. it is star shape
2. what shape is it
3. the globe is spherical
4. mr. aryo is a librarian
5. mita read novel

6. it is a..... the shape is​


the shape is cylindier(tabung)


maaf kalo salah

7. Rectagle-is-cupboard-the Draw-you-can-pentagon-a Hexagon-is-a-that Is-circle-wheel-shape-the-of Know-do-you-of-a-ball-shape-the-? Ovale-is-egg-the-shape-of A-rectangle-it-is Is-cone-icecream-of-the-shape Can-i-a-cube-draw Of-this-bamboo-is-the-shape-what-?


the cupboard is rectagle.you can draw a pentagon.that is a hexagon.the wheel is shape of circledo you know shape of the ball ?the egg is shape of ovale.it is a rectagle.ice cream. is the shape of cone.i can draw a cube.what is the shape of this bamboo?

smg membantu, jadikan jawaban terbaik ya

8. inFill in the blanks below with correct answer!(Isilah titik-titik di bevah ini dengan jawaban yang benar!)1. What is your favorite shape?My favorite shape is2. Can you draw a triangle?Yes,.What shape is it?It is aThe shape of the tower isanny5.The lamp is like anlempu sepertiSebuah​


1. My favorite shape is circle, triangle, squre, rectangle, heart, hexagon, etc. (opsional/pilih salah satu)

2. Yes, I can. I can draw a triangle.

4. The shape of the tower is triangle.

5. The lamp is like an ellipse.

9. It is a ....The shape is ....​


It is a geometry

The shape is tube


bahasa Indonesianya :

ini bangun ruang

bentuknya tabung

maaf kalau salah

10. the shape of egg is the shape of egg is​



maaf kalau salah

follow dong


Egg Shape Is Oval


The shape of the egg itself is difficult to describe, here. The closest shape is oval. The word oval itself comes from the Latin "ovum" which means egg, lo. According to some opinions, this egg shape came about by evolution.

11. PQRS is a parallelogram.


the working and the answer are shown in the pic

semangat belajar;))

12. Bernard wants to measure the perimeter of his room. The room is parallelogram in shape and is 7m long and 7m wide. What is the perimeter of the room in square cm? ​

The perimeter P of a rectangle is given by the formula, P=2l+2w , where l is the length and w is the width of the rectangle

13. 1. The shape of ice cream is.2 The shape of blackboard is3. The shape of ringis4.The shape of marble is.5.The shape of an egg is ...6. The shape of ball is7. Usually the shape of pencil case is...8. The shape of ruler is....9. The shape of soap is....10. The shape of cupboard is...TOLONG DI JAWAB DENGAN BENAR SOALNYA INI BUAT ULANGAN TERIMA KASIH YANG JAWAB PERTANYAAN INI AKU FOLLOWTHANKS​

1. Translate : Bentuk es krim ini adalah

Answer : frozen but could easily be formed but had to use an ice cream maker.

2. the shape of blackboard = bentuk papan tulis ini adalah.

Answer = the shape rectangular.

# smg membantu

14. A: What is the shape of the dustbin?B:A: What is the shape of the mountain?B:A: What is the shape of the blackboard?B:​

Jawaban: ini jawabannya ya kak


The shape of a dustbin : circle

The shape of a mountian : triangle

The shape of the blackboard : rectangle

^^ semoga membantu

15. 21. What is the name of the shape belowA CubeB. RectangleC. TriangleD. Trapezium​



Persegi panjang






maaf kalau salah

16. 4. answer the question below.What shape is the wheel ?b. What size of the planea.​


1. round/circle


17. 5cubeTask3Arrange the jumbled words below into a good sentence!Susunlah kata-kata acak berikut menjadi kalimat yang benar!1 shape - star-is-It =2. paper - The -is - rectangle3. is - What-it- shape - ? =4. ball - is - What - shape-of-a-the- ? =5.is - The -- sphere-globe =​


1.it is star shape

2.the paper is rectangle

3.what it is shape?

4.what is a shape of the ball?

5.is the sphere globe


follow me for more answer and question


1.) It is star shape2.) The paper is rectangle3.) What it is shape?4.) What is the shape of a ball?5.) The globe is sphere


1.) Ini adalah bentuk bintang

2.) Kertas itu persegi panjang

3.) Bentuk apa ini?

4.) Apa bentuk sebuah bola?

5.) Globe itu bulat

— Semoga membantu,

maaf kalo ada s a l a h


18. 1.the shape of wheel is.......2.the shape of the earth is.....3.the shape of the flute is......

1. The Shape of Wheel is Round
2. The Shape of the Earth is Round
3. The Shape of Flute is Trapezoidal
I Hope It Will Help You!!

19. Rectagle-is-cupboard-the Draw-you-can-pentagon-a Hexagon-is-a-that Is-circle-wheel-shape-the-of Know-do-you-of-a-ball-shape-the-? Ovale-is-egg-the-shape-of A-rectangle-it-is Is-cone-icecream-of-the-shape Can-i-a-cube-draw Of-this-bamboo-is-the-shape-what-?


the cupboard is rectangle

you can draw a pentagon

is that a hexagon

do you know shape of a ball?

the shape of egg is oval

it is a rectangle

i can draw a cube

what is the shape of this bamboo

maaf ga bisa jwb semuanya

semoga membantu :)

maaf klo slh

the cupboard is rectangle

can you draw a pentagon / you can draw a pentagon

is that a hexagon / that is a hexagon

wheel is the shape of circle (?)

do you know the shape of a ball?

egg is the shape of oval (?)

is shape of the ice cream cone (?)

i can draw a cube

what is the shape of this bamboo?

maap klo salah:)

20. The shape of bottle isThe shape of apple is...​


-Tube shape: bentuk tabung

-round: berbentuk bulat


semoga membantuu;)


the shape of bottle is cylinder

the shape of apple is round

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