Kamis, 29 September 2022

Black Caps Are The Signature Headwear For

Black Caps Are The Signature Headwear For

answer the question! Are there any caps? No,__________________ tolong jawab makasih

Daftar Isi

1. answer the question! Are there any caps? No,__________________ tolong jawab makasih


No, there aren't any caps.


Karena di pertanyaanya dia pakai Are there any dan karena pernyataanya itu negatif, jadi pakai there aren't any ( there are not any).

2. are-caps-your -those

are those your caps....+ those are you caps.
? are those your caps?

silahkan dipilih antara kalimat positif dan tanya

3. are they any caps ? . no, .......​


no, there are not


4. 1.The Garden is very pretty=it is a pretty garden2.The sky is blue=3.The bird are black=They are black birds4.The trees are green=5.The hill is garden=6.The car is yellow=7.The flowers are red​


2. it is a blue sky

4. they are the green trees

6. the yellow car

7. the red flowers

5. 2/5 of my sister's beads are yellow. 7/13 of the remaining beads are green. the rest of the beads are black. if there are 32 more yellow beads than black beads, how many beads are green?

Arti = 2/5 manik-manik kakakku berwarna kuning. 7/13 dari manik-manik yang tersisa berwarna hijau. Bagian manik lainnya berwarna hitam. Jika ada 32 manik-manik kuning lebih dari manik-manik hitam, berapa banyak manik-manik bewarna hijau?

kuning = 2/ 5 = 26/65
green = 7/13 = 65/65 - 26/65 = 39/65 × 7/13 = 21 / 65
black = 65 / 65 - ( 26/65 + 21/65) = 65/65 -47/65 = 18/ 65
kuning - hitam = 32
26 - 18 = 8
32 ÷ 8 = 4
kuning = 26×4 = 108
hijau = 21 × 4 = 48
hitam= 18 ×4 = 72
maka jawabannya adalah 48

6. Black-shoes-are-the susunan kalimat yg benar

the shoes are black

jadikan jawaban terbaik dn jgn lupa like ya

7. What are the benefits of black cumin?​


Prevent Diabetes.

Lower Blood Pressure.

Increase Memory and Concentration.

Prevent Cancer.

Neutralize Toxins


its okey

8. How the eyes of the giraffe look like?a. they are big and black.b. they are big and brown.c. they are small and brown.d. they are small and black.​


b. They are big and brown


maaf bila salah

9. .......is for writing on the black-board ada 5 kotak ​


chalk : kapur



(chalk) is for writing on the black-
ada 5 kotak

10. these are the information required to fill the form, except...a. nameb. addressc. signatured. neighbour's name​


D.) Neighbour's name


sorry if you said wrongly you have a WA number


b Indonesia:

ini adalah informasi yang diperlukan untuk mengisi formulir, kecuali ...

a. nama

b. alamat

c. tanda tangan

d. nama tetangga


jawaban:d. nama tetangga(d.neighbour's name)

11. the things black boar......what we use them for.... ?

we can use "chalk"...

12. Writing Task 7 Arrange the sentences into a good dialogue! Shop assistant : What color are you looking for? Shop assistant : Sure... here they are: the black one and the brown. Shop assistant : What can I do for you, Sir? Customer : Either black or brown. Can you show me the best one, please? Customer : I'm looking for a leather jacket. Plise help me answer

Shop assistant : what can i do for you sir?
Customer : i’m looking for a leather jacket
Shop assistant : what color are you looking for?
Customer : either black or brown. Can you show me the best one, please?
Shop assistant: sure... here they are : the black one and the brown


shop assistant: what can i do for you sir? (apa yang bisa saya lakukan untuk anda, pak?)

customer: i'm looking for a leather jacket (saya sedang melihat-lihat jaket kulit)

shop assistant: what color are you looking for? (warna apa yang sedang anda cari?)

customer: either black or brown, can you show me the best one, please? (antara hitam atau coklat, bisakah anda tunjukan yang paling bagus untuk saya, tolong)

shop assistant: sure… here they are the black one and the brown (tentu, ini yang hitam dan ini coklat)

13. Thisis our eraser the cdous are black and blue ​


aku ralat yaa

This is our eraser the colors are black and blue


ini adalah penghapus kami/kita yang berwarna hitam dan biru


semoga membantu

14. (+) The books signature by the writer(-) The books not signature by the write(?)​


(?) was the books signature by the writer?

15. ...is for writing on the black board​

Chalkboard is for writing on the blackboard

16. apa perbedaan safe wear dan headwear

Software adalah perangkat lunak dalam komputer sedangkan hardware adalah perangkat keras komputer

17. 23. Ann and I are wearing the same colour caps; caps are green.... got it in a play at the amusement park. a. their / they b. we/ our c. her/she d. our / we e. my/ours​


c her/she


sorry ya kalo salah


23. Ann and I are wearing the same colour caps; caps are green. We got it in a play at the amusement park.


B. We/our

18. Decide the head words for the following noun phrases: • The black hairy dog with a boy • Boys in high school uniforms • Neat uniforms for dog keeper The head words of the phrases are ….

head words = kata yang diterangkan dalam noun phrase

1. dog
2. boys
3. uniforms

semoga membantu :)

19. fill in the blanks with correct possessive adjectives(my,their,our,her,his,etc.)8.jimmy and billy are wearing caps....caps are blue9.anna and l are buying new shoes...shoes are expensive​


8. Jimmy and billy are wearing caps 'their' caps are blue (ragu entah the atau their)

9. Anna and I are buyihg new shoes 'the' shoes are expensive


maaf kalau salah, semoga membantu

20. that is thean /his T-shirt is black.the right combination for the sentences above is...a. that is the man who T-shirt ia blackb.that is the woman whose T-shirt ia blackc.that is the man whom T-shirt ia blackd.that is the man which T-shirt ia blacke.all answer are wrong​


b.that is the woman whose T-shirt ia black


whose =bentuk kepemilikan

sry if i'm wrong.

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