Senin, 21 November 2022

Which Rectangle Shows The Final Image 1 2 3 4

Which Rectangle Shows The Final Image 1 2 3 4

an image which is 1/2cm high is put 20cm infront of a convex lens which has a 10cm focal length1) draw the image formation2) write down the nature of the image​

Daftar Isi

1. an image which is 1/2cm high is put 20cm infront of a convex lens which has a 10cm focal length1) draw the image formation2) write down the nature of the image​


the nature of the image

- not real

- upright

- enlarged


s' = -20 cm

h' = -1/2 cm

f = 10 cm

distance of object

1/f = 1/s + 1/s'

1/10 = 1/s - 1/20

1/s = 3/20

s = 20/3 = 6,67


M = |s'/s| = |-20/(20/3)|

M = 3

object's height

M = |h'/h|

3 = (1/2)/h

h = 1/6 cm

the nature of the image

- not real

- upright

- enlarged

2. The final image characteristic of a microscope is

the final image characteristic of a microscope is:
-in the light microscope, the final image has the same properties as a shadow while, apparent, inverted, and even more magnified
-in electron microscopy, the final image has the same properties as real objects images, aligned, and enlarged.

3. which of the following the shows gratitude

Yang berikut ini menunjukan rasa terima kasih

#semogamembantu Gratitude adalah ucapan terima kasih.

Thank you
Thanks a lot
Thank you very much
I am grateful for

Nah arti dr prtnyaan d atas adalah "dibawah ini manakah yg menunjukan ungkapan terima kasih". Jika tu soal plihan ganda, mka bsa plih yg da ucpan thanks atau grateful nya.

4. 1. Which is rectangleplis jawab lagi ulangan​


c .....................

5. 1. which dialogue shows giving suggestion?2. which dialogue shows offering something?Tolong dijawab ​


1.) Which dialogue shows giving suggestion? (Memberi saran)

Dialogue 2, "You should take a rest. You really look pale." (Kamu harus istirahat. Kamu benar-benar kelihatan pucat.)

2.) Which dialogue shows offering something? (Menawarkan sesuatu)

Dialogue 1, "You can use my cell phone." (Kamu bisa menggunakan Handphoneku.)

6. 11 A rectangle has sides which differ in length by 3 cm. If the area of the rectangle is 154 cm, find its perimeter.​

Jangan dihapus.
l = length
is 3 cm longer than the w = width
l = 3 + w
Area (a) = 154 cm²
a = l · w
a = (3+w )·w
154 = w(3+w)
154 = 3w + w²
w² + 3w - 154 = 0
(w+14)(w-11) = 0
w ≠ -14
w = 11 cm
Find the length (l)
l = 3 + w
l = 3 + 11
l = 14 cm
Find the perimeter
P = 2(l+w)
P = 2(14+11)
P = 2(25) = 50 cm
Perimeter = 50 cm

7. The traffic sign which shows thecrossed letter P means,"....!"​


A white square sign with the letter “P” crossed out means that parking there is prohibited. If you park where it is prohibited, you run the risk of getting a parking ticket or getting your N Charlotte Toyota towed.



8. 1. what is the main idea of the first paragraph?2. what is the main idea of the second paragraph?3. which paragraph shows that Ronny has a tough personality?4. which paragraph shows Ronny's willing to expand his family's business?5. what is the main idea of the last paragraph?​


1. Describing Ronny's Biodata

2. Ronny's parents small shop

3. 3rd paragraph (It didn't make him give up)

4 3rd paragraph (Ronny tried to introduce his father's product)

5. The successful Ronny's product

9. 1. which sentence in the Speech is shows addresses2. what greeting used by the speaker3. which part belongs to the opening introduction4. what kind of Speech is the text3. what does the speaker express congratulation​


tih ya jawaban nya semoga membantu

10. Which sentence shows the description of appearance

where are the sentences?

11. which sentence in the e-mail shows

translate ya ?
kl translate jawabannya kalimant mana di email menunjukkan

12. Which sentence in the speech is shows addresses?


kalimat mana dalam pidatonya yang menunjukkan alamat


iru artinya, saya tidak tau sebenarnya apa yang anda tanyakan, tapi hanya ini yang bisa saya jawab terimakasih

13. which picture shows you the lettuce?

C ?, gk jelas gambarnya
Lettuce kan selada
Kayanya kalo nggak yang C.lettuce

14. 1. Which sentence in the speech is shows addresses?


1.kalimat mana dalam pidato yang menunjukkan alamat?

15. which sentence shows activity at the moment?


which sentence shows activity at the moment?


kalimat mana yang menunjukkan aktivitas saat ini?

16. which part shows the chorustolong jwb y☹️​


In the AABA song form, the A section is considered the chorus, and it's the first principle melody that listeners hear. The 32-bar AABA form was particularly popular during the first part of the twentieth century when most pop songs debuted as show tunes.


17. 10. The diagram shows a rectangle EFGH drawn inside another rectangle ABCD, such that AF = 3 cm, AE=4 cm, BG: BC = 3:5. Given that triangles AEF and BFG are similar, find the area of rectangle EFGH.​

Luas area persegi panjang EFGH adalah 50 cm². Hasil ini didapat dengan menggunakan rumus kesebangunan dan phytagoras.

Penjelasan dan Langkah-Langkah:

Kesebangunan adalah ddua bangun datar atau lebih dengan perbandingan sisi yang senilai dan sudut-sudut yang bersesuaian. Tidak perlu ukurannya sama, tetapi sisi-sisi yang bersesuaian sebanding (proportional) dan sudut-sudut yang bersesuaian sama besar.


AF = 3cm

AE = 4 cm

BG:BC = 3:5



Area of rectangle EFGH atau Luas persegi panjang AFGH?


Pertama, kita cari dahulu panjang BG

gunakan persamaan BG:BC = 3:5

kita tahu bahwa panjang CG= panjang AE yaitu 4 cm

sehingga akan mucul persamaan:

BG:BC-->  [tex]\frac{BG}{BG+4}[/tex] [tex]= \frac{3}{5}[/tex] (kali silang)

5×BG = 3×(BG+4)

5BG = 3BG + 12 (pindah ruas)

5BG-3BG = 12

2BG = 12

BG = [tex]\frac{12}{2}[/tex] = 6 cm

Kedua, karena ΔAEF = ΔBFG (sebangun) maka kita dapat membuat persamaan kedua:




mencari panjang BF = [tex]\frac{AE}{AF} =\frac{BF}{BG}[/tex]

[tex]\frac{4}{3} =\frac{BF}{6} \\BF = \frac{4}{3}[/tex]×[tex]6[/tex]

[tex]BF = 8[/tex] cm

mencari panjang EF dan FG menggunakan rumus phytagoras [tex]c^2 = a^2+b^2[/tex]

[tex]FG =\sqrt{BF^2+BG^2}\\FG = \sqrt{8^2+6^2}\\FG= \sqrt{64+36}\\FG=\sqrt{100}\\FG= 10[/tex] dan  [tex]EF =\sqrt{AE^2+AF^2}\\EF= \sqrt{4^2+3^2}\\EF= \sqrt{16+9}\\EF=\sqrt{25}\\EF=5[/tex]

Ketiga, mencari luas area persegi panjang EFGH

karena telah diketahui bahwa panjang sisi FG = 10 cm dan sisi EF = 5 cm

Maka luas EFGH = [tex]p[/tex]×[tex]l[/tex] = 10 cm × 5 cm = 50 cm²

Sehingga luas EFGH adalah 50 cm²

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai materi rumus phytagoras pada

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ1

18. Which picture Shows the animal described​


gambar yang menunjukan binatang menggambarkan..


smoga membantu

19. Which shape in the classroom is rectangle? the door the board the chair

A rectangle shape in the classroom is both the door and the board. It is because the door and the board have four sides.


Bentuk persegi panjang di ruang kelas adalah pintu dan papan tulis. Karena pintu dan papannya memiliki empat sisi.

Rectangle shape (bentuk persegi panjang) adalah bentuk suatu benda yang memiliki empat sisi. Lebih detail dari bentuk persegi panjang adalah sbb:

Memiliki empat sisi dengan sisi yang berhadapan sejajar dan sama panjangSetiap ujung sisinya memiliki ukuran 90°

Ciri-ciri tersebut dapat ditemukan pada Pintu (the door) dan Papan tulis (the board).

Jenis-jenis bentuk (shape) dalam bahasa Inggris

A. Rectangle (persegi panjang)

- Memiliki empat sisi

- Sisi yang berhadapan sejajar dan sama panjang

- Setiap ujung sisinya memiliki ukuran 90°

B. Square (persegi)

- Memiliki empat sisi

- Sisinya sama panjang

- Setiap ujung sisinya memiliki ukuran 90°

C. Triangle (segi tiga)

- Memiliki tiga sisi

- Jumlah sudutnya 180°

D. Circle (lingkaran)

- Berbentuk lingkaran

- Sudutnya 360°

E. Pentagon (segi lima)

- Memiliki lima sisi

F. Hexagon (segi enam)

- Memiliki enam sisi

Pelajari lebih lanjut:

Materi tentang 5 Names of Shapes

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ4

20. 1.who are they in the dialogue ? Answer: .............2.why does Chika ask for attention? Answer: .............3.where does the dialogue take place ? Answer: .............4. which utterance shows the expression of asking attention ? Answer:...........5. which utterance shows the expression of showing attention ? Answer :..........​

1.who are they in the dialogue ?

Answer: They are classmates

2.why does Chika ask for attention?

Answer: Because Hana is reading a book and Chika wants Hana to accompany her to the supermarket after from school.

3.where does the dialogue take place ?

Answer: In the library

4. which utterance shows the expression of asking attention ?

Answer: Chika: "Oh, may I have your attention please?"

5. which utterance shows the expression of showing attention ?

Answer : Hana: "Okay, Chika."


Reading Compehension:

1.who are they in the dialogue ?

Answer: They are classmates in the dialogue.

2.why does Chika ask for attention?

Answer: Chika asks for attention because Hana is reading a book and Chika wants Hana to accompany her to the supermarket after they go home school.

3.where does the dialogue take place ?

Answer: The dialogue takes place in the library.

4. which utterance shows the expression of asking attention ?

Answer: Chika: Oh, may I have your attention please?

5. which utterance shows the expression of showing attention ?

Answer : Hana: Okay, Chika.


Jawaban dicetak tebal berdasarkan bacaan sekaligus penjelasan dan merupakan materi pembelajaran Reading Comprehension (pemahaman bacaan) dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Pemahaman bacaan:

1. Mereka adalah teman sekelas berdasarkan dialog dalam bacaan

2. Chika meminta perhatian karena Hana sedang membaca buku dan Chika ingin Hana menemaninya ke supermarket setelah mereka pulang sekolah.

3. Berdasarkan bacaan, dialog terjadi di dalam sebuah perpustakaan

4. Ekspresi meminta perhatian berdasarkan bacaan:

Chika: Oh, may I have your attention please?

5. Jawaban Hana menunjukkan bahwa dia memberikan perhatiannya untuk Chika

Semoga membantu ya.

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