Senin, 15 Agustus 2022

How Many Miles In A Second

How Many Miles In A Second

how many bedrooms were there in the second tlat

Daftar Isi

1. how many bedrooms were there in the second tlat


Bahasa Indonesianya berapa banyak kamar tidur di sana di tlat kedua?

2. A train Will loop and in how many second train 1 will loop.....A. any secondB. 2 secondC. 5 second​


A. any second


They didn't tell specifically about how many second train 1 will loop
it might be 1, it might be 2 or it might be forever

3. If a trip of 270 miles required 12 gallons of fuel, how many gallons are required for a trip of 400 miles


400 miles/270 miles x 12 gallons

= 4.800/270

= 17 210/270

= 17 21/27

= 17 7/9 gallons

4. A copper wire of cross-sectional area 2.0 mm2 carries a current of 10a. how many electrons pass through a given cross-section of the wire in one second ?

A copper wire of cross-sectional area 2.0 mm2 carries a current of 10a. how many electrons pass through a given cross-section of the wire in one second?

Sebuah kawat tembaga memiliki area potongan melintang 2.0 mm2 membawa arus 10a. Berapa jumlah elektron yang lewat melalui potongan melintang kabel tersebut dalam satu detik?

Jumlah elektron yang lewat melalui cross-section kabel tersebut adalah 6.25 x 10¹⁹ elektron/detik


Pertanyaan ini sedikit menjebak karena menyebut area potongan melintang yang dapat diabaikan.

Apa itu ampere?

Satu Ampere sama dengan satu Coulomb per detik

(1 A = 1 C).


10A = 10 Coulumb/detik

Apa itu coulomb?

Satu Coulomb (C) sama dengan kira-kira 6.241 x 10¹⁸ muatan dasar,

Atau 1 C = 6.241 x 10¹⁸ x Muatan Dasar

                 (Dimana Muatan Dasar memiliki konstan = 1.6 x 10⁻¹⁹ C)

              = 6.241 x 10¹⁸ x 1.60217662 x 10⁻¹⁹ C


1 C = 6.241 x 10¹⁸ elektron/detik

10 C = (10 C x 6.241 x 10¹⁸elektron/detik) / 1 C

       = 6.241 x 10¹⁸ elektron/detik

Sekarang, muatan dasar selalu memiliki konstan 1.6 x 10⁻¹⁹ C, yang berarti anda akan mendapatkan 6.25 x 10¹⁸ elektron dalam satu Coulomb.

Jadi, jawabannya adalah:

10C x (6.25 x 10¹⁸ elektron/detik)/1 C = 6.25 x 10¹⁸elektron/detik.

Pelajari lebih lanjut:

Penjelasan tentang Arus Listrik

Penjelasan tentang Tegangan listrik, Arus listrik, Hambatan listrik

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ4

5. how many miles of telegraph signal range code!tolong di jawab ya

30 miles / 21 km

Hope you can helptranslate : berapa mil kode sinyal telegraf ?
jawaban : satu, yaitu kode morse

6. 1. how many days in February 2020?2. what is the day of the 1st February 2020?3. how many Saturday in February 2020?4. how many Sunday in March 2020?5. in what date is the second Wednesday of March 2020?mata pelajaran = bahasa Inggriskelas = 7mohon jawab dengan baik dan benarTerimakasih ^_^ngasal = lapor​


1. there are 29 days in february

2. that is saturday

3. there are 5 saturday in february

4. there are 5 sunday in march

5. that is 14th. that is second wednesday of march


hope fully i help:)))

7. how to write twenty second in number....​


Dua puluh detik(20 detik)

8. the speed of light 3.00 x 10^8 m/s. what is this speed in feet per second?in miles per second?in miles per hour?kecepatan cahaya 3,00 x 10 ^ 8 m / s. apa kecepatan ini dalam kaki per detik? dalam mil per detik? dalam mil per jam​


Depe jawaban belajar


9. A painter painted 222 houses in 2 years. The number of houses painted in the first year is 5 times of that of the second year. How many houses did the painter paint in the second year?


111 Houses

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

First Year= 222 : 2

= 111 x 5

= 555 Houses

Second Year= First Year: 5

= 555 : 5

=111 Houses

Semoga Membantu :)

10. . If a person drives his car in the speed 50 miles per hour, how far can he cover in 2.5 hours​


125 miles.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

50 x 2.5 = 125

11. . If a person drives his car in the speed 50 miles per hour, how far can he cover in 2.5 hours​


saya tidak tau............

12. downloading 667.5mb8 second = 1mbhow many second or minutes is 667.5mb?​


667.5 X 8 = 5340s

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Semoga bermanfaat dan maaf kalo salah

13. a printer print 6 papers every 8 second running at the same rate ,how many papers does the printer print in 2 minutes

Ok first, there are (2x60) second = 180 second in 2 minutrs.

So you gave to find out FPB of 8 < 180.

180/8 = 22 left 2 second.

So you'll get 22x8 = 176 papers

But since there are 2 second left, then the machine seems still to print some papers. We can called it x.

Let's count x.

8/2 =6/x
8x = 12
X= 12/8
= 3/2

So the machine still has enough time to print 1 more paper.

So the final answer is 176 + 1 = 177 papers.

Good luck

14. A painter painted 222 houses in 2 years. The number of houses painted in the first year is 5 times of that of the second year. How many houses did the painter paint in the second year? houses

[tex]5x + x = 222[/tex]

[tex]6x = 222[/tex]

[tex] \frac{6x}{6} = \frac{222}{6} [/tex]

[tex]x = 37[/tex]

So, the number of houses the painter painted in the second year is 37 houses.

15. A school bought 327 pencils in two months. It bought 185 pencils in the first month. How many pencils did the school buy in the second month?tolong bantuannya kakterimakasih ​



so school buy 142 pencil in the second month

16. How many square miles are needed to take a photograph of seven billion peopleA. one thousand and five hundred square milesB. fourty two million square milesC. six square feetD. five hundred square miles​




Fun fact dari internet bahwa dipercaya 500 Square Miles atau sekitar 1,300 KM² bisa memuat 7 milliar manusia di bumi ini.

17. 4. A factory produced 2300 TV sets in its first year of production. 4500 sets wereproduced in its second year and 500 more sets were produced in its third year thanin its second year. How many TV sets were produced in three years?23​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


18. sarah jogged 4.8 km each day for 20 days last month how many miles did sarah jog in total

sarah jogged 154.464 miles (in total)

[tex] \\ [/tex]

step-by-step explanation└( ^ω^)」

[tex] \sf4,8\:km\times20 [/tex]

[tex] =\sf96\:km [/tex]

[tex] \\ [/tex]

[tex] \sf1\:mile=1.609\:km [/tex]

[tex] \sf96\:km=96\times1.609\:km [/tex]

[tex]\sf96 \: km = {\boxed{ \sf{154.464 \: miles}}}[/tex]

[tex] \\ [/tex]

[tex] - \: \cal TERGULING \: - [/tex]

19. 1. Do you know the month in a year ? mention three month of them ! the first, second, and third month. 2. What month, before two month of july ? 3. Do you know, what is the second month? 4. When do you celebrate National Awakening day? 5. After three month of May is .... 6. How many week in a month? 7. How many days in a year? 8. How to pronounce the year of 2021 ? 9. We always celebrate on august the seventeenth every year, what event is it? 10. How many week in a year?​


1. Yes, January, February, March

2. May

3. February

4. May, 20

5. August

6. 4 week

7. 365 days

8. two thousand twenty one

9. Independence Day

10. 48 week




20. Problem Solving1. Charlie is training to run a marathon. Every dayhe puts on his sneakers and runs 12 miles. Charlinever misses a day. How many miles doesCharlie run in one full year, or 365 days?​


4,380 miles

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

365 × 12 miles= 4,380 miles

Maaf kalau salah

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