Minggu, 12 Maret 2023

The Yield Of A Chemical Process Is Being Studied

The Yield Of A Chemical Process Is Being Studied

Explain the process of Physical digestion and chemical digestion ?

Daftar Isi

1. Explain the process of Physical digestion and chemical digestion ?

While mechanical digestion involves physical movements, such as chewing and muscle contractions, chemical digestion uses enzymes to break down food.

2. 1. What is the chemical formula of chromate? 2. What is the chemical formula of barium chromate?


yes of course zoo and school

3. what is the shape of yield sign

bentuknya ada yg persegi, ada yg persegi panjang

4. this process consists of a series of chemical reactions that require carbon dioxide and water and store chemical energy in the form of sugarTentukan manakah Subjek,predikat,verb,conjuntion​


predikat:energi kimia


5. Which type of food source produces glucose after the process of chemical digestion? A. carbohydrate B. fats C. protein​


A. Carbohydrate


The chyme is gradually expelled into the upper part of the small intestine. Upon entry of the chyme into the small intestine, the pancreas releases pancreatic juice through a duct. This pancreatic juice contains the enzyme, pancreatic amylase, which starts again the breakdown of dextrins into shorter and shorter carbohydrate chains. Additionally, enzymes are secreted by the intestinal cells that line the villi. These enzymes, known collectively as disaccharides, are sucrase, maltase, and lactase. Sucrase breaks sucrose into glucose and fructose molecules. Maltase breaks the bond between the two glucose units of maltose, and lactase breaks the bond between galactose and glucose. Once carbohydrates are chemically broken down into single sugar units they are then transported into the inside of intestinal cells.

6. How is the process of flooding

because humans often littering ... and throwing garbage into the gutter

jadikan yg terbaik..

7. Make your personal letter to the minister of education about the teaching and learning process that is being carried out now!!​


Buat surat pribadi Anda kepada menteri pendidikan tentang proses belajar mengajar yang sedang dilakukan sekarang !!

8. How is the process of hearing into brain?​


So, Sound vibrations make the fluid in the cochlea travel like ocean waves and movement of fluid in turn makes the hair cells The auditory nerve picks up any neural signals created by the hair cells. Hair cells at one end of the cochlea transfer low pitch sound information and hair cells at the opposite end transfer high pitch sound information. The auditory nerve moves signals to the brain where they are then translated into recognizable and meaningful sounds. It is the brain that “hears”.

hope this helps you !


When the vibrations reach the inner ear, they ripple the fluid inside a snail-shell-shaped structure called the cochlea. Now the sound waves are waves in liquid. In the cochlea, specialized receptor cells — hair cells — convert the liquid motion into electrical signals that travel on to the brain.


Semoga membantu yahh ❤️

9. What is the chemical pattern of methanol ?

The pattern of alcohol is CnH2n+1-OH
Meth is n = 1
So, the chemical formula of methanol is CH₃OH

10. rika is being the finalist of A song festival​


rika menjadi finalis festival lagu


aku gak tau harus digimanain jadinya aku artiin aj



Rika menjadi finalis di acara musik / festifal musik.


Rika = Rika

Is being = Menjadi

The Finalist = Finalis

Of = Dari / Di (Kitapakaiyangdi)

A song festival = Festifal Musik / Acara Musik (SamaSaja)


11. Food chain is . . . . * A. the process of living things grow B. the process of eating and being eaten in which energy transfer C. the way of living things move kk tolong di jawab ya




maaf kalo salah semoga membantu terimakasih

12. One of the disadvantages of using chemical pesticides is … *Jawaban Anda?​

On the other hand, the disadvantages to widespread pesticide use are significant. They include domestic animal contaminations and deaths, loss of natural antagonists to pests, pesticide resistance, Honeybee and pollination decline, losses to adjacent crops, fishery and bird losses, and contamination of groundwater

tolong jadiin top komen. makasih

13. One of the disadvantages of using chemical pesticides is ......


may build up as residues in environment and in soils that absorb the chemicals.


14. One of the disadvantages of using chemical pesticides is​


Pests become resistant (resistance) Explosion of new pests (resurgence) Accumulation of chemical residues in crops.

15. what is the process of recycling? ​




Recycling can be done by: -process or Recycling Stages. The following are the stages of recycling activities that you can do: Gather; namely looking for items that have been thrown away such as paper, mineral water bottles, milk boxes, cans and others. namely classifying waste that has been collected by type, such as glass, paper and plastic. Reuse; Once sorted, look for items that can still be reused immediately. Clean it first before use. Send the sorted waste to a waste recycling bin, or wait for a mobile collector who will be happy to buy the item. Recycle Yourself; If you have the time and skills why not do the recycling process yourself. With creativity, various garbage that has been collected and sorted can be transformed into new useful items.

Recycling can be done by: -process or Recycling Stages. The following are the stages of recycling activities that you can do: Gather; namely looking for items that have been thrown away such as paper, mineral water bottles, milk boxes, cans and others. namely classifying waste that has been collected by type, such as glass, paper and plastic. Reuse; Once sorted, look for items that can still be reused immediately. Clean it first before use. Send the sorted waste to a waste recycling bin, or wait for a mobile collector who will be happy to buy the item. Recycle Yourself; If you have the time and skills why not do the recycling process yourself. With creativity, various garbage that has been collected and sorted can be transformed into new useful items. Most importantly, everyone can participate in the recycling process. At least in the first two stages (process) of recycling, namely collecting and sorting waste that can be done at any time.


make it the best answer(。•̀ᴗ-)✧


Recycling is the process of connecting and processing materials that would otherwise be thrown away as trash and turning them into new products.

Maaf, kalau ada yang salah.

Semoga membantu.

16. This process consists of a series of chemical reactions that require carbon dioxide and water and store chemical energy in the form of sugar.mana kah yg merupakan verb, subject, predicate, dan conjunction? ​


Sorry sir, i bont know i am not sure

Verb=consists, require
Subject=process, chemical reactions
Predicate sama kayak verb harusnya

Semoga membantu. Maaf jika salah

17. One of the disadvantages of using chemical pesticides is … *


1. Damaging soil nutrients

2. Dangerous for health

3. Damaging natural ecosystems

4. Death of useful organisms

5. The build-up of chemical residues in crops

6. Pests become immune (resistant)


Pesticides can make pests and plants immune if too much and will cause humans to become infected by unhealthy vegetables when cooking

18. The chemical formula of rust is

F[tex] e_{2} [/tex][tex] O_{3} [/tex]

19. one of the disadvantages of using chemical pesticides is


can accumulate as residue in the environment and in soils that absorb chemicals.

20. What is the last process of making humbergers?​


What is the last process of making humbergers ?


The last process of making a burger is to close the burger and serve it


Semoga membantu... kalau benar tolong jadikan sebagai jawaban terbaik... terimakasih...


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