Senin, 14 Maret 2022

16 Is 4 Of What Number

16 Is 4 Of What Number

tlg dibantu donk kaaa,,,1) What is the ordinal number of 311? 2)What is the cardinal number of 414? 3)What is the cardinal number of 89? 4)What is the cardinal number of 567? 5)What is the cardinal number of 56?​

Daftar Isi

1. tlg dibantu donk kaaa,,,1) What is the ordinal number of 311? 2)What is the cardinal number of 414? 3)What is the cardinal number of 89? 4)What is the cardinal number of 567? 5)What is the cardinal number of 56?​


1. three hundred and eleven 2. the Fourth hundred and fourteen, 3. the Eighty nineth 4. the Fifth hundred and sixty seven 5. the Fifty sixth


2. 1/3 of a number is 16. What is of this number? a. 8 b. 16c.244. 48tulis caranya dalam bahasa Inggris ya​


1/3 of a number is 16






The number is 48

semoga bermanfaat

3. 5/8 of a number is 80. What is 1/4 of the number?



maaf klo salah

tolong jadikan jawaban tercerdas



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

5/8 x a = 80

80 : 5/8

= 80 x 8/5


a = 128

1/4 x 128 = 32

4. the sum of four number is 211 the average of three of the number is 42. what is the four number ?


Arti pertanyaan tersebut dalam Bahasa Indonesia:

Jumlah dari 4 bilangan adalah 211 dan rata-rata 3 bilangan adalah 42.Berapakah nilai dari bilangan ke-4 tersebut.



Bilangan 1=A

Bilangan 2=B

Bilangan 3=C

Bilangan 4=D





Nilai bilangan keempat(D)=211-126=85.

Semoga membantu.>_<.Jadikan jawaban terbaik ya.

a+b+c+d = 211

(a+b+c)/3 = 42

a+b+c = 126

a+b+c+d = 211  <= a+b+c = 126

126+d  =211

d = 85

5. I am thinking of a number. 80% of the number is 56. What is the number?

80 % = 56
100 % = x

80%x = 56
X = 5600/80
X = 70
Maaf kalo salah



Translate: Aku sedang memikirkan sebuah angka. 80% dari angkanya adalah 56. Berapa angka aslinya?

80% = 56

100% = ???


80% ÷ 8

= 10% × 10

= 100% ← Angka asli

Ubah menjadi:

56 ÷ 8

= 7 × 10

= 70 ← Angka asli

Maka, angka yang kita pikirkan adalah 70.

6. 78% of a number is 156. What is the number?​


78% = 156

100% = ?


= 156 ÷ 78

= 2


1% = 2

100% = 2 × 100

100% = 200

Answer: 200

7. The ratio of the number of rulers to the number of pens is 4 : 5 If the number of ruler is 16, the number of pens is



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

maaf kalau salah :(

hope you like it!

8. 135 of the number is 243. What is the number



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

243 : 135 = 1.8

1.8 x 100 = 180

9. The sum of two numbers is 4. One of the number is -6. What is the other number?​ there are two possible answer . What is them


• Bilangan


Learn With Tjo


a + b = 4

a = - 6

a + b = 4

- 6 + b = 4

b = 10

10. If 73% of a number is 182.5, what is the number?


73% x = 182.5

x = 182.5 : (75/100)

x = 250

The number is 250

11. Shirley is thinking of a number. 25% of the number is equal to 110. What number isShirley thinking of?​


Let's use "p" as an unidentified number.

p × 25% = 110

p × 25/100 = 110

p × 1/4 = 110

p = 110 ÷ 1/4

p = 110 × 4

p = 440

So, the number that Shirley thinking is 440

CMIIW, yeah..

12. What number is Sina thinking of

Gambar teksnya mana ?? haduh
Maybe 2

13. a number of multiple 3 is also a number of multiple 4 what number could it be​



because, 12 is divisible by 3 and 4.

correct me if i'm wrong

14. 7 is 50% of what number?

7 itu 50% dari 14 hihi7 is 50% adalah nomor 3,5

15. 60% of a number is 36. What is 50% of the same number? ​

60% of a number is 36.

What is 50% of the same number "30"

The writing marked with (") is the answer

Hope this helps :)

16. 1/5 of a number is 24. What is 1/4 of the same number

jadi, jawabanya adalah 30

example the number is A

1/5 of A = 24


1/5 × A = 24

5 × 24 = A

A = 120

so the number is 120

1/4 of the same number


1/4 of the A

1/4 × 120 = 30

17. 1/2 of a number is 75.what is the number?

Jawaban: 150

Penjelasan: 1/2 dari suatu nomor adalah 75. jadi 75 X 2 = 150

18. 2/9 of a number is 8. What is the number?​

kira kira begini

maaf kalo benar

19. 1. I think of a number and subtract 33. the answer is 5. what is the number? 2. A number times 11 is 132. what is the number? 3. A number divided by 13 is 4. what is the number? 4. I think of a number and add 8. the answer is 32. what is the number? TOLONG BANTU KAK SEKALIAN KLO ADA CARANYA

x - 33 = 5
x = 5 + 33
x = 38

x . 11 = 132
x = 132 : 11
x = 12

x : 13 = 4
x = 4 . 13
x = 52

x + 8 = 32
x = 32 - 8
x = 24

20. If 73% of a number is 182,5 what is the number?


73% x =182.5

X = 182.5 : 73/100

X = 250

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