Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2022

Graph The Derivative Of The Function Graphed On The Right

Graph The Derivative Of The Function Graphed On The Right

the derivative of a rational function is a rational function. Apakah pernyataan tersebut benar atau tidak,dan beri alasan

Daftar Isi

1. the derivative of a rational function is a rational function. Apakah pernyataan tersebut benar atau tidak,dan beri alasan

Remember that a rational function h(x)h(x) can be expressed in such a way that h(x)=\frac{f(x)}{g(x)},h(x)=



, where f(x)f(x) and g(x)g(x) are polynomial functions. Using this basic fundamental, we can find the derivatives of rational functions.

2. kak..pliss jawab dong...important!plisss find the trigonometric function of the graph. jawab yaa :


4 tan x°

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

perhatikan bahwa di kuadran I (sudut 0° sampai 90°) nilai sudutnya positif, maka fungsi trigonometri yang digunakan adalah sinus atau tangen

lalu pada sudut 90° sampai 180° (kuadran II) nilai nya negatif, maka fungsi trigonometri diatas cosinus atau tangen

dari kedua kesimpulan diatas, maka jelas fungsi yang dipakai adalah tangen. perhatikan bahwa

tan 45° = 1


4 tan 45° = 4

maka kemugkinan fungsi diatas berbentuk

4 tan x°


4 tan 135° = 4 tan (180° - 45°)  = 4 (-tan 45°) = 4.(-1) = 4×(-1) = -4 (sesuai)

4 tan 225° = 4 tan (180 + 45°) = 4 tan 45° = 4×1 = 4 (sesuai)

Jadi fungsi trigonometri yang dipakai adalah 4 tan x°

3. mohon bantuannya The picture is a graph of quadratic function......​

Persamaan umum fungsi kuadrat :

f(x) = Ax² + Bx + C

Diketahui grafik fungsi f(x) melewati titik :

» (3 , 0)

=> f(3) = 0

=> A.(3)² + B.(3) + C = 0

=> 9A + 3B + C = 0 ( i )

» (–1 , 0)

=> f(–1) = 0

=> A.(–1)² + B.(–1) + C = 0

=> A - B + C = 0 ( ii )

» (0 , 3)

=> f(0) = 3

=> A.(0)² + B.(0) + C = 3

=> C = 3

Subtitusikan nilai C ke ( i ) :

9A + 3B + C = 0

9A + 3B + 3 = 0

9A + 3B = –3 ( iii )

Subtitusikan nilai C ke ( ii ) :

A - B + C = 0

A - B + 3 = 0

A - B = –3 ( iv )

Eliminasi ( iii ) dan ( iv ) :

( iii ) : 9A + 3B = –3

(iv) × 3 : 3A - 3B = –9

________________ +

12A = –12 => A = –1

Subtitusikan nilai A ke ( iv ) :

A - B = –3

–1 - B = –3 => B = 2

Substitusikan nilai A, B, dan C ke persamaan fungsi kuadrat :

f(x) = Ax² + Bx + C

f(x) = (–1)x² + (2)x + (3)

Jadi, persamaan fungsi kuadrat grafik tersebut adalah : f(x)=x²+2x+3

4. The first derivative of the trigonometric function f(x) = tan x - 5 sinx is...~thank you for answering~ :):​


 f'(X) = sec^x - 5 cosx

sedang tidak mood kakak??

5. Match the adjectives whit the antonym of the words on the right!

1. old (young)
2. wide (narrow)
3. opened (closed)
4. beautiful (ugly)
5. full (empty)
6. high (low)
7. big (small)
8. fat (thin)
9. clean (dirty)
10. diligent (lazy)
11. tall (short)
12. good (bad)
13. healthy (sick)
14. hot (cold)
15. happy (sad)
16. far (near)
17. quiet (noisy)
18. clever (stupid)
19. rich (poor)
20. sweet (bitter)

*Cara menjawab pertanyaan seperti ini, yaitu mencari antonim kata sifat, pertama terjemahkan dahulu ke bahasa indonesia. Lalu, cari antonim/lawan katanya dalam bahasa indonesia. Terakhir, terjemahkan kata antonimnya ke bahasa inggris.


1. old (tua) = G. young (muda)

2. wide (luas) = D. narrow (sempit)

3. opened (terbuka) = o. closed (tertutup)

4. beautiful (cantik) = J. ugly (jelek)

5. full (penuh) = K. empty (kosong)

6. high (tinggi) = m. low (rendah)

7. big (besar) = S. small (kecil)

8. fat (gemuk) = A. thin (kurus)

9. clean (bersih) = N. dirty (kotor)

10. diligent (rajin) = Q. lazy (malas)

11. tall (tinggi) = P. short (pendek)

12. good (bagus) = E. bad (jelek)

13. healthy (sehat) = T. sick (sakit)

14. hot (panas) = R. cold (dingin)

15. happy (senang) = L. sad (sedih)

16. far (jauh) = B. near (dekat)

17. quiet (senyap) = F. noisy (berisik)

18. clever (pintar) = H. stupid (bodoh)

19. rich (kaya) = i. poor (miskin)

20. sweet (manis) = C. bitter (pahit)

Semoga Membantu

6. your friend:yo streight down The street trun right it's the second right on the left of the car garage

yoo jadi pertanyaanya apa???

7. arti dari match the expression of greetings on the left side with the responses on the right side​


cocokkan ungkapan salam di sisi kiri dengan tanggapan di sisi kanan


maaf jika salah


cocokkan ungkapan salam di sisi kiri dengan tanggapan di sisi kanan

maaf kalau salah

8. 1.North easts is on the left sideof...2.Northwest is on the left side of...3.South west is on the right side of...4.South east is on the right side of....5.west is between.....and.....6.North is on the left side of...7.West is on the right side of....kak mohon di jawab ya:)

1. east.

2. north.

3. south.

4. east.

5. northwest and southwest.

6. northeast.

7. southwest.

Untuk menjawab soal tentang arah mata angin tersebut, kita harus memahami direction dan location pada kompas. Sebagai contoh pada soal nomor 1: North east is on the left side of? (Timur laut ada di sebelah kirinya apa?). Semua jawaban sudah tersedia pada point of compass yang dirimu gambar, hanya perlu pemahaman dalam membaca soalnya.


1. North east is on the left side of east. (Timur laut ada di sebelah kirinya timur)

2. North west is on the left side of north. (Barat laut berada di sebelah kirinya utara)

3. South west is on the right side of west. (Barat daya berada di sebelah kanannya barat)

4. South east is on the right side of south. (Tenggara berada di sebelah kanannya selatan)

5. West is between northwest and southwest. (Barat ada di antara barat laut dan barat daya)

6. North is on the left side of northeast. (Utara ada di sebelah kirinya timur laut)

7. West is on the right side of southwest. (Barat ada di sebelah kanannya barat daya)

Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang point of compass:

_____________________________Detil jawaban:

Kelas: SD kelas VI

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Materi: Bab 10 - Earth and Planets

Kata kunci: Point of compass, Direction and location

Kode: 6.5.10

9. on the right of Telephone is​

Jawaban + Penjelasan :

On the right of Telephone artinya Di sebelah kanan telepon

Thank you. Maaf kalo salah.

Have a nice day.

Jawaban:on the right of Telephone is artinya di sebelah kanan telepon adalah

Penjelasan:Maaf kalo salah

Kalo mau tanya kek gini mending di foto aja

10. Match the sentences in the list on the left with their partner of pronouns on the right!​


1. he

2. her

3. theirs

4. us

5. it

semoga membantu

semangat belajar


1. My father works hard. (C. He) works in a factory.

2. Ella has a book. This is (A. Her) book.

3. They bought a new house. This house is (E. Theirs).

4. Lisa and Rose are my best friends. Sometimes, others look at (B. Us) as if we are a sibling.

5. That red dress is expensive. I will not buy (D. It).

11. Apa arti dari ( convention on the right of the child) ​


(konvensi di sebelah kanan anak)

maaf kalo slh

12. 5. The points (4, a), (5,-2) are some points on the graph of y = 2x + 7. Find without plotting the graph, (a) the value of a, (b) the value of b.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

(4, a) ------> y = 2x + 7

a = 2 . 4 + 7

= 8 + 7

= 15

so, value of a is 15

13. Plis jawab antara in,on,between,under,in front of,behind,on the right of,on the left of

3.under front of
8.on the right of
9.on the left of
12.on the left of front of
17.on the right of
19.on the left of
20.on the right of

Klw salah maaf, klw benar semoga bermanfaat ~. ~

14. The examples of derivative quantities

artinya contoh jumlah turunanArtinya: Para contoh menurun quantities

Semoga membantu:)

15. 1.What the function of chair 2.What the function of whiteboard 3.What the function of lamp 4.What the function of broom 5.What the function of glass 6.What the function of refrigerator 7.What the function of stove 8.What the function of bowl 9.What the function of table 10.,What the function of spoon Mohon dijawab dalam bahasa indonesia yah


1. Apa fungsi kursi

2. Apa fungsi papan tulis

3. Apa fungsi lampu

4. Apa fungsi sapu

5. Apa fungsi kaca

6. Apa fungsi lemari es

7. Apa fungsi kompor

8. Apa fungsi mangkok

9. Apa fungsi tabel

10., Apa fungsi sendok


1.apa fungsi dari kursi

2.apa fungsi dari papan tulis

3.apa fungsi dari lampu

4.apa fungsi dari sapu

5.apa fungsi dari kaca

6.apa fungsi dari lemari es

7.apa fungsi dari kompor

8.apa fungsi dari mangkuk

9.apa fungsi dari meja

10.apa fungsi dari sendok

semoga bermanfaat

16. contoh kalimat dari:on the leftto the lefton the rightto the rightin front ofnext toacross fromon the cornernear ofat the behind ofneighbour hoodin/at the villagein/at the townin the cityin the regency

- The barber shop is in front of the laundromat at pahlawan street.
- My house is next to budi's house.
- You can find this new T-shirt  in the city.
- My grandma lived in the village.

silahkan lanjutkan...

17. (c) The point (r, 0.5) lies on the graph in (b). Find the value of r.

equation= -x+2y=4






belajar yang semangat ya, salam siswa Gandhi

18. what is the derivative of log7x

[tex] log(7x) [/tex]
We are dealing with composite function here. Hence, applying chain rule is the key.

Chain rule :
[tex] \frac{d}{dx} (g(f(x))) = {g}^{.} (f(x)) \times {f}^{.} (x)[/tex]
Thus :
[tex] \frac{d}{dx} ( log(7x) ) = \frac{1}{ ln(10)7x } \times 7 \\ = \frac{1}{ ln(10) x} [/tex]

19. The function of the hooks of the seed is..​

The function of the hooks are many plants produce fruits or individual seeds which have hooks or spines. Eventually, the seed may fall off, or be rubbed off by the animal. If conditions are right the seed will germinate and grow into a new plant.

Tidak tahu ingin menjawab apa,pertanyaan tanpa teks sulit ditebak

20. Diagram 5 shows the graph of a quadratic function y = f(x)

a. y = 21+4x-x²
    0 = 21+4x-x²
    0 = (7-x)(3+x)
    x = 7 atau x = -3

b. mencari sumbu simetri di turunan pertama:
    y = 21+4x-x²
    y' = 4 - 2x               ; subtitusi y' = 0 (karena pada titik puncak, m=0)
    0 = 4 - 2x
  2x = 4
    x = 2   ← sumbu simetri

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