Senin, 28 Maret 2022

Jessica s Friend Tyshaun Found An Account

Jessica s Friend Tyshaun Found An Account

An account in trading company which is not found is a service company is

Daftar Isi

1. An account in trading company which is not found is a service company is

accounts that are not found in companies are private services

2. megy : Susan,i'd like you to meet Jessica,a good friend of mine. Susan: .................................. Jessica: i've heard so much about you​


Hello Jessica,nice to meet you.I heard that you're Megy's friend

3. jesslyn: l am sorry for jessica : That 's oka


my name is klara ok thanks


semoga salah


jesslyn: aku minta maaf untuk jessica: ya tidak apa-apa


maaf pertanyaannya kurang jelas

jadi ngasal deh jawabnya

4. Suatu ketika Jessica pergi ke toko baju di sebuah mall. Jessica ingin membeli sebuah kaos dengan harga Rp80.000,00. Saat membayar, kasir mengatakan bahwa kaos yang dibeli oleh Jessica sedang ada diskon, sehingga Jessica hanya membayar sebesar Rp64.000,00. Berapa persen diskon yang diberikan toko tersebut?



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Harga diskon = harga jual - harga dibayar

Harga diskon = Rp 80.000,00 - Rp 64.000,00

Harga diskon = Rp 16.000.000

Persentase diskon = [tex]\frac{Harga.Diskon}{Harga.Jual}[/tex] x 100%

Persentase diskon = [tex]\frac{16.000}{80.000}[/tex] x 100%

Persentase diskon = 20%

jadi toko tersebut memberikan diskon sebesar 20%

5. Jessica membeli laptop seharga 5 juta Karena laptopnya agak sedikit cacat sehingga Jessica menjual lagi dengan seharga 4 juta 800 berapakah presentase rugi yang didapat Jessica.​

Harga beli = 5.000.000

Harga jual = 4.800.000

Kerugian = 200.000

Cara : kerugian : harga jual × 100%

= 200.000 : 5.000.000 × 100%

= 25%


Harga beli :
= Rp 5.000.000

Harga jual :
= Rp 4.800.000

Kerugian :
= Rp 5.000.000 - Rp 4.800.000

= Rp 200.000

Persentase kerugian
= ( Rugi / H.beli ) x 100%

[tex] = \frac{200.000}{5.000.000} \times 100\% \\ \\ = 4\%[/tex]

#Semoga membantu

6. old account part 2» 9⁴ + 7! - 3! = ...Note: Finally found this old photo with 30000 points :)​


g⁴ + 7! - B!

= (9x9x9x9) + (7x6x5x4x3x2x1) - (3x2x1)

= 6.561 + 5.040 - 6

= 11.595


[tex]» \: \sf{ 9^{ 4} + 7! - 3!}[/tex]

[tex]» \: \sf{ (9 \times 9 \times 9 \times 9) + 7! - 3!}[/tex]

[tex]» \: \sf{ 6.561 + 7! - 3!}[/tex]

[tex]» \: \sf{ 6.561 + (7 \times 6 \times 5 \times 4 \times 3 \times 2 \times 1) - 3!}[/tex]

[tex]» \: \sf{ 6.561 + 5.040 - 3!}[/tex]

[tex]» \: \sf{ 6.561 + 5.040 - (3 \times 2 \times 1)}[/tex]

[tex]» \: \sf{ 6.561 + 5.040 - 6}[/tex]

[tex]» \: \sf{ 11.601 - 6}[/tex]

[tex]» \: \sf{ 11.595}[/tex]

7. apa present perfect tense s=they dan v=account​

answer :

Present Perfect Tense :

( + ) They have accounted the case

( - )They have not accounted the case

( ? ) Have they accounted the case ?

8. Membuat kalimat dari kata : a slip , to endore, passbook, account, a saving account , a joint account, a term deposit account, to open an account, to close an account, interest, party, delay...???

interest (bunga) -> the advantage saving money in the bank is you'll get interest
party (pesta) -> please come to my home tonight, there will be my brother's birthday party
delay (menunda) -> My boss delay the meeting today because he has another appoinmnent

9. Tolong buatkan percakapan tentang: Your friend just found your diary lost two weeks ago.

Beirah: Hey Dyah
Dyah: Hai to Beirah
Beirah: What are you doing here?
Dyah: I just wondering where is my diary gone?
Beirah: about that.....
Dyah: what?
Beirah: SURPRISE!!!! I just found your diary in those bushes over there
Dyah: Thank you Beirah You are my best friend
Beirah: you are welcome
Dyah: so lets Go to the park
Beirah: ok lets go


10. An independent agency conducted a study of teens between the age of 15 and 17, and found out that 57% of them had an Facebook account, 75% of the teens who had an Facebook account also had a Wechat account. If a teen is selected at random, what is the probability that he or she has both Facebook and Wechat account?​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

there are 75% of teens who has FB and Wechat account.

75% = 75/100 = 0.75

so, the probability is 0.75

mohon maaf kalau salah

11. You and your friend are walking to the street. Then, your wallet fell and lost. So, you and your friendwere looking at your friend. Finally, your friend found your walletDialogue​

Arthur: The street view is beautiful
Ashley: Yes, is it
Arthur: what if we run the race that reaches the park first who wins
Ashley: Okay. No need to worry
Arthur: Yes! I won
Ashley: I'm thirsty let's buy a drink
Arthur: Okay
Ashley: Wait, are you looking for my wallet?
Arthur: I don’t know. Where was the last time you put it?
Ashley: In my jacket
Arthur: Let me help you find your wallet
*They’re looking for the wallet
Arthur: Hey I found your wallet Ashley!
Ashley: Thank you Arthur! You’re a lifesaver

12. buatlah kalimat dari kata d bawah ini: 1. a slip 2. to endere 3 passbook 4. account 5. a saving account 6. a joint account 7. a term deposit account 8. to open an account 9. to close an account

1. It was some sort of trick to get her to slip up.
2. Students have to endure a lot of pressure during exam time.
3. If you open passbook, you will see your last transaction and the card it was made with.
4. This is Brainly official account.
5. The only money she had was in her savings account.
6. We have opened a joint account at the bank
7. A term deposit is a cash investment held at a financial institution  bank or
building society.
8. You need to open an account at a bank to receive the payment.
9. I went to the bank to close an account held by my daughter

13. Make a dialogues with your friend with 10 sentence you have found


Nadine: Hi Mary.

Mary: Oh, hi.

Nadine: How are you doing?

Mary: I'm doing alright. How about you?

Nadine: Not too bad. The weather is great isn't it?

Mary: Yes. It's absolutely beautiful today.

Nadine: I wish it was like this more frequently.

Mary: Me too.

Nadine: So where are you going now?

Mary: I'm going to meet a friend of mine at Batam Ballet Training.

Nadine: Going to do a little dancing?

Mary: Yeah, I have to perform a farewell party next week.

Nadine: It sounds nice, Are you capable of dancing?

Mary: I am pretty good at the dance.

Nadine: That's great. Well, you better get going. You don't want to be late.

Mary: I'll see you next time.

Nadine: Sure. Bye.

14. Membuat kalimat dari kata : a slip , to endore, passbook, account, a saving account , a joint account, a term deposit account, to open an account, to close an account, interest, party, delay...???

maaf saya cuma bisa membantu membuat kalimat yang menggunakan kata party

let's go to my party

15. Who was the young man with Jessica?A. A film star.B. A librarian.C. A cameraman.D. Jessica's friend.​


D. jessica's friend

maaf klo salah kak

Jawaban:kayanya ini soal ada gambar nya deh,,,coba di foto soalnya


16. Sarah : Hey Jessica! How are you doing?Jessica : Hi Sarah! I'm doing good today. Sarah : I see, What are you doing here Jessica?Jessica : I'm ......... Sarah : Ooh, okay. I need to go now. Bye Jessica!Jessica : Goodbye Sarah!Kalimat yang tepat untuk mengisi titik - titik di atas adalah.. A. I'm not going with you.B. I'm Waiting for my friend here.C. I'm Hungry. Bring me some Ice creams Tolong Bantu Kakak ^ ^ ​

Kalimat yang tepat untuk mengisi titik - titik di atas adalah I'm Waiting for my friend here.(B)

Dalam Percakapan tersebut, Menceritakan bahwa Sarah dan Jessica Bertemu di suatu tempat. Kemudian, Sarah Bertanya kepada Jessica "Apa yang sedang Kau lakukan di Sini Jessica?". Jessica Menjawab "Aku sedang menunggu Teman ku di sini".



17. account manager




She is an account manager

= Dia adalah seorang manajer akun

she is an account manager

18. Tolong buatin puisi bertema "solidaritas" dengan nama lengkap (Jessica)J.........E.........S..........S.........I...........C.........A.........

J = Jembatan cinta
E = engkau yang menghubungkan ku dengan dia disana
S = Setia selalu menunggu aku dan dia datang
S = Sejarah pengorbanannya terukir indah di jembatan ini
I = Ikatan antara dua insan
C = cinta
A = akan terukir indah dijembatan cinta.

19. terjemahin ke bahasa indonesia ya.. Jessica. I have a new friend. Her name is Jessica. She has a long straight hair with fair skin. Her eyes are round and her nose is sharp. Jessica is slim. Her weight is about forty kilograms. Jessica is a singer. She always dresses neatly. She also has a nice foice. Jessica is a beutiful singer. I love her. translation:....... Thank you..

Saya punya teman baru. Namanya Jessica. Dia mempunyai rambut lurus panjang dengan kulit putih. Matanya bulat dan dia mancung. Jessica langsing. Beratnya 40 kg. Jessica seorang penyanyi. Dia selalu bergaun rapi. DIa juga punya suara yang merdu. Jessica adalah penyanyi yang cantik. Saya memyukainyaJessica.

Saya punya teman baru. Dia bernama Jessica. Rambut dia panjang dengan kulit putih. Mata dia bulat dan hidunnya mancung. Jessica itu langsing. berat dia 40 kg. Jessica adalah penyanyi. Dia selalu berpakaian rapi. Dia mempunyai suara yg bagus. jessica adlh penyanyi yg cantik. Aku suka dia.

20. Jessica membeli tas seharga Rp 240.000,00 . Jessica mendapat diskon sebesar 20%. Uang yang harus dibayarkan Jessica sebesar ....​

Rp. 192.000,00

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

doakon = 20% x 240.000

= 48.000

bayar = 240.000 - 48.000

= 192.000



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

20% atau

[tex] \frac{80}{100} \times 240.000 = 192.000[/tex]

Semoga membantu ツ

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