Selasa, 12 April 2022

A 23 Year Old Male Experienced Severe Head Trauma

A 23 Year Old Male Experienced Severe Head Trauma

what is a male turkey's head like​

1. what is a male turkey's head like​


apa kepala kalkun jantan maap klo salah

2. how old was me when i experienced adolescence

adolescence = remaja
jadi mungkin 12-19

3. Deep in the Rio Bec area of Mexico's yucatan peninsula? A. Does a 1,250-year-old pyramid lie B. A 1,250-year-old pyramid lie C. Is a 1,250-year-old pyramid lying D. Lies a 1,250-year-old pyramid

D. Lies A 1.250 Year Old Pyramid.

4. What your name ?Year old?​


rahasia dong

kasi tau g ya ?



my neme is riska

12 years old

5. how old is Deby a. 1 year old b. 2 years old c. 3 years oldd. 4 years oldpliss jawab​


This is the story which I can't answer. who is deby?



6. how old was the writer when we experienced adolescence

kapan lamanya penulis mengalami masa remaja
maaf kalau salah
Umur berapakah si penulis saat kita merasakan masa remaja

7. l am sixteen year old

 artinya : umurku enam belas tahun
saya berumur enam balas tahun

8. Text for no 4* Risa Andin Do you know Sarah's birth date? She was bom on June 15th 2007. How old is Sarah in 20202 O 12 year old O 13 year old О 14 year old O 15 year old​


Risa Andin Do you know Sarah's birth date? She was bom on June 15th 2007. How old is Sarah in 2020

O 12 year old

O 13 year old

О 14 year old

O 15 year old​


Risa, Andin Tahukah kamu tanggal lahir Sarah? Dia lahir pada tanggal 15 Juni 2007. Berapa umur Sarah pada tahun 2020

O 12 tahun

O 13 tahun

O 14 tahun

O 15 tahun


= 2020 - 2007 = 13 tahun

= 13 year old

[tex]Semog\alpha Memb\alpha ntu[/tex]


9. a. she is 10 years old in this yearb. she is 10 years old on this yearmana yang benar ya kak? mohon bantuannya ​




Maaf kalau salah

10. Susunan kata dari " the company need ( several - workes - experienced - young ) this year

the company need several young experienced workers this year

semoga membantu

11. My grandmother......90 year Old. ​


my grandmother is 90 year old

maaf kalau salah

12. how old was the writer when he experienced adolescence

bagaimana apa gituu gan...Berapa umur penulis ketika ia mengalami masa remaja

13. Apa artinya I have a twelve year old cousin


aku punya sepupu berumur 12 thn

semoga membantu

maaf kalo salah ya

artinya saya punya sepupu berumur dua belas tahun

14. she is only a year old artinya apa​


dia baru berumur satu tahun


itu artinya semoga membantu


Dia Hanya Berumur. (1). Tahun

15. Salsa is..... year (s old​


twelve years old

jadikanlah jawaban tercerdas

16. How old ia Peter? He id..... year old​




lain kali kl ngasih pertanyaan yang lengkap ya,

pakai pilihan nya.

17. How old the head adolescence

The approximate age of adolescence is from 12 to 18 years of age

18. The whiter is year old


Yang lebih putih berumur setahun

B.Inggris → B.Indonesia


[tex] {\orange{\fcolorbox{blue}{black}{\boxed{\bold{\red{<Answer>}}}\boxed{\mathfrak{}\blue{indolevhiatan}}}}}[/tex]

19. Two years ago, Mr.Ben was 7 times as old as his son. In 3 years' time, he will be 4 times as old asHis son. In 3 years time, he will be 4 times as old as his son. Find Mr.Ben present age.A. 35 year oldB. 37 year oldC. 39 year oldD. 41 year old​


C.39 year old (mungkin)

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Soal kurang jelas sama umur anaknya berapa ?

20. I am a gilr fifteen year old

saya wanita berumur 15 tahunsaya perempuan berumur 15 tahun

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