Minggu, 17 April 2022

Jessica Is Selling Books During The Summer

Jessica Is Selling Books During The Summer

The announcement is about …A. Selling secondhand booksB. An exhibition of used booksC. Old booksD. Selling old and second-hand books​

Daftar Isi

1. The announcement is about …A. Selling secondhand booksB. An exhibition of used booksC. Old booksD. Selling old and second-hand books​


D. Selling old and second-hands books


Soalnya pengumuman diatas menjelaskan tentang book fair/bazar buku yang menyediakan barang antik dan buku bekas

Yang bagian D. Selling old and second-hand books

Maaf klo salah

2. 1.What were the cicadas doing during the summer 2.What were the ants doing during the summer 3.Why did the ants work hard during the summer (Buku bright kelas 8 page 244)

1. sing during the hottest day
2. prepare their food
3. because in rainy season they won't have any chances to find food

1. sing during the hottest day
2. prepare their food
3. because in rainy season they won't have any chances to find food


3. 1.is the weather warm during spring?2.what is the season cone after spring?3.how is the weather during summer4.how it the weather diring autumn5.how is the weather during winter6.what should we wear during winter​


Maap kalo salah


1. Yes the weather is getting warm

2. Summer

3. The weather is so hot

4. The weather is so cold and the leaf start falling

5. The weather is so cold, and snow falling

6. A warm clothes, like Jacket and sweater

4. 6. What is the purpose of tue text above? 7. Why the grasshopper didn't work? 8. Why did the ant work during summer? 9. What is the resolution of the story

6.The purpose is that we shouldn't waist our time just playing or lazying all the time we should work to have a great result for ourselves

7.Because he said that working isn't fun so he just going to work the day after,but he didn't even working until the winter comes and he was suffering and being regretful by his behavior before the winter comes.

8.To collected food,and for a preparation when the winter comes.

9.The grasshopper been saved by the ants and he regret it all and being grateful to the ants especially by the ant king.And he promised that he will work / searching his own food by the next summer.

Semoga membantu ya! ^^

5. The summer is from ......to.......

April to september

Maaf kalo salahfrom the sun for human
maaf kalau salah

6. mother wants him ___to the coutry during the summer( inu genrud apa infinitife?)​


the following user likes this online black and



Gerund adalah verb ing yang berfungsi merubah kata kerja sebagai kata benda. Sedangkan infinitive pada umumnya adalah kata kerja yang di awali to setelah kata kerja yang lain

7. 4. is the shoes for Miss. Jessica?5. How much is the shoes?6. Is the price fixed?7. May Miss. Jessica try the shoes?8. Where does Miss. Jessica go shopping?9. Does the shoes fit for Miss. Jessica?10. May Miss. Jessica bargain the price?​

4.adalah sepatu untuk nona .jessica?5. berapa harga sepatunya?6.apakah harga sudah tetap?7.bolehkah Nona jessica mencoba sepatunya?8.kemana Miss.jessica pergi berbelanja?9.apakah sepatunya cocok untuk Nona jessica?10.semoga nona.jessica menawar harganya?

maaf ya cuma bisa kasih tau arti soal nya kebahasa Indonesia itu pasti ada cerita nya cari jawaban nya di cerita itu kalau kamu foto aku tau jawaban nya maaf

8. Selling -His –thejob - iS- newspaper​

His job is selling the newspaper

His job is selling the newspaper

9. the weather in the southern states (gets,get) bery hot during the summer

The weather in the southern states (gets, get) very hot during the summer.

Jawabannya adalah [tex]\bold {Gets}[/tex]

Kalimat tersebut merupakan kalimat simple present.

Subjek pada kalimat tersebut adalah [tex]\bold {"The \ weather"}[/tex] yang merupakan subjek [tex] singular [/tex] (tunggal). Dalam aturan simple present, jika subjek singular, maka verb-nya ditambah dengan [tex]\bold {s/es}[/tex]

Atau rumusnya:
Subject + Verb 1 + [tex]\bold {s/es}[/tex] + Object.

Maka verb 1 dari [tex]\bold {get}[/tex] harus diubah menjadi [tex]\bold {gets}[/tex]

Kalimat yang benar :
The weather in the southern states [tex]\bold {gets}[/tex] very hot during the summer.

[tex]\bold {Semoga \ Membantu}[/tex]

10. My favorite sport is played during the summer. It is a sport which requires nine players on each team. mana yang termasuk adjective clause?


which requres nine players on each team


It is a sport which requires nine players on each team.


Adjective clause atau klausa kata sifat adalah klausa yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan keadaan kata benda (noun) atau kata ganti (pronoun). Klausa ini diawali kata pengganti relatif seperti who, whose, whom, which, atau that.

maaf kalo salah

11. it's summer . the weather is ......?​

the weather is hot
ini musim panas, cuacanya panas


it's summer . the weather is Hot.


B. Indo-nya:

ini musim panas . cuacanya ......?



#Maaf Klo Slh^_^

12. Jessica is a smart student. The antonym of "Smart" is . . . . *​




semoga membantu


is stupid.

semoga membantu, tolong jadikan jawaban terbaik / brainliest answer dan selamat siang.

13. 5. The man ........mango in front of the store.a. is sellb. is sellingc. are sellingd. am selling​


B. Is selling.


"The man" yang merupakan kata benda ketiga dan tunggal berpasangan dengan "is". Karena, kalimat itu adalah bentuk masa kini dipasangkan dengan "selling"; memberitahukan bahwa seorang pria sedang menjual mangga di depan sebuah toko.

Semoga membantu!



B.is selling


Maaf kalo salah

semoga membantu

14. andre is a/an....he has... a lot of best selling books​


Andre is alibrarian he has alotof best selling books.


Andre adalah seorang pustakawan, dia memiliki banyak buku terlaris.

15. the weater this summer is even (bad)than last summer​


The weather this summer is even worse than last summer​ .




Soal ini jenis kalimatnya comparison, yang artinya membandingkan antara satu situasi dengan yang lain.

kalo di soal ini, membandingkan cuaca musim panas ini dan musim panas lalu. Bad itu termasuk kata irregular, jadi diubah menjadi worse (bukan badder seperti kata lain pada umumnya yang ditambahkan + er di belakangnya).

Semoga membantu yaa :)

16. why did not the grasshopper prepare food during the summer?​

because he was too busy making his favorite songs without knowing there was more important work.that is, gathering food for the summer.

17. The season before summer is....

The season before summer is Springthe season before summer is spring. auntumn is after summer.

18. 5. The man ........mango in front of the store.a. is sellb. is sellingc. are sellingd. am selling​


b. is selling


semoga membantu


B. is Selling


Disitu dia menyatakan bahwa "The Man" yang arti nya 1 orang. berarti yang di gunakan itu "Is" jika "are" arti nya Banyak. dan dalam melakukan sesuatu gunakan yang berakhiran dengan "ing"

jika masih belum mengerti silahkan pelajari penjelasan di YouTube.

19. The weather this summer is even (bad)______ than last summer​


The weather this summer is even worsethan last summer


menggunakan comparative form, comparative dari bad adalah worse

20. ......didi you do during the summer holiday​


whatdid you do during the summer holiday

what didi you do during the summer holiday

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