Selasa, 05 April 2022

Summary And Main Idea Worksheet 1

Summary And Main Idea Worksheet 1

jika di worksheet ada akun income summary dan ada nominalnya di debet dan kredit, maka income summary ditulis/masuk ke laporan keuangan yang mana?

Daftar Isi

1. jika di worksheet ada akun income summary dan ada nominalnya di debet dan kredit, maka income summary ditulis/masuk ke laporan keuangan yang mana?


Income summary biasanya tidak ditulis/masuk ke dalam laporan keuangan. Income summary adalah akun sementara yang digunakan untuk menyajikan informasi mengenai seluruh aktivitas pendapatan dan biaya dari suatu periode akuntansi. Sehingga, saat laporan keuangan dibuat, nominal akun income summary biasanya sudah dijurnal kembali ke akun-akun pendapatan dan biaya yang sesuai.

2. main idea and detail


Main Idea: Hannah's introduction


Where she knows AliaGeneral information about HannahHannah's hobbies

3. 1.porpose 2.main idea 3.summary 4.paraphrase 5.coherence topik topik yang masuk dalam kategori general information terdapat pada nomor...


General Information terdpt di nomor 4 yaitu paraphrase


Maaf klok slh

4. Tolong bantu cari main Idea and idea dari 2 text ini, menggunakan 5w + 1h​


fotonya terlalu pucat boleh difoto ulang?


biar aku bisa jawab dengan benar...

5. what is this supporting idea ,main idea, and topic sentence dalam bahasa inggris ?

Supporting idea itu gagasan2 yang mendukung/menjelaskan gagasan utama, jd dari gagasan utama bisa dikembangkan jadi supporting idea... Main idea itu ide pokok dr suatu karangan (yg utama)... Topic sentence itu kalimat utama (ide utama cm dalam bentuk kalimat)

6. now, try to find main idea,supporting idea and concluding idea of the following text.

fotony gk terlaku jelas.
mohon maaf.

7. 1. what is the main idea of this passage2. Underline five sentences in the passage that support the idea 3. write a summary. tell what is the most important ​

The answer of Grade 8 Reading Comprehension Worksheet.

The main idea of this passage is an biography or life journey of Steve Jobs. Five sentences in the passage that support the idea:Steven Paul Jobs was an American information technology entrepreneur and inventor.Steve Jobs was born on February 24, 1955, he was adopted at birth in San Francisco, and raised in San Francisco Bay Area during the 1960s.In 1976, when Jobs was just 21, he and Wozniak started Apple Computer.In the early 1990s; Jobs met Laurene Powell and they married on March 18, 1991, and lived in Palo Alto, California, with their three children.Jobs was diagnosed with a pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor in 2003 and died of respiratory arrest related to the tumor on October 5, 2011. A summary of Steve Jobs Passage

Steve Jobs was born on February 24, 1955, he was adopted at birth in San Francisco, and raised in San Francisco Bay Area during the 1960s. Steven Paul Jobs was an American information technology entrepreneur and inventor. In 1976, when Jobs was just 21, he and Wozniak started Apple Computer. In the early 1990s; Jobs met Laurene Powell and they married on March 18, 1991, and lived in Palo Alto, California, with their three children. Jobs was diagnosed with a pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor in 2003 and died of respiratory arrest related to the tumor on October 5, 2011.


Cara menemukan main idea dari sebuah teks adalah dengan membaca keseluruhan teks dan menentukan secara umum teks tersebut menceritakan tentang apa. Setelah membaca keseluruhan dari teks yang berjudul "Steve Jobs", dapat disimpulkan bahwa teks tersebut bercerita tentang perjalanan hidup dari Steve Jobs. Supported idea merupakan kalimat-kalimat yang menjelaskan tentang main idea tersebut. Sedangkan summary dapat dibuat berdasarkan supported idea dari teks tersebut.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Materi tentang Main Idea dari Teks 1 dan Teks 2


8. Main idea of Paragraph 1Main idea of Paragraph 2Main idea of paragraph 3Main idea of paragraph 4​


Main Idea of Paragraph 1 ( one ) :

Last weekend, the Girl and Boy scouts y of my school had a "Persami" activity or weekend camping outside of my school.

Main Idea of Paragraph 2 ( two )  :

As we arrived there, our leader said to set up our tents.

Main Idea of Paragraph 3 ( three ) :

After set up the tents, all scouts worked together to make some meals for dinner.

Main Idea of Paragraph 4 ( four ) :

To spend our night there, we set a campfire.

Reason :

You could find main Ideas in the first or last sentence of the paragraph. I hope these answers help you, sorry if there are mistakes made.

9. what is the main idea in paragraph 1 and paragraph 2?

Saya rasa ide pokok paragraf pertama di kalimat pertama. Dan paragraf kedua berada di kalimat terakhir

10. write the main idea of each paragraph in the text "The Importance of Rainforests".1. Paragraph 1main idea=...2. paragraph 2main idea=...3. paragraph 3main idea=...4. paragraph 4main idea=...5. paragraph 5main idea=...6. paragraph 6main idea=...7. paragraph 7main idea=...​


Paragraph 1: Use of rainforests and the requirements.

Paragraph 2: The benefit of rainforests and canopy inside of a rainforest.

Paragraph 3: What happens when rainforests is burned down.

Paragraph 4: What rainforests do to our planet.

Paragraph 5: What rainforests do for our water cycle

Paragraph 6: What rainforests are preventing.

Paragraph 7: conclusion of what rainforests do and what happens without rainforests.


Maaf kalo salah :)

11. main idea paragraf 3 and 4 , and details

3. Writers favourite music
4. Writers favourite books

12. soal tentang listening main idea and spesific information

dengarkan pendapat saya
maaf klo salah artinya mendengarkan ide pertama dan menanggapi informasi itu dalam contoh bahasa inggrisnya; please,l want answer your questions.l think it's good idea.l agree with you.l like thinking you.
maaf kalau ada yang salah

13. tolong buatkan 1 paragraf yg di dalamnya ada main idea and supporting details​


A seedling shows the first root called

primary root (1). The root increases in

diameter and grow downward (2).

Branching called lateral roots emerge

sideways along its length (3). The

youngest branching is found near the

root tip (4). A primary root and its lateral

branching represent a taproot system (5).


main idea ada di akhir, kalimat nomor 5

14. report grasshoperr main idea. and detailed facts​


gak tau aku kan ikan


gak tau

15. Identify the main idea of earch paragraph the importance of internet for education paragraph 1 main idea= paragraph 2 main idea= paragraph 3 main idea= paragraph 4 main idea=


gaada soalnya kaakk tolong kasi dulu nanti baru saya jawabbb

16. Main idea and supporting details and email hannah and saidah

ar Main Idea Details
1 Hannah starts the
- Hannah knew Alia from Caroline.
- Caroline told Hannah that Alia wanted to have
pen pals from USA.
2 Hannah tells about her
school and family.
- She is 16 years old.
- She attends Thomas Edison High School in
- She has two brothers and two half sisters.
- Her father died a few years ago, so her mother
runs the house and the family business.
- Her father used to be a barista.
3 Hannah tells about her
- She likes music.
- She likes sports, especially tennis and
- She loves animals very much.
- Her favorite subjects at school are art and
- She’d like to become some kind of outdoor
guide when she graduates.
4 Other activities that she
likes and doesn’t like
- She doesn’t like reading but she loves drawing
and painting.5 She wants Alia to write to
- She wants her to respond to her email quickly.
Catatan: Par = paragraph
Text 2:
Par Main Idea Details
1 Saidah was happy to receive Alia’s
- Saidah wants to be Alia’s pen friend.
2 Saidah tells Alia about her school
and family.
- She’s a sixteen-year-old school student
from Johor Bahru in Malaysia.
- She attends an Islamic boarding school
just outside Kuala Lumpur.
- Her family live in KL.
- Her eldest sister is a medical doctor and
will get married soon.
- Her younger brother is an elementary.
3 Saidah tells Alia about her favorite
- Her favorite subjects are social sciences.
- She likes history very much.
- Students are supposed to use English at
all times.
4 Saidah tells Alia about her hobbies
and favorite singers and actor.
- She’s really into song and music.
- Her favorite singers are One Direction
and Siti Nurhaliza.
- She also likes watching movies.
- The actor she likes best is Tom Cruise.
5 Saidah tells Alia about her reading
- She’s really into books.
- She likes reading novels and short
- She likes some writers in English too,
like JK Rowling and Indonesia writers
too, like Andrea Hirata and Anwar
- Her dream when she’s older is to be a
writer of science fiction books.
6 She tells Alia about her interest to
come to Indonesia.
- She wants to visit Raja Ampat in Papua.

17. main idea and letter from saidah

gagasan utama dan surat dari saidah

18. Read and answer the question1. How many paragraph are there? 2. Please tell mea. Main idea paragraph 1b. Main idea paragraph 2c. Main idea paragraph 3d. Main idea paragraph 4​


1. there are 4 paragraphs from the letter above

a. Hannah found out about Alia from her friend Caroline, who said that Alia had a lot of E-palm pens

b. Hannah immunized herself to Alia

c. Still with Hannah's self-introduction, about her hobbies, her favorite object, and her sister.

d.After introducing herself, she asked about Alia what her likes and hobbies are


So, that's my answer. Hope it helps you!

19. main idea dari text sound recordings and reproduction

Main idea dari text sound recordings and reproduction adalah sound

20. tentuka main idea and details setiap pragraph

i dont like reading but i like painting

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