Sabtu, 16 April 2022

The Following Is The Adjusted Trial Balance Of Sierra Company

The Following Is The Adjusted Trial Balance Of Sierra Company

Alpha graphic company adjusted trial balance !

Daftar Isi

1. Alpha graphic company adjusted trial balance !


what do you even mean by adjusted trial balance. like it will add up my gopay balance anyways

2. Jelaskan perbedaan trial balance dan adjusted trial balance


trial balance merupakan neraca saldo awal yaitu sebgai patokan perhitungan bulan berikutnya. sedangkan adjusted trial balance merupakan neraca saldo setelah penyesuaian yaitu neraca akhir bulan/periode

3. In which of the following is the balance of authority strongly in favour of the functional managers ?

Pertanyaan di atas belum lengkap karena tidak ada pilihan ganda. Pilihan ganda yang seharusnya ada di pertanyaan tersebut adalah

In which of the following is the balance of authority strongly in favour of the functional managers ?

a. Weak matrix

b. Balanced matrix

c. Strong matrix

d. Strong

e. Both c and d are correct

Jawaban yang tepat adalah a. weak matrix


There are three types of organization structure. They are functional, matrix, and projectized. The matrix structure is a combination of the functional and projectized organizational structures.

There are three types of matrix organizations clasified by the distribution of influence and authority between the functional manager and the project manager.

The three structures listed in order of increasing influence and authority is the weak matrix, balanced matrix, and strong matrix. All these system may co-exist in an organization creating a mixture of organization.

An organization structure launches the reporting of hierarchies, the level of authority, and the distribution of roles, responsibilities, and work. The organizational structure impacts the authority and influence of the project manager. The three types of matrix organizational structures are:

Weak matrixStrong matrix, andBalance matrix

The strong matrix is one in which the balance of power is definitely on the second project management. A weak matrix has been elaborated by project managers as one in which the balance of power tilts decisively in the direction of line or functional management.

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut

Materi tentangfunctional managers dapat disimak pada link berikut



4. he know that the man is the owner of the company.

he know that the man is the owner of the company.
Dia tahu bahwa laki-laki itu adalah pemilik dari perusahaan tersebut.
semoga tepat!!!dia tahu bahwa pria itu adalah pemilik perusahaan

semoga membantu, maaf kalau salah:)

5. Answer the following questions!!!1. What is lables? Write the definition!2. What is the purposes of lables?3. What is the element of lables?4. What is company and product brand? Give the examples!5. Write the description of product!***Bantuan o(╥﹏╥)***​


Jawab pertanyaan berikut !!!

1. Apa labelnya? Tulis definisinya!

2. Apa tujuan label?

3. Apa elemen label?

4. Apa perusahaan dan merek produk? Beri contoh!

5. Tulis deskripsi produk!


ini bahasa Indonesia yang kamu kasih soal

6. what is the position that of feredby the company​

Semoga bermanfaat yaaa kak

7. Because alif is the director of the company


Karena alif seorang direktur perusahaan



8. 1. What is the type of the announcement ?2. What is the name of the company that made the announcement ?3. What is the position in the announcement ? 4. When is the deadline for submitting application to the company ? 5. Where is the full Address of the company ? Pliss bantu ya​

Jawaban ini dijawab sesuai dengan teks bahasa Inggris pada gambar yang dilampirkan. Jawaban dari soal yang dilampirkan adalah

What is the type of the announcement? Job vacancy for Marketing Manager. What is the name of the company that made the announcement? The name of the company is Sky Limit Company. What is the position in the announcement? The position is for Marketing Manager.When is the deadline for submitting application to the company? The deadline is 25 July 2022. Where is the full Address of the company? JJ Oyamo Road -Meseum Road.


Jawaban ini dijawab dengan membaca job vacancy yang dilampirkan lalu menjawab 5 pertanyaan soal sesuai dengan gambar tersebut.

Gambar yang dilampirkan tersebut berisi tentang lowongan pekerjaan menjadi Marketing Manager pada Sky Limit Company. Di gambar tersebut dilampirkan juga kualifikasi pekerjaan tersebut yaitu

Memiliki diploma marketingPengalaman 3 tahun menjadi marketingMau bekerja di hari weekend dan hari libur nasional.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Materi tentang kegunaan job vacancy tentang tujuan Job Vacancy

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ1

9. the sophisticated equitment is the future plan of the company​


sophisticated equipment is indeed true for the future because the earth is getting more modern and sophisticated over time


Future Advanced Technology

So, want to know the most advanced future technology that has been or will be realized? Check out some of the amazing technologies that were even imaginary before now come true:

1. Smartphone with Flexible Screen

The future technology for flexible mobile phones was initiated by Samsung. Samsung developed a Super Active Matrix Organic Light Emitting Diode (AMOLED) or Super AMOLED screen that can be bent and folded.

In the future, what will be the trend is not a smartphone with a thin body, but the flexibility of a full-screen body that makes it easier for users to store their cellphones.

This sophisticated cellphone product can also be purchased widely, such as the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip, Huawei Mate XS and the latest generation Motorola RAZR.

2. Mobile Hologram

Holograms are technology that can be used for various purposes such as education, entertainment, or business. With a hologram, you can visually see an object in 3D and immersive without having to be near the object.

An interesting project using hologram technology was carried out to make the audience interact directly with holocaust survivors without their presence on stage. Excited? Check out the video above!

3. Smart Sneakers

This smart shoe can detect the user's movement from walking, running, to climbing. Later, these smart shoes will send information such as distance traveled, speed, and the number of calories burned to the smartphone you are pairing with.

Sophisticated, this smart shoe is powered by a battery that can last for 60 days, you know, Toppers!

One of the smart shoe products that you can now find on the market is the Nike Adapt BB.

4. Autonomous Car

Autonomous car, also known as self-driving car, is a car that is able to carry passengers without having to be driven by a driver. The working system is a special sensor camera that detects movement and the environment around the vehicle.

Then the image from the camera is processed with artificial intelligence to determine the direction and destination of the vehicle. Sophisticated right?

5. Hoverboard or Flying Skateboard

If this is no longer the future, it already exists and is starting to be sold on the market. Self-balancing scooters, also known as hoverboards, will become a trend in today's vehicles. The hoverboard works by automatically balancing the condition of your body and its navigation.

However, the hoverboard that is expected in the future is a skateboard-like device that is completely wheel less and can fly hovering.

There are already several companies that are developing this, and maybe we can see it in the near future.


I hope this helps.

Make the Best Answer, Yes!

10. what is the name of the company​


Q: What is the name of the company?​

A: The company name is Walmart


T: Apa nama perusahaannya?​

A: Nama perusahaannya adalah Walmart


O yakunitateba saiwaidesu (* ^ ▽ ^*)

11. What is the name of the company


Your company's name" is an informal phrase which means "the name of the company that you own (in part or in full)" or possibly "the name of the company that employees you". This phrase is used in conversations among real people.


kalo salah tolong maaf kan saya

maksud kamu artinya kan. kalau artinya=perusahaan

12. what is the name of the company ?

apa nama perusahaan tsb??

13. 1. what is the type of the announcement ? 2. what is the name of the company that made the announcement ? 3. what is the position in the announcement ? 4. when is the deadline for submitting application to the company ? 5. where is the full address of the company ? pliss bantu ya​


kak ,Text diatasnya apa??masa disuruh jawab ngasal?

kalau gitu saya bntu translate sisanya isi sndiri ya

1. apa jenis pengumumannya? 2. apa nama perusahaan yang membuat pengumuman tersebut? 3. apa posisi dalam pengumuman? 4. kapan batas akhir pengajuan lamaran?

translate,kalau jawabannya ga tau,kan cuman diksih pertanyaan bukan soalny gmn si

14. Bantu jawab dong kak - ___ is the address of the company?

is the address of the company artinya ini adalah alamat perusahaan?
untuk melengkapi kata yang kosong , kita akan gunakan kata apakah. jadi seolah olah seseorang bertanya tentang alamat perusahaan . dalam bahasa inggris apakah adalah whether..
semoga membantuWhere

Kalimat : Where is the address of the company?

Berikan thanks ya

15. what is the name of company​


apa nama perusahaan nya?


contoh namanya ; gucci , chanel , adiddas , Fila

tolong dijadikan jawaban tercerdas

Jawaban:the name of company is China Company

16. 34. Form the report contains the accounts and the account balance of the ledger at any given time ... A. balance B. income statement C. trial balance D. work sheet E. statement of cash flows

Form the report contains the accounts and the account balance of the ledger at any given time

Yang ditanyakan adalah bentuk laporan yang memuat akun yang diambil dari buku besar pada waktu tertentu berarti jawaban paling tepat adalah C. Trial Balanc (Neraca Saldo)

17. If in the worksheet, the number of debit coloumn in balance sheet is Rp200.000,00 and credit is Rp190.000,00 while end capital is Rp150.000,00 income is Rp100.0000,00 so prive in the company is...

Jawaban: 60.000.000


Prive mengurangi modal.

Modal dan pendapatan terletak di kredit.

Saldo kredit 190.000.000


Prive= 250.000.000-190.000.000= 60.000.000

*maaf kalau salah

18. Questions: 1. What is the kind/type of that announcement? 2. What is the name of company that made the announcement? 3. What is the job position sought in the announcement? 4. When is the deadline for submitting applications to the company? 5. Where is the full address of the company?


1. job hiring

2. sky limit company

3. marketing manager

4. before july 25 2022

5. jj oyamo street-museum road

19. What is the name of the company mentioned in the monolog​


Apa nama perusahaan yang disebutkan dalam monolog

20. the sophisticated equitment is the future plan of the company​




semoga membantu

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