Selasa, 26 April 2022

Which Of The Following Real World Examples Models Linear Motion

Which Of The Following Real World Examples Models Linear Motion

Which of the following statements correctly describes the motion of the car shown by the velocity time graph

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1. Which of the following statements correctly describes the motion of the car shown by the velocity time graph

Mana dari pernyataan-pernyataan berikut benar menjelaskan gerakan mobil yang ditunjukkan oleh kecepatan waktu grafik.

2. 1.What is the longest river in the world? *2.Is the Amazon River longer than the Mississippi River? *3.Is the Yangtze River longer than the Mississippi River? *4.Which two rivers are almost the same lenght? *5.Which of the following countries has the largest area in the world? 6.Which of the following countries has the smalleat area in the world? *7.Which of the following countries has the smalleat area in the world? *8.Which of the following countries has the largest population in the world? *9.Which of the following two countries has the larger population10.Which of the following countries has the smaller area *​


The longest river in the world is Nil River.Yes, the length of the Amazon river reaches 6,400 km while the Mississippi River only reaches 3.730 km.Yes, the length of the Yangtze river reaches 6,300 km while the Mississippi River only reaches 3.730 km.Amazon River and Yangtze River.Russia is the largest country by far, with a total area of about 17 million square kilometers.The smallest country in the world is Vatican City, with a landmass of just 0.49 square kilometers (0.19 square miles).The smallest country in the world is Vatican City, with a landmass of just 0.49 square kilometers (0.19 square miles).China has the world's largest population (1.42 billion).China has the world's largest population (1.42 billion), followed by India (1.35 billion).The smallest country in the world is Vatican City, with a landmass of just 0.49 square kilometers (0.19 square miles).

Hope it helps ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

3. 1.What is the longest river in the world? *2.Is the Amazon River longer than the Mississippi River? *3.Is the Yangtze River longer than the Mississippi River? *4.Which two rivers are almost the same lenght? *5.Which of the following countries has the largest area in the world? 6.Which of the following countries has the smalleat area in the world? *7.Which of the following countries has the smalleat area in the world? *8.Which of the following countries has the largest population in the world? *9.Which of the following two countries has the larger population10.Which of the following countries has the smaller area *​


1. The Nile is the longest river in the world

2. Yes. the Amazon river is longer than the Mississippi River

3. Yes. The Yangtze river is longer than the Mississippi River

4. The Amazon river and the Yangtze river are almost the same length

5-10mana fotonya?


1.the longest river in the world is the river nile



4.Panjang river and Yangtze river,this river has a length of about 6,400m





9.China and india



I'm sorry if my answer and English is wrong, because I took some of the answers from Google


saya minta maaf jika jawaban dan bahasa inggris saya salah,karna sebagian jawaban saya ambil dari google .

4. victim of motion sickness can reduce the chance becoming sick by doing following,excepat​


korban mabuk perjalanan dapat mengurangi kemungkinan jatuh sakit dengan melakukan hal berikut, excepat

5. Read the following sentens,pay attention to the underlined as examples of subjective pronouns


Itu maksudnya kata ganti orang namun sebagai objek atau berada dibelakang

Contoh: Saya (l): me

Kamu (you) : you

Dia Ik (he) him

Dia pr (she): her

Benda (it) : it

Kita (we): us

Mereka (they): them

6. 4. write examples of the following types of riddles A ,enigma B ,conudrum ​


A. Enigma:

My life can be measured in hours, I serve by being devoured. Thin, I am quick. Fat, I am slow. Wind is my foe. What am I?

Jawaban : Candle

B. Conudrum:

I'm as small as a pea but I'm as big as the sky and I don't belong to the person that purchases me. What am I?

Jawaban: Gift


Conundrum may refer to: A riddle, whose answer is or involves a pun or unexpected twist, in particular Riddle joke, a riddle that constitutes a set-up to the humorous punch line of a joke

Enigma comes from a Greek word that means "to speak in riddles." The word enigma didn't jump from referring to riddles to referring to people. In between those uses, it was (and still is) applied to things that puzzle people.

7. examples of the following expressions giving command

~Break in place
~Forward way

8. write examples of the following expressions! suggestion and curiosity

A: "Let's go to the library"
B: "Ye,let's go" (Accept)
     " No,thank you.I do not feel like going" (Reject)
A:"I'm very curious about your new friend"
B:"Oh ya?Do you want to meet her/him?She/he always reading in library in this time..."
Maaf, kalau kata-katanya kurang tepat...

9. Which theme park has the world record for something? a.Universal b.Crocosaurus Cove c.Six Flags d.Window of the world​

I'm pretty sure the answer is

A. Universal

Because it's one of the world most famous theme park

10. Write examples of the following figures of speech! a. Hyperbole b.Simile C. Metaphor


a. Hyperbole

1. He is running faster than the wind

2. That man is taller than a tree

3. This is the worst day of my lufe

b. Simile

1. This house is as clean as a whistle.

2. He is as strong as an ox.

3. He is as loud as an cricket

c. Metaphor

1. Her long hair was a flowing golden river.

2. kisses are the flowers of affection

3. The calm lake was a mirror

11. The Following expressions are examples of givingopinions, except....​


mana pilihannya??? cuyyyy

12. Write examples of the following write examples of the following expressions a. Suggestion : b. Stating possibility : c. Requesting :

a. I suggest you to drink 8 glasses of water per days. b. She may be at home now. c. I need some help to solve this problem.

13. write down the noun form of the following world a.honest

noun dr honest = honesty

14. 4,write examples of the following types of riddles A ,enigma B,Conundrum ​


b conundrum

smga mmbantu

15. Is there expression that only has sense but no reference in the real world? Provide some examples


maybe awkward


gtau juga sih tpi sepertinya iya maaf ya kalau slah



Is there expression that only has sense but no reference in the real world? Provide some examples


Apakah ada ekspresi yang hanya memiliki arti tetapi tidak memiliki referensi di dunia nyata? Berikan beberapa contoh

16. Look at the examples from the text. Which of the sentences are in the past simple, and which are in the present perfect simple?​


past simple " we were born, he had a bad..., one experiment involved"

present perfect simple " i have had, there have been.."

17. Make a sentence fromeach of the following irregular verb2 and examples


I awoke to a music from the next room


18. Make a sentence fromeach of the following irregular verb2 and examples


Buat kalimat dari masing-masing kata kerja dan contoh tidak beraturan berikut

19. write examples of the following expressions! suggestion and curiosity

example for seggestion is : i suggest that we go out for dinner tonight .
and curiosity : what are you looking so serious about ?

mungkin itu , semoga benar .

20. The definition of motion

Motion itu gerak kan ?

Motion is the displacement of a body from one position to another position.

#emang english day ? terjemahin sendiri yah,...kamu kan yg ngajak bahasa inggris.Gerak adalah perpindahan dari titik awal ke titik akhir misal dari titik A menuju titik B

Perpindahan adalah besaran vektor

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