Selasa, 19 April 2022

Write Three Tasks Students Can Perform In A Digital Classroom

Write Three Tasks Students Can Perform In A Digital Classroom

write what students don t do in the classroom

Daftar Isi

1. write what students don t do in the classroom

playing bercanda mengobrol ~bercanda dgn berlebihan
~berbicara berlebihan

2. write what students don t do in the classroom

we must not be noisy
we must not write on table and wall

3. 46. There is... in the classroom.A. Four studentsB. Three studentsC. Two studentsD. One student​

There is one student in the classroom. [D]


There is VS There are

There is dan There are mempunyai arti yang sama yaitu "ada" namun yang membedakan keduanya adalah:

There is diikuti oleh singular noun atau benda yang jumlahnya 1. There are diikuti oleh plural noun atau benda yang jumlahnya lebih dari 1.


There is an apple.There is a book.There is one flower.There are flowers.There are many students.There are two trees.

semoga membantu^^

4. write three obligations of students​


- Wearing school uniform

- Throw garbage in its place

- Study seriously and thoroughly

5. The students . . . . . in the classroom.​





6. 1. the student doesn't write the tasks everyday2. does the students write the tasks everydayubahlah ke kalimat passive voice​

The tasks are not written by student everyday.Are the tasks written by student everyday?


Passive voice adalah sebuah kalimat dimana subjek dikenai pekerjaan sehingga selalu mempunyai makna di/ter. Rumus passive voice selalu be+Verb3.Untuk penggunaannya disesuaikan dengan tensesnya.

Pada soal diatas, tenses yang digunakan adalah simple present tense, jadi rumusnya adalah:

(+) Subject + am/is/are + verb3 + by agent.

(–) Subject + am/is/are + not + verb3 + by agent.

(?) A m/is/are + subject + verb3 + by agent?


The flower is seen by me.The flower is not seen by me.Is the flower seen by me?


Am => subjek IIs => subjek she, he, it, singular noun.Are => subjek you, we, they, plural noun.

semoga membantu^^

7. 4. Arrange these jumble worlds into corrent sentence! are - studying - the students - the classroom - in a. The students are studying in classroom b. The students the classroom in are studying c. Studying are the students in tne classroom

Jawaban :

A. The students are studying in classroom

Penjelasan :

The students are studying in classroom = Para murid sedang belajar di dalam ruang kelas

8. ...three fans in the classroom​


i have three fans inter the classroom

9. .......... twenty students in the classroom​

there are twenty students in the classroom.

10. Write intro negative and interrogative sentences! a. (+) Mr anto makes a handicraft (-) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (?) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (+) The students learn in the classroom

(-) Mr. Anto does not make a handicraft
(?) Does Mr. Anto make a handicraft?

(-) The students do not learn in the classroom
(?) Do the students learn in the classroom?- : mr anto does not make a handicraft
? : does me anto make a handicraft?

- : the students dont learn in the classroom
? : do the students learn in the classroom?

semoga membantuu, jadikan jawaban terbaik yaa:)

11. write three setences about your classroom condition

noisy,fun,always make me laugh

My classroom is always a mess.

It's comfortable that why we barely go outside if it's time for lunch. Since we eat inside the class, the class smells bad, but we like to give a air freshener to make it smell better.

12. the the classroom​

the students are in the classroom = murid-murid berada di kelas

13. ...three fans in the classroom​


theyare three fans in the classroom


maaf klo salah

jadikan terbaik


There are three fans in the classroom.


There are  --> digunakan untuk mengatakan bahwa sesuatu ada atau terjadi

semoga membantu kak :DD#Semangat!! o(^o^)o-auriental

14. some students in the classroom​


seorang murid sedang berada di kelas


Artinya adalah beberapa siswa di dalam kelas

Sekitar 19 orang atau 8 orang


Semoga membantu dan jadikan jawaban tercerdas

15. A:..... students are there in this classroom?B:there are 35 students​

jawabannya : how many


karena disitu ditanyakan banyak orang di kelas tersebut

16. there..........a lot students in the classroom

disini seorang murid dikelas

17. Students .............. eat in classroom​


students should not eat in classroom

18. 1. arrange these words into a good sentence a - is- in - the- flower -there - garden 2. write three things in the living room !3. write in englishaku menggunakan kompor ini untuk masak ?4. write three things in the classroom5. answer the questiona. where do you can find pillow?b.where do we plant the flowers?minta tolong ya plese​


1)there is a flower in the garden


3)i use this stove to cook


5) the bedroom the garden

19. 4. Write down five things you can find in the classroom!

Chair ( kursi )

Whiteboard ( papan tulis )

Table ( meja )

Map ( peta )

Clock ( jam )

1. Marker (Spidol)

2. Whiteboard (Papan Tulis)

3. Eraser (Penghapus)

4. Books (Buku)

5. Backpack (Tas Ransel)

6. Pencil (Pensil)

7. Ruler (Penggaris)

20. The student-studying -are-the classromm-in arrange that word into a good sentence A. The students are studying in the classroomB. The students studying are in the classroomC. The studying students are in the classroom D. In the classroom the students studying are​


A.The students are studying in the classroom


The student-studying -are-the classromm-in arrange that word into a good sentence

The students are studying in the classroom

semoga membantu :)

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