Rabu, 04 Mei 2022

Anxious Is To Calm As Amateur Is To

Anxious Is To Calm As Amateur Is To

Mother was anxious to wait for father. The synonym of anxious is.... [HOTS a. worried b.proud c. calm D. overjoyed​

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1. Mother was anxious to wait for father. The synonym of anxious is.... [HOTS a. worried b.proud c. calm D. overjoyed​


a. worried


bole jadiin jawaban tercerdas nda•ᴗ•

2. 20 d. It is expensive. Mother was anxious to wait for father The synonym of anxious is THOTS a worried C. proud b. calm d. overjoyed tolong di jawab kk besok di kumpul​

Jawaban: A. Worried

worried = cemas

anxious = cemas

jawaban:a. worried

jadiin jawaban tercerdas dong•ᴗ•

3. 1. Which sentence uses adjective as pre-modifier? A. All the girls in the classroom are happy. B. The red notebook is inside the back. C. The story makes me sad. D. This mango is sweet. 2. Mother was anxious to wait for father....... The synonym of anxious is a. worried b. calm C. proud d. overjoyed

1. -

2. Mother was anxious to wait for father

Answer: a. worried

:the synonym of anxious is worried

4. Vacation-are-a-to have-we-anxious

we are have a anxious to vacation?

5. Today, Dina is visiting her grandmother. She is usually visiting her grandmother, becauseher grandmother loves cooking and can make the delicious food for Dena Se hetgrandmother is her teacher in cooking Today, Dina's grandmother is cooking chickensoup It is one of Dina favorites food And then Dina is trying to make another food andDina is choosing to make fried tofu, it is a simple food to make by amateur And in thenight. Dina is going back to her home And obviously Dina and her grandmother areenjoying their time to cook together​tolong artikan?!



Hari ini, Dina mengunjungi neneknya. Dia biasanya mengunjungi neneknya, karena

neneknya suka memasak dan bisa membuatkan makanan enak untuk Dena Se het

nenek adalah gurunya dalam memasak. Hari ini, nenek Dina sedang memasak ayam

soup Ini adalah salah satu makanan favorit Dina Dan kemudian Dina mencoba membuat makanan lain dan

Dina memilih membuat tahu goreng, itu adalah makanan sederhana yang dibuat oleh amatir dan di

malam. Dina akan kembali ke rumahnya Dan jelas Dina dan neneknya akan kembali ke rumahnya

menikmati waktu mereka untuk memasak bersama.

*Maaf kalau salah kak*

Semoga membantu


Hari ini, Dina mengunjungi neneknya. Dia biasanya mengunjungi neneknya, karena

neneknya suka memasak dan bisa membuatkan makanan enak untuk Dena Se het

nenek adalah gurunya dalam memasak. Hari ini, nenek Dina sedang memasak ayam

soup Ini adalah salah satu makanan favorit Dina Dan kemudian Dina mencoba membuat makanan lain dan

Dina memilih membuat tahu goreng, itu adalah makanan sederhana yang dibuat oleh amatir dan di

malam. Dina akan kembali ke rumahnya Dan jelas Dina dan neneknya akan kembali ke rumahnya

menikmati waktu mereka untuk memasak bersama

6. pilihlah salah satu dari dalam kurung.. 1. (being not/ not being/ to not be/ dont be/ doesnt be/ isnt) sad? 2. would you mind ( to come/come/ coming/came) with me? 3. please (be/being/ been/is/ are/ was) happy! 4. let's (see/ seeing/ saw/ to see/in seeing) that movie! 5. could you please (calm/ be calm/ to calm/ to be calm/ being calm/ was calm) ? jawab dan artikan yah...

dont be
be calmdont be
be calm

7. tolong di terjemahin: this is my grandmother's house the house is small but it's nice there are many trees so we can get fresh air to breathe the scenery in my grandmother's house is amazing there because the situation is calm

ini adalah nenek saya rumah nya kecilini adalah rumah nenekku rumah kecil tapi bagus ada banyak pohon sehingga kami bisa mendapatkan udara segar untuk bernapas pemandangan di rumah nenek saya menakjubkan di sana karena situasi tenang

8. 16. Sarah : "What is your father like?" Dono : "He is ......a. a dentistb. helpfulc. honestyd. having breakfast17. Mr Bean : (hungry) "Oh no" Sabine : "What happened?" Mr Bean : "I'm suddenly hungry. (hungry) Ouh......" Sabine : "Don't worry, honey. We will find ..... Mr Bean : "Thank you, Sabine"a. foodb. drinkc. iced. no need to find food19. Most of people in Sukamaju Village do not have a motorcyle or car because petrol is rare there.What is rare? HOTSa. It is commonly done.b. It is hard to find.c. It is large and heavy.d. It is expensive.20. Mother was anxious to wait for father.The synonym of anxious is ...... HOTSa. worriedb. calmc. proudd. overjoyed​







16.a. a dentist

17.a. food

19.b. It is hard to find.

20.b. calm


sorry if wrong

//thanks for thequestion\\

9. what is the different meaning of "anxious" bantu bbroo cpt


apa perbedaan arti cemas


maaf kalau salah

10. Terjemahan Just Calm Down Because On Thing That is Impossible For Me Is To Leave You​


Tenanglah karena satu hal yang tidak mungkin untukku itu meninggalkanmu

jadiin brainliest answer ya mau nyelesain misi hehehe

Hanya tenang saja Karena Hal Itu adalah Mustahil Bagi Saya Untuk Meninggalkan Anda

11. what is difference between amateur and professional

the difference between amateur and professional are :
-amateurs : take part just for enjoyment, participation is more important than the result, train in their spare time. while
-professionals : take part for money, winning is the most important thing. The more they win, the more they earn, train full-time

12. How to calm your angry friends??

Give she the surprise or the funny things, and give she to taking his time alone for calm his self.Answer:
=> Please ask for forgive to your friend if the cause of your friend's anger are you

=> Give your friend a bottle of water because water can make the nerves of an angry person feel more relaxed

=> talk politely and ask why he can get angry like that. After the cause is known, try to give the best solution and suggestion for your friend.


13. After a.......comes a calm. The suitable word to complete the proverb is.. A.two B.day C.storm D.fance E.time

C. storm
buktinya ada di website ini

semuga membantu :)

14. what is the synonym of the word calm?

quiet peaceful .......( apa sinonim dari kata tenang? )

jawaban : Quiet


15. an airhostess told us to keep calm,and to get off plane guitiy as soon as it tauched downt

Sebuah airhostess mengatakan kepada kita untuk tetap tenang, dan untuk turun dari pesawat guitiy secepat itu tauched downt

16. My pet is not common,that is corn snake.My uncle bought it for me at a reptile show.I namet i toby .It is easy to handle and care for .Its color combination are beautiful.It doesn't grow too big so i don't need a big enclosure. Toby is a docile snake. It is calm , too. It enjoys being handled from time to time. 4.The porpuse of the texs is to......


The purpose of the text is to describe and to tell the readers about the writers pet (corn snake)



The purpose of the text is to......?


The purpose of the text is to describe and to tell the readers about the writers pet (corn snake)


Tujuan dari teks diatas untuk...?


Tujuan dari teks diatas yaitu untuk mendeskripsikan dan menceritakan kepada pembaca tentang hewan peliharaan si penulis (ular jagung)

Bukti, "My pet is not common, that is a corn snake. My uncle bought it for me at a reptile shop. I named it Toby. It is easy to handle and care for it. Its color combination are beautiful. It doesn't grow too big so i don't need a big enclosure. Toby is a docile snake. It is calm, too. It enjoys being handled from time to time."

Bukti bahwa dia sedang mendeskripsikan dan menceritakan tentang peliharaan nya itu yaitu corn snake.


17. The indonesia of calm is


bahasa indonsia dari kerang adalah

18. arti keep calm it is my birthday month

ini adalah bulan kelahiran sayatolong tenang bulan ini ulang tahun saya

19. “I heard my Dad was praying while Mum tried to soothe me.” The word 'soothe' is closest in meaning to … .take carecalm downfell offlook after​

Calm down.


Take care = Merawat, menjaga

Calm down = Tenang

Fell off = Merasa ada suatu keanehan

Look after = Menjaga

Dari arti kata di atas yang paling mendekati arti soothe adalah calm down.

Calm down = Tenang

Soothe = Menenangkan, memberikan rasa tenang.

The word 'soothe' is closest in meaning to 'calm down'.

So, the correct answer is calm down.


:: semoga membantu ::

20. “He often brought home people he BARELY knew to his house to have a lunch.” The meaning of the underlined adverb (barely) is …. (try to // very well // anxious to)

saya kira jawabanya very well
maaf kalo salah ya setahu saya ituAnswer:
“He often brought home people he BARELY knew to his house to have a lunch.”

Dia sering membawa pulang orang yang dia kenal baik(sudah akrab) ke rumahnya untuk makan siang. "

Sesuai arti kalimat di atas Maka, pilihan yang sesuai untuk barely adalah --->
Barely = very well


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