Minggu, 29 Mei 2022

Brush Industries Reports The Following Information For May

Brush Industries Reports The Following Information For May

Answer the following questions based on the information from the2) What is the writer's opinion of Jakarta's creative industries?2) What does the writer suggest about Jakarta's creative industries:a. Reading for specific information1) Who is the writer of the opinion?b. Reading for main ideas of the text1) What is the text about?​

Daftar Isi

1. Answer the following questions based on the information from the2) What is the writer's opinion of Jakarta's creative industries?2) What does the writer suggest about Jakarta's creative industries:a. Reading for specific information1) Who is the writer of the opinion?b. Reading for main ideas of the text1) What is the text about?​


Reading for specific information

Reading for main ideas of the text


2. Jakarta's creative industries answer the following ...​

Ga paham.Maybe answer the following question?

3. find the statements that have the following information -asking for information -accepting an invitation - giving information - greeting - invitation

cari masalah itu untuk mengikuti informasi -bertanya untuk Informasi
-setujui infprmasi
-berikan informasi
- salam

4. Reading for getting specific information sanusi pane what do the following users refer to

artinya bukan?? kalo iy ini terjemahnya

"membaca untuk mendapatkan informasi spesifik sanusi pane apa yang dirujuk oleh pengguna berikut ini"

5. Ada ngga dialog buat Activity 1:Asking for and Giving Information Make a dialogis about asking for and Giving Information based on the following advertisement!Bantu dong hari ini terakhir:)Iklan RACE FOR WORLD


A: Good Afternoon, sir. excuse me sir, may i have your time please? I would like to ask about this ads, Race For World. Do you know the exact location of this event? I'd like to go to see this event.

B: Good afternoon fellas, oh this ads? Do you want to get there? Well, it's quite difficult to tell you the way to go there, but if you wanna go then come with me, i am going to go there by the way.

A: Well, what a coincidence sir, that would be so nice if we can go together.. thanks a lot sir, it's really helpful


6. Answer the following queation based on the imformation from the text jakarta creqtive industries


soalnya mana, sayang? gmana mau bantu

7. A. giving for the opinionB. asking for the opinionC. asking for the informationD. giving for the information​


C ( asking for the information)

= bertanya tentang informasi

= Andi asked Bram why Lintang didn’t swim

8. The following is selected information

Dimana task nyaa atau gambarnya?

9. Activity 2Find out the expressions of asking and giving information about ability to do somethingfrom the dialogues above. Write your answer in the following table!ABILITYAsking for InformationGiving Information​


Hai namaku Naura saya akan menjelaskan atau menceritakan tentang kota saya waktu dulu masih kecil saya pernah melihat kota yang besar sekali di tempat tinggalku Saya ingin menarik sebuah mall yang tinggi sekali tetapi aku tidak sanggup karena aku masih kecil kemudian saya lihat banyak sekali orang yang di Mars itu saya pun kaget dengan bilang ke papa papa kenapa sama orang ada di mall papa ku bilang karena di mall itu perlengkapannya banyak seperti yang ada di warung biasa yang kamu beli snack-snack gitu Oh gitu ya papa dampak

10. Arrange the following jumbled sentence ! For-afternoon-may-i-to-a-singapore-ticket-book-tomorrow

Answer :
Kalau kalimat tanya:
May I book a ticket to Singapore for tomorrow afternoon?

kalau kalimat biasa :
I may book a ticket to Singapote for tomorrow afternoon.

11. a. reading for specific information 1.who is the writer of the opinion 2.who is the writer's opinion of jakarta's creative industries​


Reza Syathir is writer this opinion

12. The following persons are very famous in creative industries


Orang-orang berikut ini sangat terkenal di industri kreatif:


Maaf kalau salah

13. complete the missing information in the following dialogue​


lengkapi informasi yang hilang dalam dialog berikut


Maaf, saya hanya bisa memerjemahkan saja

14. complete the following dialogues with expressions of asking for information




semoga bermanfaat maaf kalau salah

15. 11. Complete the following dialogues with expressions of asking for information.​

soal tersebut meminta untuk melengkapi rumpang dengan kalimat ungkapan meminta izin, untuk mengekspresikan meminta izin, beberapa contoh kalimat,

Complete the following dialogues with the expressions of asking for permission.

Ed: Hi, Dara!

Dara: Hello, Ed.

Ed: I have English class today, but I forgot to bring my dictionary. ____?

Dara: Sure, no problem. Here you are.

Ed: Thanks.

Soal tersebut meminta untuk melengkapi bagian rumpang dengan kalimat ungkapan meminta izin.

Untuk mengekspresikan meminta izin, beberapa contoh kalimat yang dapat digunakan antara lain "May I ...," "Can I ...," "Do you mind if ...," dan "Would you mind if ...."

Pada dialog tersebut, Ed akan menjalani kelas Bahasa Inggris hari itu, tetapi dia lupa membawa kamusnya. Oleh karena itu, ungkapan meminta izin yang digunakan adalah meminta izin untuk meminjam kamus.

Oleh karena itu, kalimat ungkapan yang benar adalah "May I borrow your dictionary?"

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah "May I borrow your dictionary?"


maaf kalo salah

16. read the following text.what are the similiarites and differences between the texts? you may use the questions for help

Text 1 is more to a warning and an announcement, but text 2 is an information. Both text tells what to avoid and what to keep.

17. read the following texts involving the use of even though,although and though and answer the following questions a.reading for specific b.reading for main ideas of the text c.reading for detailed information​




maaf kalo salah

18. when we describe a thing, we may include the following information. •Name •Personality•Job •physical appearance•Age •behavior​

Hello my name is Claire my personality is average my job is an office worker my physical appearance is great my age is 27 and my behaviour is good

19. Jakarta's creative industriesanswer the following question besed.....​


on the information from the text

20. Reading for getting specific information (1) What do the following yers refer to?



1. What do the following yers refer to?

1905 = pane was born in Muara Sipongi, Tapanuli.

1922 = pane finished secondary school.

1925 = pane attended Gunung Sari Teacher's Collage.

1929 = pane went to india to study indian culture.

1930 = pane returned from India.

1933 = pane worked for a new literary magazine, _Poedjangga Baroe_ .

1936-1941 = pane worked for Kebanggoenan, a Chinese-owned magazine, together with Mohammad Yamin.

1937 = pane founded a news agency, Antara, together with Armijn, Adam Malik and Sumanang.

1941-1942 = pane worked for the state-owned publisher, _Balai Pustaka_, as an editor of the magazine _Indonesia_ .

1968 = pane died in jakarta.

Semoga membantu

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