Rabu, 25 Mei 2022

In A Residential Neighborhood The Median Value

In A Residential Neighborhood The Median Value

south of kota is a banking,relatil and residential neighborhood the idonesian translation of the underlined word above is .............

Daftar Isi

1. south of kota is a banking,relatil and residential neighborhood the idonesian translation of the underlined word above is .............

south of 'city' is a banking, relatil and residential neighborhood

2. in the equation a=b/c , if value c increases then the value a will​

Arti dari soal diatas:

pada persamaan a = b/c, jika nilai c meningkat maka nilai a akan ...


Karena c merupakan penyebut, maka semakin besar nilai c maka nilai a akan semakin kecil

3. in the equation a=b/c , if value b increases then the value a will​


will increase too


a and b is linear correlation, so if value b increase the value a will increae too

4. are the houses in Lina' s neighborhood similar


yes, they have the same design, with a blue roof and no fence. they are all white and grey



5. They Planted the Trees to ______ The Neighborhood. (Beauty) Fill in the "_____"


maaf ya kalau salah :)

6. in a fractional kaida the value of 8 is​


• 40/50

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


= 16/20

= 24/30

= 32/40

= 40/50


7. After school they work as a park time baby sister in the neighborhood

Di artikan ke bhs Indonesia kan? Kalau iya di artikan ke bhs. Indonesia nih artinya : Setelah sekolah mereka bekerja Sebagai pengasuh anak di lingkungannya.Setelah sekolah, mereka bekerja sebagai pengasuh anak di daerah sekitar mereka

8. the rivers and the ditches in the town are cleaned regularly so...the Streets and pavements in the neighborhood are cleaned because...the ditcher in the neighborhood are clean because

cleaned up.
semoga membantu anda.
kalo salah, beri keterangan yg betul yah.......sungai dan selokan di kota dibersihkan secara teratur sehingga ... Jalan-jalan dan trotoar di lingkungan dibersihkan karena ... penangkap di lingkungan itu bersih karena

9. A car was bought in 2009 for $120 000. In 2010,its value decreased by 20%. In 2011, its valuedecreased by 10% of its value in 2010. Find thevalue of the car at the end of 2011.​


The value of the car at the end 2010 was:

(100% -20%)x $120 000

= $ 96 000

The value of the car at the end 2011 was:

(100%- 10%) x $96 000

= $86 400

10. 1. Complete the sentences a. the digit 5 in 175.236 is in the....place. Its value is....... b. the digit 9 in 123.598 is in the....place. Its value is...c. the digit....in 456.731 is in the hundred thousands place. Its value is....d. the value of the digit... in 679.035 is 70.000e. 850 613 in words is.....​


thousands, 5 000

tens, 90

4, 400 000


Eight hundred and fifty thousand, six hundred and thirteen

11. this house is the .... one in my neighborhood. (large)​




this house is the LARGEST one in my neighborhood

penjelasan, kalau udh pake the itu udh pasti yang paling jadi jawabannya pake largest tetapi kalo contoh: my house is larger than his house itu baru pake larger karena tidak pake the

12. Identify the description of moral value in a folklore. Moral value is ...

Moral values ​​are the values ​​in the story related to the character / temperament or ethics. Moral values ​​in the story could be a good moral values, moral values ​​can also be bad / ugly.

sorry if wrong

13. Boleh bantu?? nnti ak bakal kasih 20 poin. Jawab ngasal? report. Every year, the value of a condominium in Singapore appreciates by 15% of its value in the previous year . If the value of the condominium was $899 300 in 2020, find its value in 2018.​


in 2012 Condominium = $899300;

Rate, R = 15%

n = 2 because we have to calculate the value before 2 year from 2012 i.e. 2010;

By using the formula of n year ago value of principle;


= ;

By solving this we get the value of condominium in year 2010 is $ = 680000

14. porter's bag is the ....one in her neighborhood (bag)​

Best? Bigger? It’s relative I think.

Jawaban: porters bag is the best one in her neighborhood

artinya : tas porter adalah yang terbaik di lingkungannya

maaf kalau salah :)


15. the people with the same hobby then form a new ... in may neighborhood

a new group.........

16. the people white the some hobby then from a new .............in my neighborhood

from a newly moved in my neighborhood

smoga benar hehe

17. the novel.find the moral value in it.

Apa amanat yang ada dalam novel itu?

18. 4. Describe the swimming club in Johan's neighborhood! Answer:​


In the swimming club, there are six pools, three for adults and three for kids. There are also two large changing rooms, the rooms are safe and comfortable

19. Every year, the value of an antique vase appreciates by 20% of its value in the previous year. If the value of the vase was $180 000 in 2012, find its value 2010.



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

harganya naik setiap tahun, jadi kalau tahunnya berkurang harganya turun/lebih rendah. the price decreased.

in 2012 = $180.000, interest 20%

so in 2010 =

price 2012 = (1 + interest)² x price 2010 -> 2 because it was 2 years apart

$180.000 = (1 + 0,2)²x price 2010

$180.000 = 1,2² x price 2010

price 2010 = $125.000

20. Write notices suitable for the following places.A. The Park in your neighborhoodB. The bicycle shed​

A.The Park in your neighborhood

sorry if wrong:)

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