Rabu, 04 Mei 2022

Slave Status Was Tracked Through Which Family Member

Slave Status Was Tracked Through Which Family Member

3. Through which material was the sound the softest?​

1. 3. Through which material was the sound the softest?​


In my opinion, it is Silk

I hope this helps


2. how many family member in dara's family

where the Options......

3. tugas menceritakan family member

in the morning, i see my mother is cooking, my father is read a newspapper, my sister is singing, and my brother is playing

and in the evening, i see my grand mother is drink a tea. and my grand father is drink a coffeein the morning, i see my mother is cooking, my father is read a newspapper, my sister is singing, and my brother is playing

i see my grand mother is drink a tea. and my grand father is drink a coffee
Thankss You Very Much :D :D

4. mention 5 member of family

Father, Mother, Brother, Sister, Grandpa, Grandma, Nephew, Aunt, -mommy/mother
-daddy/ father

I hope this can help you

5. Telling about your family member


I will tell you about my family members.

My father is a sipil employee while my mother is a bank teller. They always go for work early in the morning. I have a sister but no brother. my sister is older than me. she is a student of Cemerlang Seniour high school. my sister is really smart. she always be a first grade in her class. I am a student of Pintar school. Now I am the first grade of the school.

6. Family member physical appearance


Family member physical appearance adalah Penampilan fisik anggota keluarga

Contohnya: beautifull (cantik), handsome (ganteng)


7. Potapota is a family member and mrs.endang have theree a family member who is seta's family member and is seta's daughter and mrs.endang you are not married to the family member and you are not married to your eyes or any other family member and you are not married to your spouse or spouse or family member and you are not married to your child or your eyes


Potapota adalah seorang anggota keluarga dan tuan .endang terdapat seorang anggota keluarga yang merupakan anggota keluarga seta dan merupakan anak perempuan dan tuan seta. Anda belum menikah dengan anggota keluarga dan Anda bukan marrie


maaf kalo salah

8. contoh introducing other family member?


My mom is a very nice cook and she is an "explorer"as she loves to learn and try new things (e.g. reading books, and watching documentaries/tourism documentaries, learning to cook new recipes). She is also very outgoing and humorous as she talks a lot of jokes especially when we are at the dinner table eating our dinner, bringing up the atmosphere, which makes the also the entertainer of the house. She is very caring and thoughtful for me and my brother. She wants us to sleep early everyday because she is very concerned about our health conditions and she would not allow us to be sick by cooking many nutrtious food to boost up our immune system. Many households would be eating the same old dishes again and again, repeatedly everyday, but my mom would cook many different kinds of food 

9. family member lenkap dan beserta artinya

brother=saudara laki
sister=saudara perempuan
grand mother=nenek
grand father=kakek
son= anak
semoga membantuu

10. mention the member of your family


father,mother,brother,sister,grand father,grand mother,aunt,uncle,cousin

11. family member ( annggota keluarga )

grandma grandpa mom dad elder sister elder brother younger sister younger brother nephew niece uncle grandma:nenek
sister:saudara perempuan
brodher:saudara laki laki

12. yang paling betul his relationship with family member is good atau his relationship with family member are good

his relationship with family member is good . are

are = subjek jamak
is = subjek tunggal

13. describe one of your family member

my mother

my mother is kind And beautiful

She always treat me good And thats All i think my dad, he is a hard-working person. he always make our whole family members laugh with his jokes. 

14. Invited - family - we - our - of - member - all

we invited all of our family member

15. describe all of your family member


My name is Elsa, I'm the last of two siblings. I'm a bit spoiled, I'm not too tall. I studied diligently and liked to help my mother's job. My first sister named Rini, She is very beautiful and fair-skinned, straight-nosed and straight-haired but she is a little lazy. My second sister is Helen, She is always passionate in any case, she is always on time and do not like to talk much. My mother's name is Sari, She is very motherly and kind to us all. She is very attentive to us and good at cooking. My father's name is Rio, He is the figure of a diligent father, hard working, tireless and has a high work ethic. He's somewhat humorous. We always joke when we are gathering on holiday. I love my family.


16. Who was the slave animal?bombi and the lion?

ini ada ceritanya gitu ya?

17. Arti how many member your in family

Berapa orang yang ada di keluargamu?

Berapa banyak anggota di keluarga mu????...

18. membuat paragraf tentang Introduction Family Member ​


Hello, everyone.

I would like to introduce myself and share a little about my family.

My name is Muhammad Fauzi, you can call me Fauzi. I was born in 2005 in Tangerang. Now I’m 15 years old and I am the only child in my family.

I live in Tangerang with my parents and my cousin since his parents are working abroad. My father is a lecturer. He teaches Economics in a university. His name is Tomo Wiliantara. Many people said that I look a lot like my father.

Meanwhile my mother is a housewife. Her name is Sari Rahayu. She always takes care of me since she spends most of her time in the house.

My cousin is now a high school student. His name is Farhan. He stays with us since two years ago. Since he will graduate soon, he will continue his study abroad and live with his parents.

I think that’s all about me and my family. Thank you.

*ini contoh ya, kamu tinggal ganti tgl lahir, alamat, pekerjaan ayah dan ibu, pokok nya yg perlu diganti. cuman ganti pakai nama yg sesuai aja kok.


Translate Indonesian :

Halo, semuanya.

Saya ingin memperkenalkan diri dan berbagi sedikit tentang keluarga saya.

Nama saya Muhammad Fauzi, kalian bisa memanggil saya Fauzi. Saya lahir pada tahun 2005 di Tangerang. Sekarang saya berumur 15 tahun dan saya anak tunggal di keluarga saya.

Saya tinggal di Tangerang dengan orangtua dan sepupu saya karena orangtuanya bekerja di luar negeri. Ayah saya adalah seorang dosen. Beliau mengajar ekonomi di sebuah universitas. Nama beliau Tomo Wiliantara. Banyak orang berkata bahwa saya sangat mirip dengan ayah saya.

Sedangkan ibu saya adalah seorang ibu rumah tangga. Namanya Sari Rahayu. Beliau selalu menjaga saya karena beliau menghabiskan sebagian besar waktunya di rumah.

Sepupu saya sekarang adalah seorang murid SMA. Namanya Farhan. Dia tinggal dengan kami sejak dua tahun yang lalu. Karena sebentar lagi dia akan lulus, dia akan melanjutkan studi ke luar negeri dan tinggal bersama orangtuanya.

Saya rasa itulah tentang saya dan keluarga saya. Terima kasih.

semangat belajarnya ^^semoga membantu kamu ya! :3

19. peta konsep family member


father ⇔ mother


son             daughter

20. draw your own family member​


gambarlah anggota keluarga Anda sendiri

kaka harus menggambar keluarga kaka :(

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