Minggu, 01 Mei 2022

The Aaron Cohen Life Protection Act

The Aaron Cohen Life Protection Act

apakah inti dari pengaturan Data Protection Act 1998?

Daftar Isi

1. apakah inti dari pengaturan Data Protection Act 1998?

Intinya adalah :
Data Protection harus diperoleh secara jujur dan sah. 

•Data Protection harus dimiliki hanya untuk satu tujuan atau lebih yang spesifik dan sah. 

•Data Protection harus layak, relevan dan tidak terlalu luas. 

•Data Protection harus akurat dan selalu up to date. 

2. apakah inti dari pengaturan Data Protection Act 1998?

Intinya adalah :
Data Protection harus diperoleh secara jujur dan sah.

•Data Protection harus dimiliki hanya untuk satu tujuan atau lebih yang spesifik dan sah.

•Data Protection harus layak, relevan dan tidak terlalu luas.

•Data Protection harus akurat dan selalu up to date.

3. a. The protection of mental and physical health. b. The quality of life due to the physical exercises. c. The quality of sleeping. d.The safety of human life. e. The impotant role of sleeping to keep good health.​


e. the important role of sleeping to keep good health

4. jane (hoover) the sitting room if aaron and jim (move) the furniture

Jane hoovers the sitting room if aaron and jim moves the furniture.

5. 3.Look at the following greeting card!Do Take Care ofYourself!- Aaron -What is the meaning of the greeting cardabove?a. Aaron wants to say taking care in a placeto this parents.b. Aaron says to himself.c. Aaron says to his pet about taking care.d. Aaron just wants to say taking care tosomeone.​


d. Aaron just wants to say taking care to



Semoga membantu

d.Aaron just wants to say taking care to someone.

maaf kalo salah

6. terjemahkan dong.. : Aaron dan Julio merupakan sahabat baik. Mereka telah bersahabat sejak kecil, tapi suata hari ketika keluargaJulio jatuh miskin, Aaron pun tak ingin lagi bersahabat dengan Julio. Suatu siang ketika Julio, Aaron, Nuii, Gerit dan Romario sedang berada di kelas untuk bersih-bersih sebelum pulang sekolah, Julio dengan berat hati mengatakan kepada Aaron untuk membantunya. Karena menurutnya Aaron lah yang bisa menolongnya dan Aaron merupakan sahabatnya, malah yang terjadi adalahaaeon balik menghina julio

: Aaron and Julio is a good friend. They have been friends since childhood, but suata day when keluargaJulio impoverished, Aaron did not want anymore friends with Julio. One afternoon when Julio, Aaron, Nuii, Gerit and Romario was in the class to clean up before leaving school, Julio reluctantly told Aaron to help. Because according to Aaron was the one who could help him and Aaron is her best friend, even that happens behind insulting julio adalahaaeonAaron and julio is a good friend. they have been friends since childhood but someday julio family impoverished. Aaoran did not want anymore friend with julio one afternoon when julio,Aaoran,nuii,gerit and romario was inthe class to clean up before leaving school julio reluctantly told Aaoran to help because according to Aaron was the one who could help him and Aaron is her best friend even that happens behind insulting julio

7. apa yang anda ketahui dengan the tydings mcduffie act

pemberian kemerdekaan penuh kepada Filipina

8. Aaron was invited to a party.He rings Tina to ask her to go with him.Read what she says.What do you think Aaron says ? Tina: Hello.Tina's speaking. Aaron: .... Tina:Hi,Aaron!How are you? Aaron:... Tina:Nothing planned.Why? Aaron:... Tina:Yeah,I'd love to.Whose party is it? Aaron:... Tina:Oh,yeah.I know him .Where is it? Aaron:... Tina:Where do you want to meet? Aaron:... Tina : OK. I'll be waiting in my house at nine thirty. Aaron:... Tina:See you.Bye tolong yaka diisi + diartikan

aaron 1 : hello Tina!
aaron 2 : i am fine, Tina do you have some plan for saturday night? (aku baik, tina apakah kamu memiliki rencana pada malam minggu)
aaron3 : do you love to go to party? ( apakah kamu suka pergi ke sebuah pesta?
aaron 4 : its Erwin's party. do you know him? (itu pestanya erwin. kamu kenal dia?)
aaron 5 : at his home ( dirumahnya )
aaron 6 : i will pick up you Tina. ( aku akan menjemputmu)
aaron 7 : okay, see you.

9. Apa pengertian azas equal protection on the law


Artinya, semua orang diperlakukan sama di depan hukum. Asas persamaan dihadapan hukum merupakan asas dimana terdapatnya suatu keseteraan dalam hukum pada setiap individu tanpa ada suatu pengecualian

10. apa yang di maksud the tydings mcduffie act

the tydings mcduffie act adalah pemberian kemerdekaan penuh terhadap filipina

11. Activity7 Tina =hello tina speaking Aaron= Tina=hi,Aaron! How are you ? Aaron= Tina= nothing planned why Aaron= Tina=yeah i,d love whose party is it Aaron= Tina=oh yeah l know him where ia it Aaron= Tina = ok l ll be waihing at my house at nine thiry Aaron= Tina=see you bye









12. apa yang anda ketahui dengan the tydings-McDuffie Act

Tydings-McDuffie Act adalah sebuah undang-undang federal Amerika Serikat yang menetapkan proses untuk Filipina, kemudian sebuah koloni Amerika, untuk menjadi negara merdeka setelah masa transisi sepuluh tahun.

(cre. wikipedia eng.)

maaf kalo salah ya :)

13. Aaron copland lahir di

Brooklyn,kota newyork,Amerika

14. Aaron berjalan sejauh 600 meter selama 10 menit. Kecepatan Aaron berjalan adalah​


kecepatan= jarak : waktu

= 600m : 10 menit

= 60meter/ menit

15. 4. What does the word "registration" mean?a. The act of being present.b. The act of enrolling,c .The number of people that are present.d. The act of paying money.e. An act of requiting; returning in kind.​


B. the act of enrolling



B. the act of enrolling, sama sama bang

16. Why does the animal need protection?


they need protection so they wont extinct

17. Jawaban dari pertanyaan.................of the play Mourning Becomes Electra introdces the cast of characters and hints et the plot.a. The act firstb. Act onec. Act firstd. First act

D.. First act ...  of....(so on

D. first act
itu yg betul InsyaAllah :)

18. Tina : Hello,Tina speaking.Aaron : _____________Tina : Hi, Aaron! How are youAaron : ______________Tina : Nothing planned.Why?Aaron:_______________Tina : Yeah, I'd love to.Whose party is it? Aaron: ______________Tina : Oh yeah. I know him. Where is it?Aaron : ______________Tina : Where do you want to meet? Aaron : ______________Tina : OK. i'il be waiting at my house at nine thirty. Aaron : ____________Tina : See you ByeTolong ya bantu please

2.i'm fine,thank you
3.because i'm sick
4.in my house
5.in my park
6.on monday
7.good byeTina : Hello,Tina speaking.
Aaron : Hi, Tina!This is Aaron
Tina : Hi, Aaron! How are you
Aaron : I'm fine,thanks. Do you have any plans for tonight?
Tina : Nothing planned.Why?
Aaron: I just want to ask you how about we go to a party
Tina : Yeah, I'd love to.Whose party is it?
Aaron: Daniel's. Do you know him?
Tina : Oh yeah. I know him. Where is it?
Aaron : At the Aston Hotel. Let's meet toghether before we go to his party
Tina : Where do you want to meet?
Aaron : How about your house?
Tina : OK. i'il be waiting at my house at nine thirty.
Aaron : Good,see you tonight. Bye
Tina : See you Bye

☆Hope this will help (:

19. Aaron saved $28 this week. Each week, he saves $4 more than the week before. How much did Aaron save four weeks ago?



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


hrs 20karaktef

20. Tina: Hello.tina spakingAaron: ...Tina: Hi,aaron! how are you?Aaron: ...Tina: Nothing planned, why?Aaron: ...Tina: Yeah, I'd love to, whose party is itAaron: ...Tina: Where do you want to meet?Aaron: ...Tina: Ok, I'ii be waiting at my house at nine thirtyAaron: ...Tina: See you, bye.#TolongJawabYahKak

The answers are

Aron :Hello Tina

Aron: I am fine thank you. Are you planned something tomorrow?

Aron:I Will invite you to a party tomorrow

Aron: It is my friend birthday party

Aron: we can meet ini park at nine thirty

Aron:Ok see you there bye....

Ini diurut sesuai percakapan nya yah

Keep practice English

Butuh translate?! Nya gak?

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