Kamis, 12 Mei 2022

What Are The Costs Of Freebie Items

What Are The Costs Of Freebie Items

Quiz29/166What are the names of the items ?What are they for ?​

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1. Quiz29/166What are the names of the items ?What are they for ?​

screwdriver, floor cleaner, fire extinguisher, marker, saw, hammer, teflon, hoe, fishing net, comb and scissors screwdriver for repairing machinery, floor cleaner for cleaning floors, fire extinguisher for extinguishing fires, marker for writing/drawing, saw for cutting wood, hammer for building buildings, Teflon for cooking, hoe for mixing cement/for gardening, fishing net for catch fish, comb and scissors to cut hair



[tex]⋆AnswerBy: \small{\tt{\color{ff0000}\color{4000ff}{♡Anna}}\color{8000ff}{20}\color{c000ff}{10♡}}[/tex]

2. There are 12 stationery items. 1117 (a) What fraction of the items are pencils?​


it's in the image above

3. 1.What are the component of text identity? (7 items)​


1. Apa sajakah komponen identitas teks? (7 item)


1. Name/Logo

2. Colors

3. Slogan/Tagline

4. Website Address

5. Legal Requirements

6. Fonts

7. Contact Information


Sorry if it's wrong

4. write down the items and What they are good forum.


tuliskan barang-barangnya dan forum apa yang bagus

5. all of the following items are plurals. Label them​








6. On the subject of higher education what are some important vocabulary items? (some possible examples are degree, visa, program, enrollment, registration, assignment, and sponsor.) what are some definitions of these words and phrases ? why are the items important to you ?

definitions of those wordsnya referring to degree, visa, program, enrollment and etc itu ya???
if it is then..
definition of degree as in academic degree is a recognition that you've been completed particular studies from either school or university.
visa is a document indicating that the holder is allowed to enter, leave, or stay for a specified period of time in a country.
program as in academic programs (major/concentration/course etc) is a field of study that you take
enrollment is an admission for applying to particular univ/school
registration is just as the same as enrollment it's like an application you need to apply
assignment is something you need to do to complete the qualifications (for examples : making a portofolio or essays)
and sponsor is those donators that help you in funding your tuition fees (sometimes in form of scholarship and etc)

and the items (vocab) that important for me personaly are program, enrollment, degree and entrance exams. (entrance exams is that exam you need to take in order to enter the university)

7. a story book costs $84. during a big sale, it costs $72. what is the percentage decrease of the price of the story book?

% decrease = (84-72) / 84 = 14.28 %

8. what is the synonym of all items​


apa sinonim dari semua item?

9. What are the challenges faced when allocating overhead costs to products? Can these challenges identified be overcome by using ABC? Your answer should INCLUDE an explanation of the implications of the hierarchy of overhead costs and activities.


ihhh wibu


ihhhh wibuuuuh

10. How many day are the over given?what items aresaled​


1. 20 days

2. Starts from 5th March 2020


maaf kalau salah, hope it helpful ( •͈ᴗ•͈)

1. 21 days exactly
2. I think the answer is ‘key clothing’. Idk


11. A kilogram of rice costs $2.05. what is the cost of 20 kg of the rice? ​

= 2,05x20

Maaf kalo salah

12. what are the main classes of materials used in the production of common household items? give two examples of these items that are made up of each material.yg bisa jawab dgn benar dan rapih dan jelas dibaca, kukasih jawaban tercerdas ​


1. Wood/wooden

Examples : chair, table, bed, wardrobe

2. Clay/terracota

Examples : plate, glass

3. Plastic or silicone

Example : tumbler, flower vase


1. one

2. it shows that the items are more than one

3. we add (s) for items which consists more than one.

14. what is the difference og writing items of which consist of one, compared to the items of which consist of more than one


The difference of writing items that  consist of one compared to the items that consist of more than one is:

Singular Noun

One item is a singular noun,We don't need to put "s" after the noun.We need to put articles (a/an) before the nounFor example, as we can see in the conversation in the textbook, the singular items are : one backpack, a ruler, a pencil case, a drawing book, a lunch box, a calculator,

Plural Noun

Item which is more than one is called a plural noun.We need to put "s" after the nounWe need to put number before the nounFor example, in the textbook the plural items are: two backpacks, four notebooks, three textbooks, two dictionaries.


Singular Noun

Dalam bahasa Indonesia artinya kata benda tunggal.Untuk penulisan singular noun kita perlu artikel "a/an" sebelum kata benda. "a" digunakan untuk kata benda yang berawalan huruf konsonan. Sedangkan "an" digunakan untuk kata benda yang berawalan huruf vokal (a, i, u, e, o).Untuk penulisan singular noun kita tidak perlu menambahkan "s/es" pada akhir noun.Contoh: anumbrella, abook

Plural Noun

Dalam bahasa Indonesia artinya kata benda jamak - kata benda yang lebih dari satu.Untuk penulisan plural noun kita perlu menambahkan angka sebelum kata benda. Untuk penulisan plural noun kita perlu menambahkan akhiran "s/es".Contoh: two umbrellas, three books.

Pelajari lebih lanjut:

Materi tentang noun dalam bahasa Inggris https://brainly.co.id/tugas/24686663


15. some of the items on the sopping list above are non food item what are they​


beberapa item pada daftar sopping di atas adalah item non makanan apa itu?

16. look at the pictureswhat are the items ans their funcions/uses?​


1. iron

2. perforator

3. tripod

4. headphone

5. tensimeter


1. to iron wrinkled clothes

2. to make a hole in the paper

3. to keep the camera stable when taking a photo

4. to listen to music on the phone

5. to measure blood pressure


1. An Iron

Uses/Function : To make our clothes neater and looks smooth

2. Hole Puncher

Uses/Function : To create holes in sheets of paper.

3. Camera Stand/Tripod

Uses/Function : Photography

4. Headphones

Uses/Function : To listen to audio or music privately


maaf nomor 5 nga tau gambarnya kurang jelas semoga membantu

17. The question.1.What are they talking about?2.How many items is Dian talking about?3.What are the caracteristics of the item they are talking about?4.What is it for?5.What tenses are the speakers using?​


no 1.) answer : They're talking about the globe


semoga membantu

maaf kalo salah

1. The globe

2. One

3. It looks like a blue ball that has a painting on it.

4. To tell you about the location of a place on Earth

5. Simple present tense

18. 39. What items are in the bedroom?1. .......2. ......3. ......​


1. Closet

2. Desk

3. Bed


1. Bed

2. Clothing rack

3. Table


Semoga membantu! Klo bisa jadikan jawaban ini terbaik! thanks

19. ,..,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,., pertanyaan nya 1.what are they talking about2.how many items is dian talking about3.what are the caracteristics of the item they are talking about4.what is it for?5.what tense are the speakers using​


1.they talking about globe

2.one item

3.a globe

4.for tells you about location of a place on earth


maaf kalo salah semoga membantu

20. What are they talking about? 6. 7. How many items are there on the chair? 8. What are the characteristics of the items they are talking about? What are they for? 9. 10. What tense is used in the dialogue?​


6:magnifying glasses


maaf ya bisanya sampai 7 maaf kalo salah

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