Minggu, 15 Mei 2022

Which Common Theme From American Literature Do Both Passages Develop

Which Common Theme From American Literature Do Both Passages Develop

explain the influence of the imperialism at seventeen century in literature both american and english​

Daftar Isi

1. explain the influence of the imperialism at seventeen century in literature both american and english​

By definition, imperialism is a policy of extending a country’s power and influence through diplomacy or military force. As we know, a lot of colonialism happened in the past, and we can see how colonialism still impacts us ‘til this very day. Some countries still struggle, some thrives. During colonialism, everything that the colonists did, impacted the region. For example, even here in Indonesia, we still could see dutch styled buildings and their traditions here (eating chocolate sprinkles aka meses on top of bread is a dutch tradition) so, in conclusion, everything they did, impacted the region. At that time, England colonized the US and for that reason, they influenced americans, including their writings.

2. What are the differences between Drama in English Literature and American Literature? Explain clearly and give the example!

well i actualky dont know mennnn

3. where do i come from a. Indonesian~russia Россияb.indonesian~americand.african​


Where do i come from

(Artinya, dimana saya berasal?)

A. Indonesia - Rusia

B. Indonesia - Amerika

C. Afrika


(Where do you from?)

Dimana kamu berasal?

(My nationality is Indonesian-Russian)

Saya keturunan Indonesia-Rusia

4. Apakah yang do maksud dengan bhineka TUNggal ika sebagai common denominator

Bhinneka Tunggal Ikaadalahmotoatau semboyan bangsaIndonesiayang tertulis pada lambang negara Indonesia,Garuda Pancasila. Frasa ini berasal daribahasa Jawa Kunoyang artinya adalah “Berbeda-beda tetapi tetap satu”.Diterjemahkan per kata, katabhinnekaberarti "beraneka ragam". Katanekadalam bahasa Sanskerta berarti "macam" dan menjadi pembentuk kata "aneka" dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Katatunggalberarti"satu". Kataikaberarti "itu". Secara harfiah Bhinneka Tunggal Ika diterjemahkan"Beraneka Satu Itu", yang bermakna meskipun beranekaragam tetapi pada hakikatnya bangsa Indonesia tetap adalah satu kesatuan. Semboyan ini digunakan untuk menggambarkan persatuan dan kesatuan Bangsa dan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia yang terdiri atas beraneka ragam budaya, bahasa daerah, ras, suku bangsa, agama dan kepercayaan

5. What do you think about American movie?

Amazing director, Good editorI think they are very creative, the proof of their films great demand

6. Which is American way to say a quarter part 11​



maaf jika salah.

7. How many percent if North American Children which are obese?

berapa banyak persen anak di amerika utara yang gendut/obesitas?

8. do you know these people?name theme​


Sheila on 7 band

Duta dkk


Padi band



9. say these following time singnals both in American and British system ​

1. 10:10 a.m


3. 9:55 p.m

4.  09:05

5. 1:58 p.m


1. 10:10

Br: It is ten past ten AM

Am: It is ten ten AM

2. 16:40

Br: It is twenty to five PM

Am: It is four forty PM

3. 21: 55

Br: It is five to ten PM

Am: It is nine fifty five PM

4. 09:05

Br: It is five past nine AM

Am: It is nine five AM

5. 13:58

Br: It is two to two PM

Am: It is one fifty eight PM


AM = Ante Meridian = before twelve midday = sebelum pukul 12 siang dimulai dari pukul 00:01 atau dimulai sesudah pukul 12 tengah malam.

PM = Post Meridian = after mid day = setelah pukul 12 siang sampai pukul 23:59 atau sebelum pukul 12 tengah malam.

10. what lists of programming languages should i learn to develop a wordpress theme?

PHP, Js (javascript), CSS, and HTML.

11. what do all rocks have in common

the anser is d:a and b sorry kl salahthe anser is ad and usualuy my badminton you do you like thank you

12. Which is a list of common prepositions?


above, according to, into, like, near, beneath, beside, between, by, by means of, in spite of, till, to, past, per, up, upon, prior, etc


13. Questions1. which line on sentence conveys the tone of both poems?2. explain the tone of both poems in your own sentences3. what sentences develop the tone​


1. Second row (Binding them in your big hands of loneliness.)

2. weariness with the same old issues that you’ve always had—the same boring flaws and anxieties you’ve been gnawing on for years.

3. Binding them in your big hands of loneliness. You cruel intentions make many suffer.


Hope it helps, have a nice day :)

14. Which pair of joints has the most in common?​


Pasangan sendi mana yang paling banyak memiliki kesamaan?


itu terjemahnya maaf kalau salah ya

15. what do you think of American culture?

yes because your good at ingglis american

16. literature for young readers (children) differs from literature for adults in degree."" what does the word ‘degree’ mean?

degree means the amount, level, or extent to which something happens or is present it also can means a unit of measurement of angles, one three-hundred-and-sixtieth of the circumference of a circle.


pada bahasa indonesia "degree" bisa berarti derajat, tingkat, taraf, gelar atau kadar

#maafkalosalah #keepsmile

17. How the development of literature from Old English until Modern?

Anglo-Saxon or Old English literature includes literature written in Old English in the post-Roman period from approximately the middle of the 5th century to the Norman Conquest in 1066.These works cover genres such as epic poetry, hagiography, sermons, translations Bibles, laws, chronicles, puzzles, and more. In total there are about 400 manuscripts that have survived from this period, a corpus that is important to both the public and researchers.

Some of his important works include the poem Beowulf, which has achieved national epic status in Britain. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle is an early collection of British history. The Cædmon hymn from the 7th century is one of the oldest surviving writings in English.


maaf kalau salah, aku hanya ingin membantu

18. artikan dalam bahasa indonesia firstly referenced from sanskirt literature from 200 BC

Pertama kali direferensikan dari literatur dalam bahasa sanskerta pada tahun 200 SM (sebelum masehi) .

pertama direferensikan dari literatur sanskirt dari 200 SM

maaf kalau salah

19. Both Emily......cathy are from paris


Both Emily ... Cathy are from Paris.



Conjunctions are conjunctions that connect two or more words, two or more sentences.

Semoga membantu:-)

Jangan lupa jawabannya dikasih terbaik><

20. 7.Which countryis Ocean Sole from?8We should write on both sides of paper?9. What do they mix the pieces of glass with?10. Why is recycling glass good for the environment?​

Sepertinya ini pertanyaannya harus ada pragraf atau ceritanya jadi saya gak bisa menjawab.

Tapi saya bisa menjawab yg 10.

Jawaban :

10. Glass produced from recycled glass reduces related air pollution by 20% and related water pollution by 50%. Recycling glass reduces the space in landfills that would otherwise be taken up by used bottles and jars. Using glass for recycling means there are less glass objects lying around in he landfill or bin.

Indonesia : Kaca yang dihasilkan dari kaca daur ulang mengurangi polusi udara terkait hingga 20% dan polusi air terkait hingga 50%. Kaca daur ulang mengurangi ruang di tempat pembuangan sampah yang seharusnya bisa digunakan oleh botol dan toples bekas. Menggunakan kaca untuk daur ulang berarti lebih sedikit benda kaca yang tergeletak di TPA atau tempat sampah.

Semoga menolong :)
Maaf kalau salah^^”

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