Rabu, 27 Juli 2022

A Guest Orders A Drink That Contains 4 1/2

A Guest Orders A Drink That Contains 4 1/2

Apa perbedaan "In" dan "In the"mana yang benar "Taking guest orders as a waiter in lounge" atau "Taking guest orders a a waiter in the lounge"tolong jawab yang bener​

Daftar Isi

1. Apa perbedaan "In" dan "In the"mana yang benar "Taking guest orders as a waiter in lounge" atau "Taking guest orders a a waiter in the lounge"tolong jawab yang bener​


Penggunaan "the" yang dilanjutkan noun/kata benda, menandakan bahwa benda itu bukan sembarang benda (benda mana saja) tapi benda yang sudah spesifik, benda yang sudah tertentu dimana dia, di mana lokasinya dll.

Sedangkan noun tanpa "the" berarti dia noun yang bersifat umum, tidak ditunjuk spesifik benda yang mana/di mana.

Kalau kita bicara misalnya job description seorang waiter, maka kita bilang "taking guest orders as a waiter in lounge"

Jadi kita tidak bicara lounge tertentu, atau lounge yang ada di suatu hotel tertentu tapi lounge secara umum.

Tapi kalau kita bicara situasi di sebuah hotel, misalnya: I was at hotel Shangrilla yesterday. I saw a girl taking orders in the lounge

Kita pakai "the" karena lounge nya bukan lounge secara general, tapi lounge yang terdapat di hotel Shangrila.

Jadi kedua kalimat itu bisa benar, tergantung konteksnya

Contoh lain:

Men like cars (pria-pria suka denga mobil) => pernyataan umum, pria nya tidak ditunjuk pria yang mana)

The men like cars (pria-pria itu suka dengan mobil) => pria-pria itu sudah ditunjuk pria pria yang mana, sesuai dengan konteks cerita atau paragaraf nya.


Semoga bermanfaat.

2. Food that contains Vitamin A is..​


carrot = wortel mengandung vitamin A


maaf kalo salah


Is Ragilllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

3. apa arti dari milk is a healthy drink. it contains vitamin and calsium

susu adalah minuman yang sehat. itu mengandung vitamin dan kalsium
susu adalah minuman sehat.itu mengandung vitamin dan calsium

4. waiter: what would you like to drink. guest: ..., please. waiter: in a minute, sir.

i would drink .... (isi sendiri minum nya apa)guest: yes,please. itu deh kykny

5. A seed is the reproductive part of a plant that contains a plant...​


Benih adalah bagian reproduksi dari tanaman yang mengandung tanaman.


6. bahasa indonesianya a large building that contains stores and restaurants

a large building that contains stores and restaurants artinya :

sebuah bangunan besar yang berisi toko-toko dan restoran

semoga membantu :)

sebuah bangunan berisi toko dan restoran

7. guest should use these plastic glasses to drink (passive)​


tamu harus meggunakan gelas plastik ini untuk minum ( pasif) #maaf kalo slh

8. Lyn:... Mia:No They drank coffe. a. Did the guest drink juice yesterday morning? b. Did the guest drank juice yesterday morning? c. Did the guest drunk juice yesterday morning? d. Did the guest drinking juice yesterday morning? ​


a. Did the guest drink juice yesterday morning?

maaf kalau salah, semoga membantu

9. People can drink...fresh water.They can't drink...sea water because it contains...salt

orang2 bisa meminum air segar. mereka tidak bisa meminum air laut karena mengandung garam

maaf kalau ada kesalahan,semoga bermanfaat

10. You must write a conversation that contains at least 4 present continuous and 4 future continuous tenses


You must write a conversation that contains at least 4 present continuous and 4 future continuous tenses!

Let Me Answer Your Quistion..

- Holidayy☕ -

Iva : Hello Guys,Good Morning How Are You?

Fio : I'am Fine Iva Thank You ^w^

Felicia : I'm Fine to Iva.What is the need Va?

Iva : I want to take a vocation☕

Fio n Felici : Okay!! Let's go

Iva : But, what about your parents? are you allowed to go

Fio : My Father n My Mother be sleeping now n they are say you can talk with your bestie.

Iva : Ooww how about you felicia?

Felicia : My Mom n Dad Say To Me try not to go home at 7 o'clock,I'll be having dinner with my family.

Iva : Okay,Guys Let Go on vocation☕

Fio n Felicia : Goo!!

Mom Iva : Helo Iva,How Are you Baby Do you studying today?

Iva : No Mam,We are not studying today because my teacher say Today we have a day off, kids because theteacher is in a meeting

Mom: Okay Good Luck Va,Byee

Iva : Bye Mom

Fio : Who is Called you Iva?

Iva : Ohw,That is my mom

Felicia : Guys, areweswimmingtoday?

Fio n Iva = Yes Of course

Felicia : Meylissa and Cacil will be celebrating their birthday in Jakarta

Iva n fio : Oww We can't go now...

Felicia : Yes :'(

Fio : Will you be sunbathing at the beach this time?

Iva n Felicia : Yes


[tex]\bold {Detail} [/tex]

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : 9 - SMP

Materi : past,present, and future present

Kode Kategori : 9.5.5

Seemoga Membantu kak : ) Maaf Jika Salah

11. make a sentence that contains "gerund" (a verb-ing that functionas noun)

sleeping is the activity I like.
swimming makes our body healthier.

12. Create a simple dialogve that contains expression of an opinion

Budi: Hani, I would like to ask you something.

Hani: What is it ?

Budi: My girlfriend and I would have our first anniversary tomorrow. I want to give her a special gift. What do you think I should give to her?

Hani: I think a necklace would be nice. Girls love something that blink.

Budi: Really?

Hani: Yes of course. I am a girl too. So, I know she will love it.

Budi: Okay then. I will go now to buy her a necklace.

Hani: Okay. See you.

Budi: See you.

13. guest should use these plastic glasses to drink urutkan

Guest should use these plastic glasses to drink

Urutannya sudah benar ✔


tenses yang digunakan untuk menyatakan sebuah keadaan di masa yg akan datang/masa depan dari sudut pandang masa lampau.

Rumus Past Future (+) S + would/should + V1 + O/C(-) S + would/should + not + V1 + O/C(?) Would/Should + S + V1 + O/C?


Perintah soal adalah mengurutkan tapi kalimat di atas memang sudah benar secara Rumus Past Future:

Subject => Guests Should + Verb-1 => should use Object => these plastic glasses Complement => to drink

Pelajari Lebih LanjutPast Future: brainly.co.id/tugas/24050382Grammar Lainnya: brainly.co.id/tugas/23125679

DETAIL JAWABANMapel: Bahasa InggrisMateri: GrammarLevel: JHS-SHSKode Mapel: 5Kode Kategorisasi: 10.5.3

Kata Kunci: Past Future, should, Verb-1

14. 4. Don't drink that coffee.That is............a. Myb. 1c. Mincd. Your​

don't drink that coffee.
answer : that is my mine (C)

* jangan lupa jadiin jawaban terbaik ya, terimakasih:)


C. Mine


That is mine. Mineadalah bentuk kepemilikan milik diri sendiri. So the full sentence in Bahasa means : Janganminumkopiitu,itumiliksaya.


15. 1. on what show that Rian's act as host? 2. who is the guest Rian's interviewed? 3. What the profession of Rian's guest? 4. what is a reporter? 5. does reporter a danger profession? why?

1.news for teenagers
2.sisca kurniawan
4.someone whose job is to invistigate and report news in newspaper or on radio or television
5.yes, there's no job without any risk1. At the News for Teenagers
2. Sisca Kurniawan
3. A reporter
4. A reporter is someone whose job is to investigate and report news in a newspaper or on radio or television.
5. Yes, because a reporter must gather facts about a news through research, interviews, and first-hand observation.
Maaf klo slah

16. 2 purpose of energy that contains atp​


Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is a nucleotide known in biochemistry as the "molecular unit" of intracellular energy exchange; that is, ATP can be used to store and transport chemical energy in cells. ATP also plays an important role in nucleic acid synthesis.


Adenosina trifosfat (ATP) adalah suatu nukleotida yang dalam biokimia dikenal sebagai "satuan molekular" pertukaran energi intraselular; artinya, ATP dapat digunakan untuk menyimpan dan mentranspor energi kimia dalam sel. ATP juga berperan penting dalam sintesis asam nukleat.

17. Choose the caption that contains a noun phrase …. Pilih jawabanmu. 1 healthy drink inside 2 keep drinking water 3 water is good 4 inside is healthy 5 water is your best friend

5. Water ia your Best friend

18. Write a simple dialogue that contains the expressions of giving instruction!


Mr.Budi : Good morning my students

students : Good morning Sir

Mr Kin : Do yo know what are we going to study? Well, today I will show you how to operate about coreldraw program. Firstly, turn on your computer.

students : Yes sir

Mr.Budi : Secondly, click the coreldraw icon located at the main dekstop

students : Alright sir

Mr kin : Then, draw an icon from the shape tool and be creative from it!

students : Alright sir


19. the writer orders the following foods and drink except​


penulis memesan makanan dan minuman berikut kecuali?


tinggal dijawab

semoga membantu

20. write the name fruits that contains vitamin A minimal 2​





4.guava:jambu biji

semoga membantu...

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