Senin, 11 Juli 2022

In California There Are Forms Of Financial Responsibility

In California There Are Forms Of Financial Responsibility

There are two types of forms; printed and .....

Daftar Isi

1. There are two types of forms; printed and .....



maaf ya kalau salah

2. there are several types of forms. Explain each one that you know​


Forms for work, school registration, competitions, and others


I hope this helps. sorry if the answer is wrong

3. make a dialogue about financial responsibility

Buat dialog tentang tanggung jawab keuangan

4. what kind of responsibility of merchanich in work shope

mechine of car, the condition of car

5. there .... (be) many earthquakes in california tolong isi kan titik titik yang di atas

Jawabanya "are" karena ToBe

maaf kalo salahThere are many earthquakes in California

sorry sebelumnya T_T

6. Complete the sentences with the forms of to be in the present simple (am, is, are).


kalimatnya mana dek

ini aja ya kalimatnya

1 am confuse with your task

2. he is my boy friend

3. she is so beautiful

4. you are smart boy

5. they are in the classroom

6. we are happy family

7. . the number of our universe is limited in size b. there are some forms of galaxies that we know c. gravity holds galaxies together in this universe d. astronomers cannot study about galaxy anymore

A galaxy is a collection of stars and other astronomical bodies, including planets, comets and asteroids, held together by gravity.

There are many different physical forms and measurements of galaxies. These include the spiral, barrel-spiral and elliptical. Our galaxy, called the Milky Way, is approximately 100,000 light years in width and contains over 100 billion stars.

The centre of galaxies can contain many young, very hot stars as well as older stars. Swirling clouds that have been energized by magnetic forces also exist in the centre. At this point in time, no one knows the exact number of galaxies in the universe. Astronomers are, however, learning more and more about them everyday.

From the text we know that …. 

A. gravity holds galaxies together in this universe

B. the number of our universe is limited in size

C. astronomers cannot study about galaxy anymore

D. there are some forms of galaxies that we know

The Correct answear is A. gravity holds galaxies together in this universe.

8. music and television are forms of

sry klo salah

9. what is form?what are needed in form?give me the example of forms​


Its form is a meeting point between space and mass.

10. There…..many earthquakes in California. a. is b. have been c. are d. had been e. has been


c. are


there are adalah bentuk plural dari there is ataupun there's, sehingga diikuti oleh kata benda jamak, earthquakes adalah kata benda jamak




there are many earthquake's in California

penggunaan are karena lebih dari satu atau plural dapat dilihat pada teks yang menyertakan kata"many" dan "earthquakes" yang memakai spada akhir kalimatnya

11. 3.what are the functions of forms?

used to keep medical information about a patient
semoga membantu3=to fill in our personal requirements and identity to contininue school. 4=name,school choice/from which school,prent's name, prent's work,dll. 5= 1 experience,2 graduated from the school, 3 items are in accordance with the school,4 meet the requirements of the school. i am sorry if wrong

12. There have ... many earthquakes in California. a. bee c. been


c. been

semoga membantu, maaf jika salah






13. Let's Do 1. 2. 3. b. C. d. Sally: There are two e. a. i. f. f. a huge hall twelve pillars : 300 rooms : 70 shelves : lots of offices : 4. Complete the following sentences with the phrases above! There are in the park. There is in the middle of the field. There are There are There are There are There is There are j. Activity 1 Work individually! There are two forms of nouns. They are singular and plural nouns. How can you diffe them? Read the following phrases! Then, translate the phrases into Indonesian! a building g. h. C. d. e. a. b. g. g. h. some visitors : an institution : many trees four doors PR i. There is j. There are in the hotel. in my town. in the house. around my house. They make the air fresh. near the stadium. It is usually for concert. in the library. S near my neighborhood. It is a language center. in the building. Each floor has four pillars.​


3. Read the following phrases! Then, translate the phrases into Indonesian!
A. a building = Sebuah bangunan.
B. Some visitors = Beberapa pengunjung.
C. An institution = Sebuah institusi.
D. Many trees = Banyak pohon.
E. Four doors = Empat pintu.
F. A huge hall = Sebuah aula yang besar.
G. Twelve pillars = Dua belas tiang.
H. 300 rooms = 300 ruangan.
I. 70 shelves = 70 rak.
J. Lots of offices = Banyak kantor.

4. Complete the following sentences with the phrases above!
A. There are some visitors in the park.
B. There is an institution in the middle of the field.
C. There are 300 rooms in the hotel.
D. There are lots of offices in my town.
E. There are four doors in the house.
F. There are many trees around my house. They make the air fresh.
G. There is a huge hall near the stadium. It is usually for concert.
H. There are 70 shelves in the library.
I. There is a building near my neighborhood. It is a language center.
J. There are twelve pillars in the building. Each floor has four pillars.

Untuk nomor 3,  jawaban merupakan materi pembelajaran Translations (terjemahan).

Untuk nomor 4, kita disuruh untuk mengisi bagian yang kosong dengan kalimat yang sesuai dengan kalimat yang sudah disediakan di nomor 3.
(Is digunakan untuk jika kata benda hanya 1, are digunakan jika kata benda lebih dari satu)

Semoga membantu..

14. Fill in the blanks with the suitable forms of the adjectives in brackets ,whether they are comparative or superlative

--•Comparison Degree•--
Responsio :
1) more
2) less
3) bigger
4) the wildest
5) wiser
6) fairer
7) the heaviest
8) the most delicious
9) more patient
10) closer

"We are addicted to our thoughts. We cannot change anything if we cannot change our thinking." -Santosh Kalwar1. more
2. less
3. bigger
4. wildest
5. wiser
6. fairer
7. heavier
8. a more delicious
9. more patient
10. closer

Semoga membantu :))

15. chenge the sentece into positive and interrogative forms... (+) (-) there are not any apples in the refrigerator

(+) there are any apples in the refrigerator
(?) any apples in the refrigerator?(+) There are any apples in the refrigerator.
(?) Are there any apples in the refrigerator?

*Maaf kalau ada yang salah*

16. Which of the following plural forms is grammaticalyincorrect?a. Melissa brings a pile of dishesb. are those girls your classmate?a there are insects in your drinkd. I put three cakes in the boxe. This are my brother's photos​




karena seharusnya "Melissa brought a pile of dishes" bukannya "brings"

17. A lot of wine …… taken from grape grown in California? A. Were B. Wa C. Are D. Would.


A. Were


A Lot of wine were taken from grape grown in California?

18. What are the functions of forms?? ​









19. when there is planty of rain during the growing season,life is ... in various forms. yang tau tolong di jawab

dikasih jawaban terbaik ya

When there is plenty of rain during the growing season, lifeis abundant in various forms ?

20. A lot of wine …… taken from grapes grown in California? A. were B. was C. are D. would


A. were


semoga membantu


C. Are


#semoga membantu!



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