Minggu, 03 Juli 2022

Put The Following Mitosis And Cytokinesis Images In Order

Put The Following Mitosis And Cytokinesis Images In Order

listen to the conversations. Then, put following phrases in the correct order

1. listen to the conversations. Then, put following phrases in the correct order

Arranging Jumbled Phone Dialogue

The arrangement:

E. Gogoo Tour, good morning.

B. Hello, I’d like to speak with Mr Sasmita.

D. May I ask who’s calling, please?

A. This is Anggi Noen of Tiger Computers.

C. Hold the line, please. I’ll put you through.


Berikut ini adalah beberapa key vocabulary yang dapat kalian pelajari saat melakukan dialog di telepon dalam bahasa Inggris:

This is….May/Can/Could I speak to…?I’m calling ….Hold the line a moment…Put someone throughWho’s calling…?

Nah, berikut ini adalah beberapa contoh percakapan telepon yang juga dapat kalian pelajari di rumah:

Secretary: Good morning. Can I help you?

Mr. Tom: Good morning. Could you put me through to Mr Kevin?

Secretary: Who’s speaking, please?

Mr. Tom: I am Tom from Top Company.

Secretary: Hold on please, Mr. Tom.


Bella: Hello. Could I speak to Gigi Hadid, please?

Receptionist: Who’s calling, please?

Bella: This is Bella Hadid. I’m a sister of Gigi’s.

Receptionist: Hold the line, please. I’ll put your call through. Oh sorry ma’am, apparently she is out at the moment. Can I take a message?

Bella: Yes. Can you ask her to give me a call? My number is 123-456-789

Receptionist: OK. I’ll make sure Ms. Hadid gets your message.

Bella: Thank you.

Receptionist: Our pleasure.

Pelajari lebih lanjut soal-soal yang berhubungan ask favor/phone handling:



___________________________Detil Jawaban

Kelas : SMP kelas VIII

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Kategori : Expression for attention, asking and stating opinion, checking on understanding and expression of appreciation

Kata kunci : Request favor, Leave message, Phone handling

Kode : 8.5.1

2. Let’s listen and put the dialog in order

Answer :
Hi, Nurul! Are you good at swimming?
Not really. Why?
Would you please teach me how to swim?
Well... I'm afraid I'm not the right person. Why don't you ask Meilin? She can swim very well.
All right. I think I'll ask her. Thanks, anyway.Hello rini why you so sad
Hai siti i dint have a money to buying
ice cream
Okay.you can take it
Are you sure siti
Yes of course
Thanks siti i will return it soon

3. listen to the conversation. Then, put the following phrases in the correct order​BANTU GW GANNN

The Arrangement :  E,  H,  A,  F,  B,  J,  C,  I,  G,  D.

Dialogue :

Operator : "Myron Travel Agency, good morning"

Melinda : "Hello, operator. This is Melinda. Is there a plane to Samarinda                              today? "

Operator : "Hello, ,Miss Melinda. There are daily flights at 7.30am."

Melinda : "Well, can i book a seat on tomorrow's flight? "

Operator : "Sorry, Miss, we're fully booked. "

Melinda : " How about the day after tomorrow? "

Operator : " Yes, Miss. For how many persons ? "

Melinda : "Two, please"

Operator : "Singel or return?"

Melinda : "Return, please"

4. put the words in the correct order

steve is going to bed at barbecue,what are you going to wear,im going to wear a tshirt and jeans,we are going to be late

5. Is Steve going to be at the barbecue?
6. What are you going to wear?
7. I’m going to wear jeans and a T-shirt
8. We are going to be late

5. Put the words in correct order! ​


a. i always go shopping at the weekend

b. the teacher often smiles at us




a.) I always go shopping at the weekend.

b.) The teacher often smiles at us.

6. put the dialog in order

menempatkan dialog secara berurutan

Arti : Susun dialog di urutan yang benar.

7. put the words in the correct order ​


2. She doesn't like going to the cinema.

3. Do your parents like going on holiday?

4. His brother really likes watching soccer.

5. I hate swimming in the sea.

2. She dosen’t like going to the cinema.
3. Do your parents like going on holiday?
4. His brother really likes watching soccer.
5. I hate swimming in the sea.

semoga membantu ^^

8. put the words in the correct order​


2. a good CD

3. an expensive restaurant

4. an interesting museum

5. a good football team

6. an interesting computer game


Semoga bermanfaat untuk pelajarannya ya kak, maaf kalo salah



1. A big city.

2. A good CD.

3. An expensive restaurant

4. An interesting museum

5. A good football team

6. An interesting computer game


Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran Order of Adjectives (susunan kata sifat) dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Kata sifat (Adjectives) selalu ditempatkan sebelum kata benda dan sesudah Indefinite Articles (artikel tidak terdefinisi) yaitu A ataupun An.

Susunan yang benar:

Indefinite Articles (A/An) + Adjective (kata sifat) + Noun (kata benda)

                A                                 Good                        Boy.

Semoga membantu ya.

9. Put the line in the right order!​


I have a dream, a song to sing

To help me cope, with anything

If you see the wonder, of a fairytale

You can take the future, even if you fail

I believe in angels, something good in everything I see

I believe in angels, when I know the time is right for me

I'll cross the stream, I have a dream


perintah dari tugas di atas adalah mengurutkan kalimat yg merupakan Lirik Lagu I Have A Dream dari Westlife. isilah kolom dengan angka. sesuai urutan lirik lagunya



Put the line in the right order!

a. ( 2 ) To help me cope with anything

b. ( 4 ) You can take the future even if you fail

C. ( 9 ) I'll cross the stream

d. ( 1 ) I have a dream a song to sing.

e. ( 6 ) Something good in everything I see

f. ( 3 ) If you see the wonder of a fairy tale

g. ( 5 ) I believe in angels

h. ( 10 ) I have a dream, oh yeah

i. ( 8 ) When I know the time is right for me

j. ( 7 ) I believe in angels


I have a dream, a song to sing

To help me cope, with anything

If you see the wonder, of a fairytale

You can take the future, even if you fail

I believe in angels,

something good in everything I see

I believe in angels,

when I know the time is right for me

I'll cross the stream, I have a dream


ini adalah lagu "I HAVE A DREAM" dari Boyband Westlife

full lyrics:

I have a dream, a song to sing

To help me cope, with anything

If you see the wonder, of a fairytale

You can take the future, even if you fail

I believe in angels, something good in everything I see

I believe in angels, when I know the time is right for me

I'll cross the stream, I have a dream

Oh yeah

I have a dream, a fantasy

To help me through, reality

And my destination, makes it worth the while

Pushing through the darkness, still another mile

I believe in angels, something good in everything I see

I believe in angels, when I know the time is right for me

I'll cross the stream, I have a dream

I have a dream, a song to sing

To help me cope, with anything

If you see the wonder, of a fairytale

You can take the future, even if you fail

I believe in angels, something good in everything I see

I believe in angels, when I know the time is right for me

I'll cross the stream, I have a dream

I'll cross the stream

I have a dream...


semoga membantu :)

mapel: B. Inggris

kelas: 4 SD // 5 SD (kalau beda kurikulum, silahkan chat dikolom komen, akan saya ganti)

topik: Songs

10. Put the words in the correct order to make questions for checking and clarifying.​

1.) A is that as in Amsterdam?
2.) That was thirteen or thirty?
3.) The number is 6.756.475?
4.) There is anything else?
5.) Have you sent the email?

---------------JUST THATS----------
jangan lupa follow, thanks dan the best ya.....

11. put the words in the correct order​


1. be(1)/you'll(2)/you(3)/if(4)/famous(5)/do(6)/that(7)

Answer: 2-1-5-4-3-6-7

2. Sunday(1)/to(2)/we're(3)/the(4)/on(5)/going(6)/park(7)

Answer: 3-6-2-4-7-5-1

3. us(1)/Dad(2)/won't(3)/believe(4)

Answer: 2-3-4-1

4. dance(1)/to(2)/going(3)/are(4)/you(5)/the(6)

Answer: 5-4-3-2-6-1

5. is(1)/to(2)/a(3)/Tom(4)/planning(5)/car(6)/buy(7)/new(8)

Answer: 4-1-5-2-7-3-8-6

6. going(1)/dentist(2)/she(3)/at(4)/is(5)/meet(6)/the(7)/3.30(8)/to(9)

Answer: 3-5-1-9-6-7-2-4-8

7. will(1)/our(2)/to(3)/our(4)/we(5)/parents(6)/a(7)/money(8)/save(9)/pre... (10)

Answer: unidentified because the answer choice is incomplete


Sudah di jawaban


1. you'll be famous of you do that

2. on Sunday we're going to the park

3. Dad won't believe us

4. you are going to the dance

5. Tom ia planning to buy a new car

6. she going to meet the dentist at 3.30

keterangan: nomor7tidakdijawabkarenapertanyaannya tidakkelihatan

12. E. put the dialog in order


tidak ada soal terlampir.

13. Put the words in the correct order to make questions for checking and clarifying.​

in Amsterdam?

jawabannya : in

Is that as in Amsterdam?

14. put the world In correct order!​


1. Women like shopping because it makes happy.

2. Daddy hates swimming at the sea because it's very dangerous.

3. My brother doesn't like math because it is difficult.

4. I love my mother's cooking because it is delicious.

5. Denis hates eating in the place because it is dirty.

15. Put the words in the correct order to make questions for checking and clarifying.​

2. was that thirteen or thirty?

3.is the number 675 6475?

4.is there anything else?

5.have you sent the email?

maaf cuma tau segitu, maaf kalo salah ya

16. Put the words in the correct order.​


1). He must get up early tomorrow.

2). The competition must finish at ten o'clock.

3). I have to send my application today.

4). They don't have to go to work tomorrow.

5). The team can't argue with the referee.


Kalimat di atas merupakan contoh kalimat yang menggunakan modalauxiliary seperti must/have to/can't. Adapun untuk rumus yang digunakan

S + Modal + V1 + O

He must get up early tomorrow.The competition must finish at ten o'clock.I have to send my application today.

S + Don't + Modal + V1 + O

They don't have to go to work tomorrwo

S + Can + not + V1 + O

The team can't argue with the referee.








17. Put the words in the correct order to make questions for checking and clarifying.​

1 . as in A is that Amsterdam?

2 . was that thirteen or thirty?

3 . is the number 675 6475?

4 . is there anything else?

5 . have you sent the email?

Maaf kalau salah

1) Is that A as in Amsterdam?

2)Was that thirteen or thirty?

3)Is the number 675 6475?

4)Is there anything else?

5)Have you sent the email?

18. put the words in the correct order!​


their student s do homerk they usually


i'm sorry if wrong


They usualy their students homework do


19. put the words in the correct order​


1. slice onion thinly

2.food processor chop carrot

3.mixer beat butter and sugar

4.microwave Bake pizza dough

5.greated coconut squeeze become coconut milk

6.press the cook button to start cooking rice


semoga bermanfaat

20. Put the words in the correct order to make questions for checking and clarifying.​

1 .kurang paham

2.that was thirteen or thirty?

3.the number is 675 6475?

4.there is anything else?

5.have you sent the email?

Maaf kalok no1 gak bisa jawab

Mohon mengerti

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