Jumat, 01 Juli 2022

Rank The Following Compounds In Order Of Increasing Acidity

Rank The Following Compounds In Order Of Increasing Acidity

The arrangement of the following numbers 0, 1, -8, 10, -10 in descending order is?

Daftar Isi

1. The arrangement of the following numbers 0, 1, -8, 10, -10 in descending order is?


The arrangement of the following numbers 0, 1, -8, 10, -10 in descending order is?

(Susunan bilangan berikut 0, 1, -8, 10, -10 secara berurutan adalah?)

answer :

-10, -8, 0, 1, 10,



2. tolong ya,,,,,arti dari: increasing of heat in the artic

meningkatkan panas di artik
meningkatnya pemanasan global di kutub utara

3. What number of atoms of nitrogen are present in 1.00 g ofeach of the compounds in Exercise 53​


1.00 g NH3 x (1 mole NH3 / 17.0 g NH3) x (6.023 x 10^23 molecules NH3 / 1 mole NH3) x (1 atom N / 1 molecule NH3) = 3.54 x 10^22 N atoms

4. rank the following five quantities in order from the largest to the smallest. if two of the quantities are equal, give them equal rank in your list. a. 0.032 kgb. 15 gc. [tex]27x10 {}^{2} mg[/tex]d. [tex]4.1x10 { - }^{8} [/tex]e. [tex]2.7x10 {}^{8} [/tex]

Peringkat berikut lima quantities dalam rangka dari terbesar untuk terkecil. Jika dua dari jumlah yang sama, memberi mereka sama peringkat di daftar Anda.<br />Sebuah. 0.032 kg<br />B. 15 g<br />C.<br />[ tex ] 27x10 { } ^ { 2 } mg [ /tex ]<br />D.<br />[ tex ] 4.1x10 { - } ^ { 8 } [ /tex ]<br />E.<br />[ tex ] 2.7x10 { } ^ { 8 } [ /tex ]

5. jelaskan pengertian the increasing of general price in all sectors

Untuk menjawab pertanyaan bagian Reading Comprehension ini, memahami jenis pertanyaan sebagai persiapan menghadapi tes TOEFL sangatlah penting. Berikut ini berbagai tipe pertanyaan yang sering muncul dalam tes TOEFL.

1. Pertanyaan tentang topik atau tema.

2. Topik utama merupakan subjek utama bacaan, tentang apa bacaan itu.

3. Topik atau tema bisa berupa: inti isi tulisan (the text is about) atau judul tulisan (title).

6. Word order of adjectivesobserve the following examples and pay attention to the order of the adjectives (modifiers). remember the common word order of adjectives before a noun.​


Urutan kata kata sifat perhatikan contoh berikut dan perhatikan urutan kata sifat (pengubah). ingat urutan kata umum kata sifat sebelum kata benda.


sorry sis where is the problem

7. the value of acidity and basicity of a solution is stated as​


The range of values from 0 to 14 that describes the acidity or basicity of asolution.

i hope it's correct..

8. Rearrange the adjectives in the following sentences in the proper order. The beautiful, huge, cemented memorial was built in 1903


Atur ulang kata sifat dalam kalimat berikut dalam urutan yang benar. Tugu peringatan yang indah, besar, dan disemen dibangun pada tahun 1903

9. Among the following compounds, the most active electrophilic addition reaction is .....

Among the following compounds, the most active electrophilic addition reaction is .....


- Nuclear


10. rearrange the following paragraph into good order of text!

4 - 1 - 3 - 2

Dicek lagi yaaaa

11. arrange the days of the week in corret order, ?​


Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday, Friday, Saturday


Sunday : Minggu

Monday : Senin

Tuesday : Selasa

Wednesday : Rabus

Thursday : Kamis

Friday : Jumat

Saturday : Sabtu

12. listen to the conversations. Then, put following phrases in the correct order

Arranging Jumbled Phone Dialogue

The arrangement:

E. Gogoo Tour, good morning.

B. Hello, I’d like to speak with Mr Sasmita.

D. May I ask who’s calling, please?

A. This is Anggi Noen of Tiger Computers.

C. Hold the line, please. I’ll put you through.


Berikut ini adalah beberapa key vocabulary yang dapat kalian pelajari saat melakukan dialog di telepon dalam bahasa Inggris:

This is….May/Can/Could I speak to…?I’m calling ….Hold the line a moment…Put someone throughWho’s calling…?

Nah, berikut ini adalah beberapa contoh percakapan telepon yang juga dapat kalian pelajari di rumah:

Secretary: Good morning. Can I help you?

Mr. Tom: Good morning. Could you put me through to Mr Kevin?

Secretary: Who’s speaking, please?

Mr. Tom: I am Tom from Top Company.

Secretary: Hold on please, Mr. Tom.


Bella: Hello. Could I speak to Gigi Hadid, please?

Receptionist: Who’s calling, please?

Bella: This is Bella Hadid. I’m a sister of Gigi’s.

Receptionist: Hold the line, please. I’ll put your call through. Oh sorry ma’am, apparently she is out at the moment. Can I take a message?

Bella: Yes. Can you ask her to give me a call? My number is 123-456-789

Receptionist: OK. I’ll make sure Ms. Hadid gets your message.

Bella: Thank you.

Receptionist: Our pleasure.

Pelajari lebih lanjut soal-soal yang berhubungan ask favor/phone handling:



___________________________Detil Jawaban

Kelas : SMP kelas VIII

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Kategori : Expression for attention, asking and stating opinion, checking on understanding and expression of appreciation

Kata kunci : Request favor, Leave message, Phone handling

Kode : 8.5.1

13. In order to grow well mangroves require the following ,except...


eat fatty food


makan makanan berlemak

14. arrange the following text into correct order of story the little prince​


mana teksnya


kita disuruh mnyusun teks yg benar untuk menjadi cerita the little prince/pangeran kecil.

tapi teksnya gak ada

15. arrange the following parts of letter into correct order!​


B - A - D - C


Part B sebagai pembuka

Part A dan D sebagai isi

Part C sebagai penutup

Semoga membantu~

16. arrange the following steep of making orangen juice into the correct order​


Arrange the following steps of making orange juice into the correct order​.


Cut the fruit into little pieces.Put the fruits into the blender and add three teaspoons of sugar.Put the top on the blender.Plug in the blender.Press the ON button; let it mix for three minutes.Press the OFF button, and then pour the fruit juice into a glass.Unplug the blender.


Dalam proses membuat jus jeruk, langkah-langkah yang diperlukan secara berturut-turut adalah (1) memotong buah jeruk, (2) memasukkan buah dan gula ke dalam blender, (3) menutup blender, (4) menghubungkan kabel blender ke arus listrik, (5) menekan tombol ON, (6) mematikan tombol OFF dan menuang jus, serta (7) melepaskan kabel blender.

17. The Law of increasing return adalah

Law of diminishing returns adalah sebuah hukum dalam ekonomi yang menjelaskan tentang proporsi input yang tepat untuk mendapatkan output maksimal. Teori ini menjelaskan bahwa ketika input yang kita miliki melebihi kapasitas produksi dari input, maka return (pendapatan) kita akan semakin menurun.hukum pengembalian
maaf jika salah

18. The population of the world .................... very fast.are increasingis increasingincreasingOther:​


are increasing


jadikan jawaban terbaik


The population of the world is increasing very fast.

Hope it helps;-)

19. The increasing case of the Ebola epidemic in West Africa in the 2014 caused anxiety ubah ke passive voice


in the 2014 anxiety was caused by the increasing case of the ebola epidemic in west africa.

20. 1. Listen to conversasion. Then,put the following phares in the corect order A. This is anggi neon of tiger computers

This is Anggi Tiger of neon computers
itu jawabannya

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