Kamis, 28 Juli 2022

The Content Of An Advertising Message Is Closely Tied To

The Content Of An Advertising Message Is Closely Tied To

What is the definition of content /message

Daftar Isi

1. What is the definition of content /message


Message Content means that information contained within a Message or accompanying a Message


This information includes, but is not limited to, Protected Health Information (PHI), de-identified data (as defined in the HIPAA Regulations at 45 C.F.R.

Semoga membantu

2. What is the content of this message

where is the example of the message?

3. The legend of Sangkuriang is closely related to the story of Mount​


Cerita rakyat yang melegenda soal Sangkuriang dan Dayang Sumbi berkaitan erat dengan Gunung Tangkuban Parahu yang kini sedang erupsi.


sorry kalo salah

4. what is the message of the song​


What Song?.....................

5. Message If you want to give information to other personsin a short way, you will give the information by MESSAGE Please make the message to your vollegs in English briefly. 1. To whom the message for ? 2. What purpose is the message ? 3. What must the callegas do ? 4. The message contains opening, content, and conclusion 5. How long is the message finished by your callegas? 6. Make that message more or less 60 words


Dear Reza,

Mr. Fauzi, our basketball coach has been hospitalized since yesterday. There will be no additional classes tomorrow afternoon. Miss Magda will be with us during our competition next Saturday. He will meet us at the place he will say later. So, there is no need for our team to wait for him at school. Tell Rusli, Yoga and Dika about this information.



6. To MellyJust to inform you that the meeting is canceled for tomorrow,Mon, 23 May at 10 a. m. as the principal will arrive fromSingapore tomorrow.RiniThere are some information that we get from the short message above1. The receiver of the short message is .....2. The Body or the content of the message is Rini wants to inform3. The sender of the message is ....Activity 2​


Mellythat the meeting is canceled for tomorrow.Rini

7. HOW TO SEND AN SMS 1. Press the 'menu' button 2. Choose the 'new sms' 3. Write the message 4. Select the message menu 5. Select 'send' 6. The message is sent. What is the purpose of writing the manual? a. To describe how to send an sms b. To inform different ways of sending sms c. To show the readers a new mobile device d. To give information about the message menu

a. to describe 'how to send a sms'

8. the content of the email is about

isi dari email tersebut adalah

9. a ton of paper equivalent to ... a tree Unfilled Content The word is please in content

a ton of paper equivalent to ... a tree
Unfilled Content The word is please in content

= Twelve
= a ton of paper equivalent to twelve a tree
Unfilled Content The word is please in content

10. the content of the product is​


isi produk tersebut


tolong kasih bintang y

11. what is the content of the card?

apa isi dari kartu tersebut ?Opening,content,and closing

12. what is the function of advertising? explain it!​

Advertising has three primary objectives: to inform, to persuade, and to remind.

Informative Advertising creates awareness of brands, products, services, and ideas. It announces new products and programs and can educate people about the attributes and benefits of new or established products.

Persuasive Advertising tries to convince customers that a company’s services or products are the best, and it works to alter perceptions and enhance the image of a company or product. Its goal is to influence consumers to take action and switch brands, try a new product, or remain loyal to a current brand.

Reminder Advertising reminds people about the need for a product or service, or the features and benefits it will provide when they purchase promptly.

semoga membantu

13. please make an example of caption and what is the message of its​


plis aku nggak jelas


maaf kalo salh ya

14. what is the meaning of the text above? who send the messagethe message is about

what is the meaning of the text above?  = apa maksud/arti dari teks diatas
who send the message = siapa yg mengirim pesan tsb
the message is about = pesannya adalah tentang

15. Who is the sender of the message

siapa yang mengirim pesansiapa pengirim pesan itu?

16. A. Who is the sender of the short message? b. Who is the reciver of the short message? c. What is the purpose of the short message? d. What happen to writer?



A. Siapa pengirim pesan singkat?

b. Siapa penerima pesan singkat? c. Apa tujuan dari pesan singkat itu? d. Apa yang terjadi pada penulis?

Itu arti nya tapi pertanyaan kmu itu ngk ada teks nya jadi saya artiin aja

Semoga bermanfaat

17. What is the message about Who is thr sender the message What does the sender say to hope to the receive Who is the receive of the message. Tlong terjemahkan dlam bhasa indonesia

Apa pesan tentangSiapa pengirim pesanApa pengirim berkata kepada berharap untuk menerimaYang menerima pesanapa pesan.
siapa thr pengirim pesan.
siapa pengirimnya mengerjakan harapan untuk menerima.
siapa yg menerima pesan tersebut.

18. The message of the song is.?

btw mana lagunya lel ?

arti soalnya :

pesan dari lagu tersebut adalah ?


pesan dari lagu tersebut

semoga beruntung

19. the content is composed an/an ?​




Semoga membantu

20. Name of the drug is Branded of the drug is The description of the drug is The use of the drug ... The expire date of the drug is Content of the drug is Direction to store Direction to store Direction to use...

drug name vapodrops,

use for : cough , blocked nose , soothe sore throat

direction store : below 25°

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