Sabtu, 09 Juli 2022

What Characteristic Marked American Mainstream Society In The 1950s

What Characteristic Marked American Mainstream Society In The 1950s

What is the best title for the text above fantasia city in 1950s

1. What is the best title for the text above fantasia city in 1950s


2. what is the characteristic of arka in the dialogue?​


mana teks dialognya kak?

mana teks dialog nya ka?

3. What is the bad characteristic of the boy in the text

Sorry, where's the text? How can i answer this

4. what the characteristic of the bear





5. What is the general accepted role of the wowen in society?


Saya Terjemahkan Kedalam Bahasa Indonesia:

What is the general accepted role of women in society?

NB:Semoga membantu

6. What the characteristic of recount text? Mention minimal 3 characteristic!


The characteristic of recount text:

Using nouns and pronouns, for example: Teuku Umar, weapons, soldiers, we, theyUsing action verbs, for example: went, played, spentUsing the time conjunction, for example: and, but, after, and finallyUsing the past tense, for example: they went to SurabayaUsing adverbs and adverbs of phrases, for example: in my house, two days ago, slowlyUsing adjectives, for example: brave, strong, smart


Teks recount adalah teks yang menceritakan kembali suatu pengalaman, kejadian, atau kegiatan yang terjadi di masa lampau dengan tujuan untuk menghibur pembaca.

Karena berisi cerita tentang kejadian di masa lampau, teks recount ditulis memakai Past Tenses, yaitu: Simple Past Tense, Past Continuous Tense, Past Perfect Tense, dan Past Perfect Continuous Tense.

7. what is the characteristic of arka in the dialogue? tolong ya jawab​


i don't know because there is no dialogue here, but i have friends named arka and he is very kind and smart

8. What are the counterparts of prehistoric tools or technology in modern society?


Artinya : Apa rekan-rekan alat prasejarah atau teknologi dalam masyarakat modern?


Semoga membantu ^^

Maaf kalo salah yaa :)

9. placing senior society as a janitor in public places in singapore! Discuss! 1. what is the advantages for the society ! 2. what can the junior society can learn from the palacement ! 3. if you are the government, will you apply the same regulation !

For Q1:

It shows to the society that education is an important part to get better job and position. By having proper education, there will be more opportunity in finding a job. When someone with good education gets a job, they just need a short time to get a promotion or be in higher position. By the time they are old enough, they will have been in high position. Thus, senior society who becomes a janitor can teach about this and other people get the advantage from this lesson.

10. Who was the famous rocker in 1950s?

Buddy holly,Ray charles,perry como.

11. What is the value of the angle marked with x in the following rhombus? plss butuh bangett

*semoga membantu yaa

*semangat belajarnya :)

12. What are the quadrilateral characteristic?​


Characteristic of quadrilateral=

have 4 sidesall angles sum up to 360°have straight sidesall the lines are joined together


Characteristic of quadrilateral=

1. have 4 sides

2. all angles sum up to 360°

3. have straight sides

4. all the lines are joined together

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

hopefully this will be useful ok

13. what characteristic do the buffalo have

it have horns and a big body

14. what is Nelson Mandela role in the world's society​


he fought against the apartheid about the race equality

semoga membantu :)



15. Who was the famous rocker in 1950s?


The famous rocker in the '50 is

The Beatles

16. According to Mr. Putra,what is the characteristic of the house in the seaview?​



Bono: "apa yang kamu lakukan, putra?"

Putra: "Saya sedang melihat brosur rumah. Ada tiga rumah di kota. Tetapi saya tidak bisa memutuskan mana yang harus saya beli.

Bono: "Coba saya lihat. Hmm .. Kenapa kamu tidak membeli rumah saat matahari terbenam? Kelihatannya paling nyaman di sana dan lebih murah daripada rumah di agung

Putra: "Itu benar, tapi ada di ma

benar, tapi itu di jalan utama, di sebelah semua kafe dan restoran.

tidak: "Jadi? Itu berarti di bagian kota yang paling nyaman.

Putra: "Tapi saya yakin ini lebih berisik daripada rumah lainnya.

Bono: "Bagaimana dengan pemandangan laut?"

Putra: "Ya, itu rumah termurah di kota, dan mungkin qui

ouse di kota, dan mungkin lebih tenang daripada Matahari Terbenam.

Bono: "Kalau begitu, bagaimana kalau kamu membeli rumah di pemandangan laut?

Putra: "Saya tidak tahu. Kelihatannya sangat kotor, bukan begitu?"

Bono: "Mungkin tidak sebersih yang lain, tapi

Memang tidak sebersih yang lainnya, tetapi brosur itu mengatakan bahwa ada orang yang paling ramah di kota."

Putra: "Saya suka Grand. Ini yang paling mewah dari tiga rumah, dan mewah dari tiga rumah, dan itu adalah yang terdekat dengan pantai."

Bono: "Tapi itu terlalu mahal! Kamu tidak akan mampu!"

· Aktif, saya kira Anda benar. Oke, coba saya lihat rumah di The Seaview. Saya yakin itu akan terjadi

baiklah. "


1. Who are involved in the dialogue?


2. What is Putra doing?


According to Bono, where is the location of the most comfortable house?


4. Accrording to Putra, what is the characteristic of the house in Seaview?


5. In what location does Bono mostly like?



1.putra and Bono

2.look at the home brochure

3.a house that has a sea view

4.looks very dirty

5.a house with a sea view


jangan lupa follow,kasih like dan bintang nya yaa ;)

17. what are the characteristic of camel?

have a punuk

drink a water 57 litres

life in egypt sahara

Characteristics of camel animals

Has an average weight of 500 kg both male and female. It has a single and double hump to store food reserves. It has thick skin and fine hair. It has long legs and is able to withstand long trips. Able to survive in long-term dry and barren landsHaving lashes and two layers of eyelids serve to protect the eyes from dust and sand. It has a young brownish to blackish color

18. what is the difference between british style and american style in english?

Perbedaan kedua gaya itu secara umum ada empat, yaitu Spelling (ejaan), Pronunciation (ucapan), Choice of words or Vocabulary (pilihan kata) dan Grammar (Tata bahasa) mungkin itu menurut saya :)

The second difference was the style in general there are four , namely Spelling ( spelling ) , Pronunciation ( greeting ) , Choice of words or Vocabulary ( word choice ) and Grammar ( Grammar ) that maybe my opinion :)

There is four different between British and American style is,
1.Namely Spelling ( spelling )
2.Pronunciation ( greeting )
4.Grammar ( Grammar )

19. 4. What is the characteristic of language used in recount text ?​


maaf kalo salah


The language characteristics of recount text are as follows: Using nouns and pronouns as pronouns for people, animals or objects in the text. ... using action verbs (verbs). Example: walk

20. What is the value of the angle marked with x in the following parallelogram? jawab yang bener pls

kakak jawab pakai logika saja ya dek,,logika nya ada di gambar

nah jadi ½ lingkaran itu kan 180°,,jika di setengah lingkaran ada dua sudut dan sudut pertama sudah diketahui 113°,maka sudut yang satu nya lagi 180° - 113=67°



Detail Jawaban :Kelas : 8Mapel : MatematikaMateri : SudutsudutKode Kategorisasi : 8.2.5Kata Kunci :-

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