Rabu, 27 Juli 2022

Which System Of Inequalities Is Shown In The Graph

Which System Of Inequalities Is Shown In The Graph

Which of the following statements correctly describes the motion of the car shown by the velocity time graph

Daftar Isi

1. Which of the following statements correctly describes the motion of the car shown by the velocity time graph

Mana dari pernyataan-pernyataan berikut benar menjelaskan gerakan mobil yang ditunjukkan oleh kecepatan waktu grafik.

2. What is the part of the reproductive system in which fertilisation occurs?


fallopian tubes

Fertilization of an egg by a sperm normally occurs in the fallopian tubes. The fertilized egg then moves to the uterus, where it implants to the uterine lining.

3. the part of the digestive system which is highlighted is...






Kandung empedu

Usus halus

Usus besar


gini kah jawabannya?


lambung maaf kalau salah

4. calculate the magnitude of thrust force exerted by each rocket for the four rocket propulsion system shown in the figure the system initial acceleration is 49.65 m/s2 the mass of the system is 2000 kg and the force of friction opposing the motion is 700 N


Coba kalau ga salah ya ini ahaha,

kan disitu dikasih tau,

" ... the acceleration is 49.65m/s² ... "

berarti nanti percepatan untuk gaya normalnya udah ga pake percepatan gravitasi lagi,

N = m . a = 2000 . 49.65 = 99300N

Nah disitu ada gaya gesek udara,


∑Fy = m . a

F - fg = m . a

F = gaya dorong roket ( N )

fg = gaya gesek udara ( N )

F = m . a + fg = 99300 + 700 = 100000N = 100kN

Koreksi ya kalo gua ada salah.

5. what is the unit of work in the metric system​


Dalam sistem metrik unit, di mana gaya diukur dalam newton (disingkat N), usaha diukur dalam newton-meter (N-m).


Maaf Kalau salah

6. The mass of rod is 5kg. the rod is attached at the wall using the hinge, as shown the system below. find the tension of the tie rope and force components of the hinge in the system



7. Data were collected on the fiber diameter and the fleece weight of wool taken from a sample of 20 sheep. the data are shown in the following graphs. graph 1 is a scatterplot of fleece weight versus fiber diameter with the respective least-squares regression line shown. graph 2 is the associated plot of the residuals versus the predicted values.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Pengambilan data diameter serat dan berat bulu domba diambil dari sampel sebanyak 20 ekor domba. data tersebut disajikan dalam grafik berikut. grafik 1 adalah sebaran berat bulu domba versus diameter serat dengan masing-masing garis regresi kuadrat terkecil ditampilkan. grafik 2 adalah plot terkait dari residu versus nilai yang diprediksi

8. 4. One of the energy transformations is shown incorrectly in the food web below. Which statement is incorrect on the food web? *


yang tikus si menurut gua

emang tikus makan rumput ya?


Respiratory diseases include asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), pulmonary fibrosis, pneumonia, and lung cancer. Also called lung disorder and pulmonary disease.


sorry, but i think you didnt give the full question, so i kinda confuse but here is the answer

(maap, tapi kyk ny kamu ga kasih pertanyaan dengan lengkap, jdi aku rada bingung tapi ini jwbn ny)

maaf kalau salah

10. the system of government in laos is... ​


Laos, officially Lao People's Democratic Republic is led by a Single-party Socialist government, with the official and only legislature being the Laos National Assembly.

11. Our solar system consists of eight planets which orbit around the Sun. All of the planets have their own characteristics. Which planet has the biggest gravity in the solar system and what is the reason?


Jupiter with an astounding 24.79 m/s^2


Jupiter has the greatest gravitational pull due to its massive size that is caused by its mass which is about 1.898 × 10^27 kg.

The weight of your body on earth is multiplied by 2.5 due to its gravity.





Have a nice day, school is mediocre but don't quit.

12. the system of goverment in laos is....​

The system of government in Laos is a One-party country

The system of goverment in laos is parliamentary

13. What's the inequalities in Israel? Explain all of it. (Write atleast 3 inequalities) -Kiara


What's the inequalities in Israel? Israel is a country in the Middle East surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt and the Sinai desert. In addition, it is surrounded by two areas of the Palestinian National Authority: the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. With a population of 7.5 million people, Israel is the only Jewish state in the world.


Women in Israel are women living in or from the State of Israel, which was founded in 1948. Israel does not have a constitution, but the Israeli Declaration of Independence states: “The State of Israel shall distribute social and political rights to all its inhabitants without regardless of religion, race or gender.”

14. A mass of an ideal gas of volume v, at pressure p, undergoes a cycle of changes as shown in the graph.


Sebuah massa gas ideal volume v, pada tekanan p, mengalami siklus perubahan seperti yang ditunjukkan pada grafik.



A mass of an ideal gas of volume v, at pressure p, undergoes a cycle of changes as shown in the graph.

Sebuah massa gas ideal volume v, pada tekanan p, mengalami siklus perubahan seperti yang ditunjukkan pada grafik.

semoga membantu

15. 1. What island of Indonesia is shown in the picture?


where is the picture?


16. which graph represents the solution of the inequality -12x > 36​


the working and the answer are shown in the pic.

semangat belajar;))

17. find the solution area of ​​the system of inequalities y > x²-8​


Materi : SPLDV

Pemisalan :

Pensil = ( x )

Penghapus = ( y )

Satuan konstanta

1.000 = 1


x + 2y = 8 [ x = 8 - 2y ]

2x + y = 7

2( 8 - 2y ) + y = 7

16 - 4y + y = 7

4y - y = 16 - 7

3y = 9

[ y = 3 ]

x = 8 - 2(3)

x = 8 - 6

[ x = 2 ]

Hasil / Result :

Pensil = ( x ) = 2.000

Penghapus = ( y ) = 3.000

Semoga bisa membantu

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

pililah tercedas

18. which graph represents the solution of the inequality -12x > 36​


the working and the answer are shown in the pic.

semangat belajar;))

19. Tolong jawab kak 1.Which is the smallest planet of our solar system? 2.Which of the following planet have two natural satellites Phobos and Deimos? A. Neptune B. Uranus C. Pluto D. Mars 3.Which of the following is the third planet from the sun and only planet known to have an atmosphere containing free oxygen, oceans of water on its surface? 4.Which of the following planets in the Solar System takes the shortest revolution? A. Neptune B. Mars C. Mercury D. Venus 5.Which planet in the Solar System has the highest density? 6.Which is the farthest planet of the solar system? 7.Which is the largest planet in the solar system? 8. …………… is the hottest planet of our solar system. 9.Which of the following planet has the largest number of natural satellites? 10.The order of the planets from the one closest to the sun is …. 11. The planet which looks red is …. 12. The planets with no moons are …. 13. Titan is one of the moons of …. 14. Ganymede, the biggest moon in our solar system, belongs to which planet? 15. Which planet is called the evening/morning star? pls JANGAN diterjemahin makasi


1. Pluto

2. -



5. -

6. Pluto

8. Sun

9. -

10. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto

11. Mars

12. -

13. -

lanjutannya nggak tau


maaf kalo ada yang salah, tapi semoga membantu sedikit

20. The un-shaded region of the following figure is the feasible region of a system of linear inequalities. The maximum value of (2x + 2y – 5) is attained at what point in the feasible region? a. Show the system of linear inequalities used in finding the maximum value b. Show the coordinates and the solutions made to get the coordinates at the corner points in the feasible region. c. Show the table of values 2x + 2y – 5.


chk it, rapikan, feedback

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