Kamis, 11 Agustus 2022

A Large Population Of Land Turtles

A Large Population Of Land Turtles

The large area of the land is called....

Daftar Isi

1. The large area of the land is called....


The large area of the land is called "continent".The answer is continent

2. large plece of land with very many trees


3. the part of earth which is very large area of the land is called.........​


the part of earth which is very large area of the land is called continent

4. if Thor had stopped Thanos, ... *a.half of the population will live..b.half of the population will not live.c.half of the population will be living.d.half of the population would have lived.e.half of the population would had lived.​

D. Half of the population would have lived


d.half of the population would have lived.


maaf klo salah semoga membantu <3

5. resident of banten province 25 of the population of the islan of java and 15 of the population of Indonesia. the percentage of population living in the indonesia island of java is..​

The percentage of population living on island of Java in Indonesia is 60 percent. The result is obtained by combining the value of comparison of Banten and Java island, also residents on islands of Java in Indonesia. The formula will delete Banten population data.  Observe the following steps!

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah


Perbandingan adalah membandingkan dua nilai atau lebih dari besaran yang sejenis dan ditunjukkan dengan nilai yang paling sederhana.

Perbandingan yang dapat terjadi pada data populasi adalah perbandingan persentase populasi penduduk di suatu wilayah dari wilayah keseluruhan atau daerah yang melingkupi.


Banyak populasi masyarakat Banten = 25 persen dari populasi penduduk pulau Jawa.Penduduk pulau Jawa menempati 15 persen dari populasi di Indonesia.


Berapa persenpenduduk pulau Jawa di Indonesia?


Berikut bentuk matematis permasalahan di atas.


B = Jumlah Penduduk Banten

J = Jumlah penduduk pulau Jawa

I = Jumlah penduduk Indonesia


B = 25% dari J

J = 15% dari I

[tex]\frac{B}{J} = \frac{25}{100}[/tex]

[tex]\frac{B}{I} = \frac{15}{100}[/tex]

Untuk mendapatkan persentase penduduk pulau Jawa di Indonesia, maka ditentukan perbandingan [tex]\frac{J}{I}[/tex].

[tex]\frac{B}{J} \times \frac{I}{B} = \frac{25}{100} \times \frac{100}{15}[/tex]

[tex]\frac{I}{J} = \frac{25}{15}[/tex]

[tex]\frac{J}{I} = \frac{15}{25}[/tex]

[tex]\frac{J}{I} = \frac{15 \times 4}{25 \times 4}[/tex]

[tex]\frac{J}{I} = \frac{60}{100}[/tex]

[tex]\frac{J}{I} = 60[/tex]%

Dengan demikian, penduduk yang tinggal di pulau Jawa adalah 60% dari seluruh penduduk di wilayah Indonesia.

Pelajari lebih lanjutMateri tentang menentukan nilai x, y, z pada SPLTV: brainly.co.id/tugas/21068737Materi tentang SPLDV (volume botol air mineral yang berbeda): brainly.co.id/tugas/21051375Materi tentang himpunan penyelesaian SPL tiga variabel: brainly.co.id/tugas/4663229

Detail jawaban

Kelas: 8

Mapel: Matematika

Bab: Perbandingan

Kode: 8.2.9

#AyoBelajar SPJ2

6. "elephant is a large animal, ... live in land" pakai they atau it


elephant is a large animal, They live in land


Pake they cuy




It or They?

Perhatikan kata elephant nya! Terdapat "s" atau tidak?

Jika terdapat "s" artinya gajah itu lebih dari satu, yang berarti menggunakan they

Tetapi jika tidak terdapat "s" artinya gajah itu hanya ada satu, yang berarti menggunakan it

Lalu perhatikan kata is !

Is digunakan untuk berapa benda/makhluk hidup? Is digunakan hanya untuk satu benda/makhluk hidup.

Jika jumlahnya lebih dari satu, maka menggunakan are

Contoh :

Jika jumlahnya hanya satu :

"elephantis a large animal, it live in land"

Jika jumlahnya lebih dari satu :

"elephantsare a large animal, they live in land"


Maka karena kalimat tersebut menggunakan is dan elephant nya tidak memiliki "s", jawabannya adalah It

Jadikan tercerdas ya^^

#Keep spirit

7. ....is a large in the land covered by trees and plants. ​

Forest .
karena terjemahannya ..... adalah besar di daratan dan di penuhi/tutupi oleh banyak pohon dan tumbuhan

8. On narrow patches of land along the shores of Alaska ... as global warming had melted the polar ice and cruelly decreased their habitat on the Arctic ice. (A) large herds of walruses were found (B) finding large herds of walruses (C) were found large herds of walruses (D) to find large herds of walruses

Jawaban: (A) Large Herds of Walruses were found


9. The present population of a certain city is 66,550. If 3 years ago, the population of the city was 50,000, find the annual population growth rate. ​


To find the annual population growth rate, we need to determine the difference in population between the current population and the population 3 years ago, and divide that number by the number of years that have passed. Then, we need to divide that number by the initial population and multiply by 100% to express the result as a percentage.

The difference in population between the current population and the population 3 years ago is 66,550 - 50,000 = 16,550.

The annual population growth rate is (16,550 / 3) / 50,000 * 100% = 5.5%. This means that the population of the city is increasing by 5.5% per year.

mohon bantuannya jadikan jawaban cerdas yaaa

10. the population of moscow is ... (big) than the population of bogota​



11. Mr.wardiman owns a large area of land. one-quarterof the land is used for duck coops, two-fifthsof the land is used for chickencoops, and the rest of the land is used for cowcoops. if the area of land used for cow coops is 1,330 m2, what is the total of mr. wardiman’s land area? (inm2)


= 3,800m²

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

i hope this will help you ^^

12. Sydney, .... is more than three and a half million, is Australia's largest city. (A) whom the pupulation (B) that the population (C) whether the population (D) the population of it (E) the population of which

B. that the population
semoga membantu yad. The population of it

maaf kalo salah

13. resident of banten province 25% of the population of the island java and 15% of the population of indonesian the percentage of the population living in the indonesian island of java

(100 : 25) x 15 =
4 x 15 =
maaf kalau salah

14. there is a large number of or there are a large number of


There is a large number of or there are a large number of?


=> Tergantung sudut pandang orang yang berbicara atau mengucapkannya. Apakah dia menganggap objek yang dia akan/sedang bicarakan adalah objek yang dianggap tunggal(singular) atau jamak(plural).

Example :
° There is a large number of people over there (Ada banyak orang disana)
Kenapa menggunakan is?
Karena orang yg mengucapkannya menganggap orang yg dia bicarakan adalah objek tunggal karena dia menganggap kata "orang" dalam kalimat diatas sdh utuh/keseluruhan.Analogi kalau dalam bahasa indonesia itu seperti "Pars pro toto" yaitu menyebutkan satu atau sebagian objek yg sedang dibicarakan untuk mewakili secara keseluruhan(semuanya).

=> ° There are a large number of people over there (Ada banyak orang disana)
Kenapa menggunakan are?
Karena orang objek yg sedang dibicarakan dianggap jamak(plural),kata "orang"yang dimaksud diatas mengacu ke beberapa orang yang dimaksud,bisa aja orang yg dia maksud adalah : H. Romli,Elsa,Rini,Cici,Lala,Toni,Tari,Helen,Dani,dan lain-lain. Kalau dalam bahasa Indonesia seperti "Totem pro parte" yaitu untuk mengungkapan keseluruhan objek padahal yang dimaksud hanya sebagian objek saja sprti Objek H.Romli,Elsa,Rini,dll, sprti yg sy sebutkan di atas.


*Terima kasih*

15. 19. Indonesia has a ........... Muslim population than any other country in the 5 poin world. a. large b. larger c. as large as d. more large


B. larger


larger adalah kata bahasa inggris yg berarti lebih banyak


karena ada petunjuk than pada kalimat mengindikasikan comparative, sehingga kita beri -er setelah large. artinya lebih besar.


selamat belajar...

16. Population of brunei

Berdasarkan data kependudukan Brunei Darussalam pada tahun 2016, jumlah penduduk (populasi) di negara Brunei mencapai 423.196 jiwa.jumlah penduduk di negara Brunei Darussalam di tahun 2018 adalah sebanyak 434.076 jiwa. 

17. teka teki dalam b inggris...large piece of land with very many trees?

jawabanya adalah hutan

translate : bagian tanah yg besar disertai banyak pohonForest yeah hufffftrt

18. On narrow patches of land along the shores of Alaska ............. as global warming had melted the polar ice and cruelly decreased their habitat on the Arctic ice. (A) large herds of walruses were found (B) finding large herds of walruses (C) were found large herds of walruses (D) to find large herds of walruses


(C) were found large herds of walruses


19. teka teki dalam b inggris...large piece of land with very many trees?

forest/jungle ? maaf jika salah

20. jakarta,.... is about 10 million people, is the capital of Indonesiaa. the population whichb. whom the populationc. whether the populationd. the population of ite. the population of whichTolong dijawab sama alasannya​


b. whom the population.

karna whom itu merujuk siapa, dan disitu ada "is about 10 million people" artinya siapa itu merujuk pada people atau orang² gitu.

Jakarta, ... berpenduduk sekitar 10 juta orang, kota itu adalah ibu kota Indonesia.

A. populasi yang

B. siapa populasinya

C. apakah populasinya

D. populasi itu

E. populasi dari yang

Jadi,jawabandari pertanyaandiatasadalah...

A.the population which

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