Sabtu, 13 Agustus 2022

According To The Diagram Below Which Similarity Statements Are True

According To The Diagram Below Which Similarity Statements Are True

which statements is true according to the story? ​

1. which statements is true according to the story? ​

Gabisa bahasa enggressss

2. which statements is not true according to the text?


manakah pernyataan yg tidak benar sesuai teks tersebut?

3. Which of the statements is true according to the text​




Where's the text?

4. which of following statements is true according to the text ?nomor 33 to 35 berserta pembahasan

yang saya tahu cuman jawaban nomor 34 yaitu refused karena arti dari quashed itu adalah membatalkan maka sangat cocok dengan arti refused. refused itu artinya sama sengan membatalkan

5. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to dhe to the advertisement above


Manakah dari pernyataan berikut yang BENAR

menurut iklan di atas


6. the followwing statements that not TRUE according to the text is​

translate : manakah dari pertanyaan pertanyaan berikut yang tidak benar menurut teks


I hope you are helped

7. Which statements are true based on the letter above


maybe, I don't know because there is no text. Sorry.




Artinya : Manakah pernyataan yang benar berdasarkan surat di atas?

Semoga Membantu :)

8. which statements are correct according to the text​


1. Benar/centang

2. Salah

3. Benar/centang

4. Salah

5. Benar/centang

9. which statement is TRUE according to the text?

B. the host will serve lunch to the guests

10. which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the text? a.the​


Manakah di antara pernyataan-pernyataan berikut yang tidak benar menurut teks? aa

11. Which one is true according to the text?


Manakah yang benar menurut teks?

12. The statement below are true according to the text above, except...

Bhs Indo:Pernyataan di bawah ini benar sesuai dengan teks di atas, kecuali ...

Mungkin Masih Ada teks lagi gan soalnya itu cuma pertanyaannya doang

13. Arti Which sentence is TRUE according to the text

kalimat mana yang benar menurut teks

maaf kalo salah

14. According to the text,which statement is true?


Arti dari "According to the text, which statement is true?" adalah "berdasarkan teks, pernyataan mana yang benar?".

Karena pada soal tidak dilampirkan teks yang berhubungan dengan soal, saya hanya bisa menerjemahkannya saja.


Contoh pertanyaan yang sejenis adalah

1. which statement is TRUE according to the text?

a. the writer went around the city by bicycle.

b. Zaky learned how to play volleyball from the writer

c. the things displayed in the museums were boring

d. the writer and Zaky visited three museums during the vacation

Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai teks yang berhubungan dengan soal di atas pada


15. Apa arti dari which starte ment ia true according to the text


yang memulai ia benar sesuai dengan teks


smg membantu yee

16. state whether the statements below are true or dalse according the dialogue in task responsible to correct the false statements!​


1. True

2. False

The students will not only observe the Making of batik cloth but also make their own batik jumputan

3. True

4. True

5. False

Not only The interested students should register their names to the teacher but also all tenth grade because it is Obligation for all tenth grade students Pembahasan

1. Dian gives information to Andy

(Dian memberikan informasi kepada Andy)

Answer: true (benar)

Correction: ✅


Tidak perlu dikoreksi karena memang benar bahwa Dian memberikan informasi pada Andy

2. The students will neither observe the Making of batik cloth nor make their own batik jumputan

(Para siswa tidak akan mengamati Pembuatan kain batik atau membuat batik jumputan mereka sendiri)

Answer: False (salah)

Correction: The students will not only observe the Making of batik cloth but also make their own batik jumputan


Para siswa tidak hanya akan mengamati Pembuatan kain batik tapi juga akan membuat batik jumputan mereka sendiri

3. Andy interested with the activity

Andy tertarik dengan kegiatan tersebut)

Answer: true

Correction: ✅


Tidak ada koreksi karena memang Andy merasa tertarik dengan Kegiatan itu.

4. The students will have the activity either on Tuesday or Thursday next week

(Para siswa akan memiliki kegiatan baik pada hari Selasa atau Kamis minggu depan)

Answer: True

Correction: ✅


Berdasarkan kalimat Dian, memang antara Selasa atau Kamis minggu depan

5. The interested students should register their names to the teacher

(Siswa yang tertarik harus mendaftarkan nama mereka kepada guru)

Answer: False

Correction: Not only The interested students should register their names to the teacher but also all tenth grade because it is Obligation for all tenth grade students


Tidak hanya untuk murid yg tertarik sja tapi ini harus untuk semua murid kelas 10

=== Semoga Membantu ===

Pelajari Juga

True/False Statement lainnya:

Detail Jawaban

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Materi: True/False Statement

Level: JHS

Kode Soal: 5

Kode Kategorisasi: 8.5

KataKunci:Conversation, Dialogue, True, False, Statement, Correction,

17. Which is TRUE according to the third paragraph? ​


Any words or sentence, including claims and fact written after the second paragraph and before the fourth paragraph if it exists.

your welcome

18. Which statemaent is TRUE according to the text?​



19. the statements below are true,except​


Where are the choices?

20. Which of the following user true according to the rest?


Which of the following user true according to the rest?

Manakah dari pengguna berikut yang benar menurut yang lain?

kalau berkenan Jadikan terbrainly Kakak semoga bermanfaat


▪︎which of the following user true according to the rest?


▪︎Manakah dari berikut pengguna yang benar menurut yang lain?


▪︎So, There is no Question, If You wanna Ask Again, Just tell me in chat thanks:))

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