Minggu, 21 Agustus 2022

Compare The Rules Of Two Games

Compare The Rules Of Two Games

compare the two airplanes?

Daftar Isi

1. compare the two airplanes?

Bandingkan dua pesawat terbang....maaf kalau salahperbandingkanlah kedua pesawat itu

2. read to following texts and compare the information of the two texts artinya​


Arti:Membaca teks berikut dan membandingkan informasi dari dua teks.




membaca teks berikut dan membandingkan informasi dari dua teks

3. compare the two items in picture?

Pertama, gambar 1 menggunakan kabel dan tdak dapat di bawa kemana mana dibanding gambar 2 dan 3
Kedua, gambar 1 tidak memiliki jaringan internet di banding gambar 2

4. Compare the two letters .howdifferent are they? Latter1 Letter2

— PERBEDAAN DARI ‘ Later ’ DAN ‘ Letter ’


Later merupakan bentuk adverb atau kata keterangan dalam bahasa inggris, arti dari later sendiri adalah suatu waktu di masa depan atau suatu waktu setelah referensi. later sendir memiliki arti nanti atau kemudian.

Contoh Kalimat :

※I’ll call you later after this game (aku akan memanggil mu nanti setelah permainan ini)

※we will meet later in the restaurant (kami akan bertemu nanti di rumah makan)


Berbeda dengan later yang merupakan bentuk adverb atau kata keterangan dalam bahasa inggris, latter merupakan bentuk noun atau kata benda dalam bahasa inggris. arti dari latter adalah yang kedua. Yaitu dari dua pilihan maka ia memilih yang kedua.

Contoh Kalimat :

※ Between a cup of tea and a cup of coffee, I choose latter (antara secangkir teh dan secangkir kopi, aku memilih yang kedua)

※You ad him, I choose latter (kamu dan dia maka aku memilih yang kedua)


5. observe and compare the two pictures based on the criteria on the table, tolong ya.. segera​

Picture1:Mountains | Hiking | Sky or The Mountains

Picture2:Lake | Fishing | Sky or The Water

I am really sorryif my answer is wrong

6. Compare the animals below. Write sentonces using "-er"or "more" to compare the two animals. Number one hasbeen done for you.​


Giraffes is taller than horse.

Lisa is more beautiful than Rose.

Buffalo is fatter than cow.

7. Tak kadal lobang ia a tradisional game that can be found around different part of Indonesia itu has different names althoungh the rules of the games remain the same artinya




Tak kadal lobang adalah permainan tradisional yang dapat ditemukan di berbagai daerah di Indonesia yang memiliki nama yang berbeda-beda meskipun aturan mainnya tetap sama

semoga membantu

Tak kadal lobang adalah sebuah permainan tradisional yang dapat ditemukan di berbagai daerah di Indonesia yang memiliki nama yang berbeda-beda meskipun aturan mainnya tetap sama.

semoga membantu•)

8. to compare two things of people , we usually use..

degree of comparison....

9. If you wanted to compare two bags of shoping. What would you say?

2 kantong belanja ya? Hm. Mungkin seperti ini:
This one shopping bag is bigger than that one shopping bag.

(Kalau tidak pakai one juga gpp).

Maaf kalo salah ya.

10. permainan bulu tangkis dilakukan dengan sistwm two winnings set\the best of three games apakahbyg di maksud dengan sistem tersebut

sistem dua kali kemenangan

11. compare the two texts you have read and complete this table​


maaf table apa?mohon bagi pengguna yang ingin menanyakan sesuatu tetapi tidak ada clue nya mohon kirim soal dengan fotonya

12. If you wanted to compare two bags of shoping. What would you say?

which one is the good bag?

13. Based on the two texts about self introduction,compare the differents




-teks 1:about family

-teks2:desire to join a swim club


-teks 1:Ryan's familly photo



-teks 1:Dialog

-teks2:club swimming


-teks 1:home

-teks2:club swimming

5.Detail information given

-teks 1: Ryan familly

-teks2: satria putra sanjaya's hobby.


14. mentions two of your school rules​


- arrive on time

- use uniform


- datang tepat waktu

- menggunkan seragam


- Attend school regularly & punctually and remain within the grounds during the school day

- Understand that all weapons, alcohol, illegal drugs, tobacco and substances injurious to health are prohibited

15. what is the compare and contrast of kabuki​


There are also significant visual differences between the two art forms. In noh, performers wear a mask, but in kabuki, they use face paint. Kabuki is also more exaggerated - for example, while both employ wigs, the ones used in kabuki are a lot longer and more voluminous.


moga membantu

16. We (have played/ had played) in a number of games in the last two months

We had played in a number of games in the last two months

Maaf yah kalau salah

17. Observe and compare the similarities and the differences of both cards!?​

Jawaban: Similarities: The two cards both congratulate someone and happy for someone's success

Differences: The first card is congratulating someone who has graduated while the second card is congratulating someone's accomplishments

Penjelasan:The first and second pictures both congratulate but picture 1 is about graduation while number 2 is about achievement


18. Janie and Jasmine are playing three games at an arcade. Each of the games requires either 2, 3, or 4 tokens. The girls plan to play as many games as they can before running out of tokens. Let m represent the number of games that require 2 tokens; n represent the number of games that require 3 tokens; and p represent the number of games that require 4 tokens. Janie plays the 3-token game four times. Write two equivalent expressions to represent the number of tokens that Janie will need to play each of the three games at least one time.

It is gotta be 12 because 3 times 4 is 12

I hope my answer will be useful

Dont forget to make it the brainliest answer :)

19. Based on the two texts about self introduction compare the differences​


kl mau bahasa Inggris di bahasa Indonesia in dulu ya baru aku bisa jawab

20. compare the nutrition of meat and avocado??​


Itu di foto


Maaf kalau salah

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