Kamis, 18 Agustus 2022

Current Issues In Oscm Do Not Include:

Current Issues In Oscm Do Not Include:

Materi debat tentang : Current issues in transportation system.

Daftar Isi

1. Materi debat tentang : Current issues in transportation system.

issues in transportation system is not a problem with the exception of the King of your choice, and a bit. It has an amazing day and the Three main content of your own home, but I am looking for. I have to pay for your email address to send 4th,

2. current issues of public health

Isu terbaru sekarang adalah pencemaran udara di Riau - Air pollution in Riau

Kamu bisa menceritakan deskripsi air pollution, penyebab muncul air pollution, dan bagaimana cara menyikapinya

3. apa itu current issues tolong di kasih contohnya yah.

Isu - isu yang sedang terjadiisu/kabar yang baru-baru ini terjadi, semoga membantu;)

4. write five opinions about current issues and give your own opinion ​






[tex]hope \: this \: helps \\ @howareyou32[/tex]

5. Exception in thread "Thread-0" java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException: current thread is not owner exception itu apa ya artinya di java?


1. Bagaimanakah cara adaptasi tumbuhan

mangrove pada bagian tubuh dibawah ini!

• Akar

• Batang

• Daun

2. Tuliskan arti dari In Situ dan Ex Situ!

1. Bagaimanakah cara adaptasi tumbuhan

mangrove pada bagian tubuh dibawah ini!

• Akar

• Batang

• Daun

2. Tuliskan arti dari In Situ dan Ex Situ!

1. Bagaimanakah cara adaptasi tumbuhan

mangrove pada bagian tubuh dibawah ini!

• Akar

• Batang

• Daun

2. Tuliskan arti dari In Situ dan Ex Situ!

6. which of the following do noun pharase not include? a.nouns b.modifying words c.advrebs d.all of the above

jawaban :A. nouns

semoga membantu




maaf kalo salah

7. apa artinya •not include your name, email address or common passwords


tidak termasuk nama anda, alamat email atau kata sandi yang umum.


biasanya ada kesalahan input huruf atau kata saat login ke suatu website.

8. what do regulatory signs includedan jawaban no ngasall !​

a series of wheels but bumpy.

maaf kalo salah.

9. what do the duties of managers include? ​



apa yang termasuk tugas manajer?


Tugas manajer adalah sebagai seseorang yang mampu untuk mengarahkan, memimpin, mengoordinir, serta melakukan pengembangan terhadap perusahaan dalam rangka pencapaian tujuan

to ensure the daily functioning of a department or group of employees. Staffing: Most employers expect their managers to interview, hire, and train new employees.

Semoga membantu.
Semangat teruss belajarnyaaa

10. There are 24 children in Sari's class.Four children do not like strawberry, chocolate or vanilla flavour ice-cream.What can Sari do to include these four children in his results?Plisss Help Yaaaa​




4 anak tidak menyukai es krim stroberi, coklat, atau vanila, maka dalam hasilnya Sari bisa menambahkan keempat anak ini dalam "Others" yang artinya "Lainnya"

11. the words that do not include nouns? a.pen b.book c.bag d.right

~ Answer:d. right

Right isn'tnoun. It is adjective. Pen, book, and bag are noun.


~ Introduction:

Setiap kata memiliki golongan dan peranannya tersendiri. Setiap kata yang masuk ke dalam golongan kata tersebut berperan aktif dalam keberlangsungan setiap kalimat.

Parts of speech terdiri atas:

verb,pronoun,noun,adjective,adverb,preposition,conjunction,article, daninterjection.

~ Discussion:

Halo, sobat cerdas! Noun menunjukkan bentuk nominal dimana ini merupakan kata yang menunjukkan keberadaan suatu benda baik hidup dan mati. Noun dilengkapi dengan adjective sebagai kata pemanis yang berperan melengkapi atau menambahkan informasi yang dimiliki subyek/obyek tersebut.

Pen adalah barang yang digunakan untuk keperluan tulis-menulis (pena).

Book adalah barangdari lembaran kertas yang dijilid yang terdapat tulisan di dalamnya untuk dibaca (buku).

Bag adalah baranguntuk menyimpan barang-barang lain yang berukuran pas atau lebih kecil dari benda tersebut (tas).

Right menunjukkan arah kanan atau barat. Adapun right menunjukkan sesuatu yang dianggap tidak salah atau selurus dengan pemahaman orang atau fakta (benar).

Right termasuk katasifat (adjective).

~ Thank you and hope this answer may be helpful.

Good luck! ✿

12. “ In my current position ….” What does the underlined word (current) closely mean ?​


current = present, latest, now



current artinya sekarang ini

now artinya sekarang


maaf kalau salah

semoga bermanfaat

13. which nutrition is not include in the cookies

nutrisi mana yang tidak termasuk dalam cookie ?

nutrisi mana yang tidak termasuk dalam cookienutrisi mana yng tidak dimasukkan di dalam biskuit?

14. what is include in a recommendation letter

- Letters of recommendation
- Reference letters
- Job references
- Academic references
- Character references
- Letters of reference

1. A paragragh of sentence explaining how you know the person you are writing about and the nature of your relationship with them.
2. An honest evaluation of the person's characteristics, skills, capabilities, ethics, or accomplishments, preferably with spesific examples.
3. A stastement or summary that explains why you would recommend the person you are writing about.

15. Why story include in narative teks

because the essay presents chronologically with the timeline of the story included in the narrative text.. maaf kalau slah

16. Work in pairs. Write a dialog about daily routines. Don't forget to include how often you do the activites​


bekerja berpasangan.tulis dialog tentang rutinitas harian.jangan lupa sertakan seberapa sering Anda melakukan kegiatan.

17. father is the...in our family.all of member family respect of him,he is a hero in the family include you should do too.

patriarch =kepala keluargaTranslate;
Ayah adalah... dalam keluarga. semua anggota keluarga menghormati dia, dia adalah pahlawan didalam keluarga termasuk anda harus melakukannya juga.

- Patriarch (kepala keluarga)

18. explain the environmental issues severity in indonesia

the current environmental problems are the most common problems in indonesia

19. Check your understandingQuestions for ComprehensionGive your answer to the following questions in complete sentences.1. What is economics?2. What do a nation resources consist of?3. What do natural resources include?4. What do people do to natural resources in preparing them for use?5. What are capital resources?6. What are current assets?7. What are fixed assets?8. What is the difference of current assets from fixed assets?9. What is the difference needs from wants?​


1. Economics is the social science that studies how people interact with value; in particular, the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.

2. Nation Resources can be categorized on the basis of origin: Abiotic resources comprise non-living things (land, water, air and minerals such as gold, iron, copper, silver). Biotic resources are obtained from the biosphere.

3. Natural resources are materials from the Earth, other natural resources are air, sunlight, soil and water. Animals, birds, fish and plants are natural resources as well.

4. Natural resources also are the raw materials for making products that we use everyday from our toothbrush and lunch box to our clothes, cars, televisions, computers and refrigerators.

5. The items the people in Community produced are called capital resources.

6. Current asset is any asset which can reasonably be expected to be sold, consumed, or exhausted through the normal operations.

7. Fixed assets is a term used in accounting for assets and property that cannot easily be converted into cash

8. Current assets are short-term assets, which are held for less than a year, whereas Fixed assets are typically long-term assets, held for more than a year.

9. A need is something needed to survive while A want is something that people desire to have, that they may, or may not, be able to obtain.

20. Apa bahasa indonesianya hate in the current zone

Benci di zona saat ini.
Mungkin maksudnya dia ingin berganti suasana baru

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