Selasa, 02 Agustus 2022

The Ravine By Graham Salisbury

The Ravine By Graham Salisbury

ubah kalimat pasif ke aktif the telephone was invented by alexander graham bell

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1. ubah kalimat pasif ke aktif the telephone was invented by alexander graham bell

alexander graham bellAlexander Graham Bell was invented telephone

Maaf kalau salah :)

2. if you visit london,you should consider making the trip to the salisbury plain to one of the ancient.....of the world

one of the ancient stone of the worldancient stone of the world

3. ubahlah kalimat passive voice ke active voice1.the ring was founded by intan and santi2.the telephone was invented by Alexander Graham bell​


1) intan and santi was found by the ring

2) by alexander graham bell was invent the thelephone


semoga membantu : )

4. Rewrite these following sentences into active form. 1. The ring was founded by Intan and Santi. 2. Football is played by the boy. 3. The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell. 4. The exercise is completed by the teacher. 5. The floor is cleaned by Aisyah.

1. Intan and Santi found the ring

2. The boy played football

3. Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone

4. The teacher completed the exercise

5. Aisyah cleaned the floor


1. Intan & Santi found the ring.

2. The boy plays football.

3. Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.

4. The teacher completes the exercise.

5. Aisyah cleans the floor.


An active voice is used when the doer of action perfoms the action.

On the other hand, a passive voice is used when we want to emphasize the recipient who/which receives the action.

Here are the steps how to change passive to active voice.

1) pay attention to the predicate; what tense is being used in each sentence.

2) the subject of a passive voice (New subject/recipient) is moved to the object of an active voice. On the other hand, the object of passive voice (Agent) is moved to the subject of an active voice.

3) All of the past participle verbs are conjugated based on each tense used in the sentence context.



P : S(O)+to be(was/were)+verb³+by agent

A : S+verb²+O


The ring (New subject) was found (verb) by Intan and Santi (Agent).

changes to :

Intan and Santi (Subject) found (verb) the ring (Object).


The telephone (new subject) was invented (verb) by Alexander Graham Bell (Agent)

changes to

Alexander Graham Bell (Subject) invented (verb) the telephone (Object)


P : S(O)+to be(is/am/are)+V³+by agent

A : S+Verb¹(s/es)+O


Football (New subject) is played (verb) by the boy (Agent)

changes to :

The boy (Subject) plays (verb) football (object).


The exercise (new subject) is completed (verb) by the teacher (Agent)

changes to :

The teacher (Subject) completes (verb) the exercise (object).


The floor (new subject) is cleaned (verb) by Aisyah (Agent)

changes to :

Aisyah (Subject) cleans (verb) the floor (object).


Learn more about

Active-Passive voice



Grade: XI

Subject : English

Category : Sentence Structure

Code : 11.5.8

Keywords : active, passive

5. 1. Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in ...2. Alexander Graham Bell was the inventor of the ....3. people use it to look at something far away. what ia it ?4. who invented the telephone ?5. who invented the computer ?​


1. Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876

2. Alexander Graham Bell was the inventor of the telephone


maaf kak cuma 2 nomor saja, kalau ada soal nya saya bisa bantu

1. 1875
2. Telephone
3. Telescope
4. Alexander Graham Bell
5. Charles Babbage

sᴇᴍᴏɢᴀ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴀɴᴛᴜ ^^

6. apa yang dimaksud "survival of the fittest"menurut william graham sumner?

Sintasan yang terbugar atau bahasa inggrisnya "survival of the fittest"

Maaf ya kalo salah

7. bangunan megalitik yang terkenal di salisbury plain wiltshire Inggris

Stonehenge- Bangunan megalitik inggris yg terletak di wiltshire inggris

8. apa yang dimaksud "survival of the fittest"menurut william graham sumner?

William Graham Sumner. Beliau adalah orang yang pertama mula-mula mengajarkan sosiologi di Universitas Yale, sebelum upaya serupa dilakukan di Universitas manapun didunia.
Tapi, sayangnya Sumner gagal membangun landasan yang cukup kuat bagi sebuah aliran sosiologi bersama muridnya di Yale. Eittss, tapi tunggu dulu! Walaupun dia gagal membangun Sosiologi di Yale, Sumner tidak menyerah dan melanjutkan perjuangannya untuk membangun landasan sosiologi dan beberapa tahun kemudian dia berhasil membangunnya di Universitas Chicago. .
Bapak ini adalah seorang penganut pandangan "Liberal", dia pendukung Kapitalisme, dan memiliki jiwa yang agresif, dan penuh persaingan.
Salah satu Quotesnya yang cukup terkenal adalah: "Orang yang sukses dalam persaingan berhak hidup, dan yang tak sukses tak berhak hidup!" Salah satu sumbangan Pemikiran Sumner adalah "Survival of the Fittest" yaitu ia melihat manusia berjuang melawan lingkungannya dan yang paling kuatlah yang akan berhasil mempertahankan hidupnya.
Salah satu bukti bahwa Sumner pendukung kapitalisme adalah kutipan percakapan dengan muridnya tentang Industri dimana ia menjawab:
"Industri harus mengakar, memonopoli, atau mati... Tak ada hak hidup bagi yang tak memegang monopoli..Hanya ada satu sistem ekonomi (kapitalisme) yang logis. Seluruh sistem ekonomi lainnya adalah keliru."
Sumner juga dikenal sebagai seorang yang tampak sombong tapi penuh kepercayaan diri, terbukti dari pertanyaan salah satu muridnya:
"Andaikan, seorang profesor ekonomi politik lain datang dan merebut jabatan anda, apakah yang akan anda lakukan?"
Sumner menjawab: "Profesor lain manapun silakan mencoba. Bila ia mendapatkan jabatanku, itu adalah kesalahanku. Tugasku adalah mengajarkan mata kuliah sebaik mungkin sehingga tak ada seorangpun yang dapat merebutnya dariku". .
Sayangnya Sumner tak banyak diingat sejarah dan hanya diingat oleh segelintir orang. Tapi bagaimanapun kita sebagai mahasiswa sosiologi harus berterimakasih pada Bapak ini karena dia adalah orang yang berusaha "membuka" mata kuliah sosiologi.

9. 9. Even though he worked with the deaf formany years and patented many devicesto help them(A) it was Alexander Graham Bell willforever be remembered for inventingthe telephone(B) Alexander Graham Bell will foreverbe remembered for inventing thetelephonec. alexander graham bell who will forever be remembered for inventing the telephon d. alexander graham bell forever be remembered for inveting the telephon​


9. Even though he worked with the deaf for many years and patented many devices to help them (A) it was Alexander Graham Bell will forever be remembered for inventing the telephone (B) Alexander Graham Bell will forever be remembered for inventing the telephone c. alexander graham bell who will forever be remembered for inventing the telephon d. alexander graham bell forever be remembered for inveting the telephon

Jika diartikan

9. Meskipun dia bekerja dengan tunarungu bertahun-tahun dan mematenkan banyak perangkat untuk membantu mereka (A) itu adalah Alexander Graham Bell akan selamanya diingat karena menciptakan telepon (B) Alexander Graham Bell akan selamanya diingat untuk menciptakan telepon c. alexander graham bell yang akan selamanya dikenang karena menemukan telepon d. alexander graham bell selamanya diingat untuk inveting telepon


Jadi jawabannya A

A) itu adalah Alexander Graham Bell akan selamanya diingat karena menciptakan telepon

Semoga membantu:)

10. Apa yang dimaksud "survival of the fittest " menurut william graham summer


Yang dimaksud dengan "survival of the fittest" menurut William Graham Summer adalah bahwa manusia akan berjuang dan melawan lingkungannya untuk mempertahankan kehidupannya. Menurut pendapatnya, manusia yang paling kuat lah yang akan berhasil dalam mempertahankan kehidupannya. Teori ini kemudian diterapkan pada masyarakat industri.


Sosiologi memiliki dasar teori sosiologi klasik yang dikemukakan oleh tokoh - tokoh yang terkenal. Diantaranya adalah Auguste Comte, Herbert Spencer, Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim, dan lain sebagainya. Salah satu pencetus teori sosiologi klasik adalah William Graham Sumner (1840 - 1910) yang seorang akademisi dari Amerika yang mengemukakan teori "survival of the fittest".

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut tentang materi hubungan pengetahuan, ilmu pengetahuan dan logika,


11. B. Observe the following pairs of sentences. How is each sentence different from its pair?1. Soccer is watched by many people. People watch soccer on TV.2. Cheese is made from milk. The farmer made cheese from milk.3. The map was brought by Daniel.Daniel brought the map.4. The bridge was built by the Dutch in the 1900s.The Dutch built the bridge in the 1900s.5. Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell.​


1. Soccer is watched by many people. [passive voice]

People watch soccer on TV. [active voice]

2. Cheese is made from milk. [passive voice]

The farmer made cheese from milk. [active voice]

3. The map was brought by Daniel. [passive voice]

Daniel brought the map. [active voice]

4. The bridge was built by the Dutch in the 1900s. [passive voice]

The Dutch built the bridge in the 1900s. [active voice]

5. Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. [active voice]

The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell. [passive voice]


Perintah soal di atas adalah mengobservasi pasangan kalimat tersebut dan kemudia menemukan perbedaan di antara pasangan kalimatnya.

Perbedaan dari kelima soal di atas adalah kalimat aktif (active voice) dan kalimat pasif (passive voice).

Perbedaan antar nomor dari kelima soal di atas adalah soal nomor 1-3 menggunakan simple present tense, sedangkan soal nomor 4 dan 5 menggunakan simple past tense.

Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai passive voice pada


12. Apa yg dimaksud survival of the fittest menurut william graham summ

**William Graham Sumner (1840-1910). Pada dasarnya ia menganut pemikiran survival of the fittest dalam memahami dunia sosial. Seperti Spencer, ia melihat manusia berjuang melawan lingkungannya dan yang paling kuatlah yang akan berhasil mempertahankan hidupnya. Sistem teoritis ini cocok dengan perkembangan kapitalisme karena menyediakan legitimasi teoritis bagi ketimpangan kekuasaan dan kekayaan yang ada.

13. Rewrite the sentences in Active voice. 1. The ring was founded by intan and santi. 2. Football is played by the boy. 3. The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell. 4. The exercise is completed by the teacher 5. the floor is cleaned by Aisyah.


1. Intan and Santi found the ring.

2. The boy is playing football.

3. Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.

4. The teacher complete the excercise.

5. Aisyah clean the floor.

14. SIASRewrite the passive sentences into Active.1.The telephone was invented by AlexandarGRaham Bell.2.This book was written by an Irishman.3. The president was elected by the telephone.4. The bag was packed by his mother.5.The child was hit by a car.6. the exercise is completed by the teacher,7.The club was founded by Ron and Peggy.8.Football is played by the children.9. The computer is used by Patric.10.Coffee is sold by MArie.​


Perintah soal: tulis kembali kalimat pasif menjadi KALIMAT aktif

1.Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone

tense:past tense Irishman wrote this book

tense:past tense

3.the telephone elected the president

tense:past tense

4.his mother packed the bag

tense:past tense

5.a car hit the child

tense:past tense

6.the teacher completes the exercise

tense: present tense

7.ron and Peggy found the club

find-found-found(irregular verbs)

bukan founded

tense :past tense

8.the children play football

tense: present tense

9.patric uses the computer

tense:present tense

10.marie sells coffee

tense:present tense


15. Alexander Graham Bell Was A Man.... invented The Telephone​


Alexander Graham Bell (/ˈɡreɪ.əm/, born Alexander Bell; March 3, 1847 – August 2, 1922) was a Scottish-born inventor, scientist, and engineer who is credited with patenting the first practical telephone. He also co-founded the American Telephone and Telegraph Company (AT&T) in 1885.

16. Tulislah pengertian buah menurut Salisbury (1992) !​


Buah adalah produk yang tumbuh dari tanaman yang berbunga.

Fungsi buah adalah sebagai tempat penyimpnan cadangan makanan dan

sebagai tempat biji. Buah (fruktus) adalah organ pada tumbuhan yang

merupakan perkembangan dari bakal buah (ovarium). Buah biasanya

membungkus dan melindungi biji. Beraneka rupa dan bentuk buah tidak

terlepas dari keterkaitanya dengan fungsi utama buah, yakni sebagai

pemencar biji. Pengertian buah dalam holtikultura atau pangan lebih luas.

Karena itu, buah yang sesuai menurut pengertian botani biasa disebut buah

sejati. Dan ilmu yang mempelajari segala tentang buah disebut Pomologi.

17. how old was alexander graham bell when he invited the telephone​



Alexander Graham Bell (lahir di Edinburgh, Skotlandia, Britania Raya, 3 Maret 1847 – meninggal di Beinn Bhreagh, Nova Scotia, Kanada, 2 Agustus 1922 pada umur 75 tahun) adalah seorang ilmuwan, pencipta, dan pendiri perusahaan telepon Bell.[1] Selain karyanya dalam teknologi telekomunikasi, ia juga menyumbangkan kemajuan penting dalam teknologi penerbangan dan hidrofoil.

Bell umumnya dikenal sebagai penemu telepon tahun 1876 di Amerika Serikat,[1] tetapi menurut Kongres AS pada Juni 2002 menetapkan bahwa Antonio Meucci-lah yang menemukan telepon. Walaupun Alexander Graham Bell penemu telepon, dia tidak pernah menelepon istri dan ibunya karena mereka tunarungu.Kategori: Tanggal kelahiran 3 MaretKelahiran 1847Tanggal kematian 2 AgustusKematian 1922AC dengan 16 elemenIlmuwan SkotlandiaPenemu SkotlandiaIlmuwan Amerika SerikatSejarah telekomunikasiOtodida(

Alexander Graham Bell (born in Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom, March 3, 1847 - died in Beinn Bhreagh, Nova Scotia, Canada, August 2, 1922 at the age of 75) is a scientist, creator, and founder of the Bell telephone company. [1] In addition to his work in telecommunications technology, he has also made important advances in aviation and hydrofoil technology.

Bell is generally recognized as the inventor of the telephone in 1876 in the United States, [1] but according to the US Congress in June 2002 it was determined that Antonio Meucci invented the telephone. Although Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone, he never called his wife and mother because they were deaf. Categories: Birthdate March 3 1847 Birth Date August 2 Death 1922AC with 16 elements Scottish scientist Scottish inventor United States scientist History of telecommunicationsOodide)

18. 1. What are the important achievements in the early years of Alexander Graham bell life 2. What are the important achievements in the later years of Alexander Graham bell life

what do you mean yeeeeeeah

19. A. Rewrite the sentences in Active voice.1.The president was elected by the people.2.The exercise is completed by the teacher.3.Coffee is sold by Marie..4.The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell. 5.The computer is used by Patrick.​


Active Voice

1) The people elected the president.

2) The teacher completes the exercise.

3) Marie sells coffee.

4) Alexander Graham Bell invited the telephone.

5) Patrick uses the computer.


I hope this help Please, jangan dihapus

20. II. A. Rewrite the sentences in Active voice.6. The ring was founded by intan and santi.7. Football is played by the boy.8. The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell.9. The exercise is completed by the teacher.10. The book will be bought by the studentB. Rewrite the sentences in Active voice.11. I am going to study Arabic next week12. They play football everyweek13. Alexander Graham Bell invented telephone14. The teacher teaches English everyday15. We should visit our gandma once a month​


6. Intan and Santi found the ring.

7. The boy plays football.

8. Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.

9. The teacher completes the exercise.

10. The student will buy the book.


B. Rewrite the sentences in Active voice.

11. Arabic is going to be studied by me next week.

12. Football is played by them every week.

13. Telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell.

14. English is taught by the teacher everyday.

15. Our grandma should be visited by us once a month.

Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai passive voice pada


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