Rabu, 10 Agustus 2022

To Be Yourself In A World That Is Constantly

To Be Yourself In A World That Is Constantly

Jimmy is ... up mary's dirty socks A. Picking constantly B. Constantly picking C. To pick constantly D. To be picked

Daftar Isi

1. Jimmy is ... up mary's dirty socks A. Picking constantly B. Constantly picking C. To pick constantly D. To be picked

Constantly picking ( B )

Artinya, selalu memungut

soccer maaf kalau salah.Soccer/football is considered to be the most popular sport in the world.

3. I'm sorry for your birthday and we are all in the world is not the only thing that has to do with it all in the world is not wasting my time and where is the only thing that has to do with it all in the world is not the only thing that has to do with it all in the world is not the only thing that has to do with it all in the world is not the only thing that has to do with it all in the world is not the only thing that has to do with it all in the works


So what's the question?


4. It was designed to be largest, faster, and the most luxurious ship in the world. the antonym of the world "largest" is...​


nah maap sy kagak tau hehe iya maap lah


oya btw km ni manusia apa orng haha petnyaan manusia aneh sapa km lah

5. Select on the world in paragraph 1 that is closest in meaning to kinds A. Favorite B. Native C. Species D. Cultures

C. Species

"Kinds" = Macam

6. succeed, you have to believe in yourself.In order tob. so thatC. in order not tod. thatОАBООСOD​


A. In order to

maaf kalau salah

7. 10. Be a pilot is ... (big) dream in the world.​

Jawaban: the biggest





semoga bermanfaat ☺️

8. I read new online regularly … know what’s happening in the world. The correct conjunction is ..a. in order tob. so that​


I read new online regularly in order to know what’s happening in the world.

9. if there is no Angel in this world how do you explain yourself?​


I do not know


but... because angels are still there:)

10. Apa arti dari kata-kata ini ? “God created you to be in the world. You are in the world to fulfil a specific mission.”

Tuhan menciptakanmu untuk berada di dunia ini. Anda berada di dunia untuk memenuhi misi tertentuTuhan menciptakanmu di dunia ini untuk memenuhi misi tertentu.

Jadi Tuhan menciptakan kita tidak hanya diciptakan begitu saja melainkan ada tugas dari Tuhan untuk kita penuhi agar kita senantiasa bahagia.

Semoga membantu :)
^(723²¹)^ salam GCX

11. Apa arti dari kata-kata ini ? "God created you to be in the world. You are in the world to fulfil a specific mission."


Tuhan menciptakan Anda untuk berada di dunia.

Anda berada di dunia untuk memenuhi misi tertentu.




"Tuhan menciptakanmu untuk berada di dunia.

Anda berada di dunia untuk memenuhi misi tertentu. "

12. Imagine yourself to be in the jungle and meet these special animals in their original habitat. The noun phrase in the sentence above is…. A. imagine yourself B. in the jungle C. meet D. these special E. original habitat.

jawabannya E. original habitatsy bingung menjawabnya, krn bbrp di sini ada bbrp noun phrase.

B. in the jungle: determiner+ noun
E. original habitat: adjective+noun

ttp, noun phrase berpola: N, QDN, QN, DAN, DN dan QDAN.

jd menurut sy, jawaban yg tepat adl these special animals

13. If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea I'll sail the world to find you If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you cant see I'll be the light to guide youI'll be the light to guide you. What is the meaning of his sentence?​


I'll be someone reliable to guide you.


Good luck!

14. if you want to be more powerful in life educate yourself artinya apa

Jika Anda ingin lebih kuat dalam mendidik diri sendiri

-semoga membantu :)jika kamu ingin menjadi kuat dalam hidup,didiklah dirimu sendiri

15. write sentences that express facts. you can write facts about yourself or about the things that happen in the world.

tulis kalimat yang mengungkapkan fakta. Anda bisa menulis fakta tentang diri Anda atau tentang hal-hal yang terjadi di dunia.
example :
1. There was an accident which killed 15 people this afternoon.
2. There was a tsunami in Aceh in 2006.
3. A mother holds her child in her womb for nine months.
4. Indonesia has thousands of islands.
5. Soekarno was the first president of Indonesia.

16. 17. A: Tony, what do you want to be in the future?B: .......a pilot. I want to travel around the world.A: Wow, that would be nice. Do you know what school do you.....have to attend to be a pilot?The correct option to complete the expression is.....a.I guess I want to bec. As I see itb. The real fact is thatd. I believe​


A. I guess i want to be


a.I guess I want to be


semoga membantu :)

17. She is... (Beautiful) woman in this class He is... (Handsome) boy in this village I think it is.. (Beautiful) view that I ever seen She is.. (Kind) woman in the world Be a pilot is... ( big) dream in the world


the most beautiful

the most handsome

the most beautiful




semoga bermanfaat ☺️

popular human in the world"sensor"
pokoknya object predikatnya

19. Ships traveling in the North Atlantic during the winter must be constantly vigilant to avoidicebergs, large masses of ice ...only one-ninth is visible above water.a. whichc. thatb. of whichd. of that​

Jawaban: A. Which


A: which dong sudah pasti (menurutku sih)

20. Describe yourself in five sentence. Using to be each sentence you made


nah, untuk soal ini aku kasih penjelasan nya saja karena soalnya adalah untuk kamu. . jadi kamu itu harus mendeskripsikan tubuhmu dalam 5 kalimat


: i like kittens,they're cute

: I have a black long hair

: I have a baby blue eyes

: I like the color red!

: my favorite studies is social studies.

dan kamu selesai. caranya seperti itu ya.

semoga membantu!

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