Rabu, 31 Agustus 2022

You Drive Defensively When You:

You Drive Defensively When You:

you...drive when you are feeling tired.​

Daftar Isi

1. you...drive when you are feeling tired.​


Should not


karena berbahaya apabila mengemudi saat sedang mengantuk

2. Anto : when can apply for a driving license, Dad? father : ........ A. when you can drive well B. when you will use it C. when you need it D. when you have a car E. when you learn how to drive?

E.when you learn how to drivea . when you can drive well

3. oms1.You ......drive when you are tired. It's dangerous.​

You should not drive when you are tired. It's dangerous.

4. When i Saw you on the park yesterday. You ...you new car A. Don't drive B. Don't drive C. Hasil Drive D. Doesn't drive please help Answer !!!

ketahuan a sama b

udah sama  Don't drive

5. how fast..... when the police stopped you ?a. you were drivingb. you drovec. were you drivingd. did you drive ​



seberapa cepat ..... ketika polisi menghentikan Anda?


a. Anda sedang mengemudi

b. Anda mengemudi

c. apakah kamu sedang mengemudi

d. apakah kamu mengemudi

jadi jawabannya a.you were driving

6. Make sentences like that example Example: You can drive(when you are 17/after you got your lincense You say:1.you can drive a car when you are 17 2.you could drive a car after you got your lincense 1.He can leave it here(for an hour/when ever he wanted to) 2.He can play chess(this afternoon/when he was young) 3.I can fly a plane(after a few more lessons when i was in the air force) 4.We can do this exercise(next week/last week) 5.She can cook very well(with more practice/whwn i knew her) Tolong dijawab yg ngerti

1. he can leave it here for an hour / he can leave it here whenever he wanted to.
2. he can play chess this afternoon / he could play chess when he was young.
3. I can fly a plane after a few more lessons when i was on the air force.
4 we can do this exercise next week/ we could do this exercise last week.
5 she can cook very well with more practice / she could cook very well when i knew her.
maaf kalau salah

7. you ask your father to drive you to school

dad,can you drive me to school?
dejan04Dad, could you bring me to school?

8. 1. NO SWIMINGYou can find the notice near the...2. CATION DRIVE SLOWCHILDREN AT PLAYpeople must not drive... many shildren are playing in thaht area.3.CATIOn SLIPPERY WHEN WETYou must be.........when it is wet.it is slippe4.Baggage ClaimYou can pick up you.......here

1. sea
2. fast
3. slowly
4. your baggageJawaban :
1) river, lake, or beach
2) too fast
3) becareful
4) baggage

Semoga membantu^^

9. was Andra...(drive)when you..(call)him?​


Was Andra (driving) when you (called) him?

* past continuous tense

Maaf jika ada yang salah

10. IF you want to be safe on traffic youobey all the traffic rules .youwhen you are on roads .Youcarelesslybe very carefuldrive Fast or​


what do you mine

i,m not can

11. you drive carefully dalam kalimat tanya

Do you drive carefully?

12. how long... you drive?

how long do you drive?

sorry if I am wrong

13. Was Andra....(Drive)When You...(Call) him? A.Driving Were Calling B.Drove,Called C.Driving Called​


was Andra driving when you called him

jawaban: A


Was Andra driving (drive) when you called (call) him ?


ini menunjukkan past continuous tense, past continuous tense digunakan spt when i was driving, someone called me. saat ada when bisa saja pakai was atau were dan verb2. jadi jawabannya adalah C. driving called






15. you drive carefully dalam kalimat tanya


do you drive carefully?


verb nya adalah drive

16. fill the gaps with suitable adjectives 1. you must be very ...when you drive in wet weather​


you must be very slow when you drive in wet weather​

17. ROAD CLOSEDUNTIL WEEKENDWhat is the meaning of this noticea. You may drive todayb. You musnt drive fastc. You can drive here after next weekd. You can't drive now​


d. you cant drive now

kamu tidak bisa menggendarai sekarang

18. If you drive carelessly, you ........ an accident​


Will cause


Menggunakan Conditional sentences type 1, structure :

If + Present Simple + S + Will/Won't + Verb

            (S + V1)

If     you drive carelessly,   you    will   cause   an accident​

If +     (Present Simple)   +   S    + Will  + V1     +        O

19. Make sentences like that example Example: You can drive(when you are 17/after you got your lincense You say:1.you can drive a car when you are 17 2.you could drive a car after you got your lincense 1.He can leave it here(for an hour/when ever he wanted to) 2.He can play chess(this afternoon/when he was young) 3.I can fly a plane(after a few more lessons when i was in the air force) 4.We can do this exercise(next week/last week) 5.She can cook very well(with more practice/whwn i knew her)

Membuat kalimat seperti contoh yang
Anda dapat berkendara (ketika Anda 17 / setelah Anda mendapat Anda lincense
Anda mengatakan: 1.you dapat mengendarai mobil ketika Anda 17
2.you bisa mengendarai mobil setelah Anda mendapat lincense Anda
1.He bisa meninggalkannya di sini (selama satu jam / ketika pernah ia ingin)
2. ia bisa bermain catur (sore ini / ketika ia masih muda)
3.I bisa terbang pesawat (setelah beberapa pelajaran lebih ketika aku berada di angkatan udara)
4. Kami dapat melakukan latihan ini (minggu depan / minggu lalu)
5.She bisa memasak dengan baik (dengan lebih banyak latihan / whwn saya tahu dia)
maaf kalo salah

20. you will be safer when you drive carefully introgatife sentense and negatif​

(-) You will not be safer when you drive carefully

(?) Will you be safer when you drive carefully?


You won't be safer when you drive carefully


Will you be safer when you drive carefully?

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