Jumat, 09 September 2022

Choose The Correct Simplification Of The Expression

Choose The Correct Simplification Of The Expression

Simplification of the expression – (–5x2) + 3x + 6x2 – 8x + 4  is​

1. Simplification of the expression – (–5x2) + 3x + 6x2 – 8x + 4  is​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

– (–5x2) + 3x + 6x2 – 8x + 4




2. Choose the correct form of the verbs


1. Plays

2. Live

3. Like

4. Works

5. Study

6. Surfs

7. Plays

8. Go

9. Goes

10. Loves




1. Ben plays football everyday

2. They live in Paris

3. Jane and I like dancing

4. My mum works in a bank

5. We study English at school

6. Joe surfs the net every day.

7. My sister plays the piano

8. I go to bed at ten o'clock.

9. Jane goes to school by bike.

10. He loves Leah


Tenses yang digunakan adalah simple present.

Form = S + V1/Vs +...

Kalau He, She, It menggunakan Vs kalau They, We, I, You gunakan V1

kalau ada salah maaf ya :)

3. Read The dialongue and choose the correct expression to fill in the blank

Jawaban:baca dialog dan pilih kata yang tepat untuk tempat yang kosong


4. Choose the following sentences which expression of hope

Jawaban: we hope that they will come

Penjelasan: sorry kalo salahh


I hope you will get better soon


artinya, saya berharap kamu segera sembuh

hope digunakan untuk harapan dimana harapan itu mungkin atau bisa saja terjadi

5. Choose the following sentences which expression of Hope *​

i wish you all the best guys

maap keun kalo salah:) itu kalimat harapan/hope

6. choose the correct form of the noun in each sentence

1. children
2. men, woman
3. Babies
4. Potatoes
5. watches
6. memo
7. mice
8. buses

7. Choose the correct net of a cube.



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

semoga membantu

8. Choose the following sentences which expression of hape

pilihlah kalimat'' berikut yg mana ungkapan dari harapan
go follow my brainly guys

9. Choose the following sentences which expression of hope!


I know you have a good achievement. I hope you can become a winner in the contest singing academy. I hope you give perform better today. I always support you, max. Don't forget you must spirit to get a win. Allah with you.


Maaf kalau kurang pas

Don't bully me, please...

10. choose the correct form of verb..pls

2. taste
5.had/having (tergantung waktunya).

11. choose the following sentences which expression of hope!

-I wish I had a nice house -I hope you say soThe toilet smells so foul,It always has no fragrance.We have flying mind, floating soul,And have no interdependence.Toilet berbau busuk,Dan selalu tidak memiliki wewangian.Kita memiliki pikiran dan jiwa yang mengambang,Dan tidak memiliki saling ketergantungan.

12. choose the correct meaning of the words in bold? ​

Artinya pilih jawaban kata yang benar di Tulisan yg tebal.

Maap kalo salah

pilih yang benar arti dari kata yang ditebalkan

13. Choose the correct part of speech or the underlined word​


orange = noun

loudly = adverb

near = preposition

happy = adjective

herself = pronoun

shines = verb

young = adjective

restaurant = noun

but = conjunction

after = preposition

never = adverb

child = noun


Untuk menjawab soal ini kita memang mesti memahami part of speech.

Parts of speech artinya klasifikasi kata dalam bahasa Inggris sesuai dengan posisi dan fungsinya dalam kalimat.

Ada 8 parts of speech:

NOUN (kata benda)
PRONOUN (kata ganti)

VERB (kata kerja)
ADJECTIVE (kata sifat)

ADVERB (kata keterangan)

PREPOSITION (kata depan)

CONJUNCTION (kata penghubung)

INTERJECTION (kata seru)

Dari contoh soal di atas hanya INTERJECTION yang tidak kita temukan.

Interjection itu sendiri adalah kata seru. Contohnya: Oh! Uups! Wow!

Semoga membantu.

14. Choose the following sentences which expression of hope .....


Pilihlah kalimat berikut yang merupakan ungkapan harapan


ini udah aku terjemahan

mana Kalimat nya


Pilihlah kalimat berikut yang merupakan ungkapan harapan ...


#Correct me if I'm wrong

#hope it helps and happy learning

15. choose the correct meaning of the words in the bold. ​

Choose the correct meaning of the verbs in the bold
(pilihlah arti yg benar dalam kata2 yg tebal)

a. pileup= A traffic accident involving several vehicles
(Tabrakan= Kecelakaan lalu lintas yang melibatkan beberapa kendaraan)

b. scene= A place where unpleasant event has happened
(Tempat, lokasi= Tempat kejadian yang tidak menyenangkan terjadi)

c. fatalities= A death caused by accident
(kematian= Kematian yang disebabkan oleh kecelakaan)

d. massive= Very large in size
(Besar= Sangat besar ukurannya)

e. visibility= How clearly objects can can be seen
(Jarak penglihtan= Seberapa jelas objek dapat dilihat)

Semoga membantu

16. Choose the correct form of the verb in brackets

2 Are
3 Smells
4 Are
5 Look
6 Are
7 Grows
8 Is
9 Taste
10 Are

17. Choose the correct modal auxiliaries of request form the list?​


Choose the correct modal auxiliaries of request form the list?


Pilih bantuan modal yang benar dari formulir permintaan dari daftar?


Maaf kalau salah

semoga bermanfaat:)

#jadikan jawaban yang terbaik

#semangat belajar dirumah

#belajar bersama brainly

like dan follow saya ya:)

18. choose the following sentences witch expression of hope​

pilih kalimat berikut ekspresi harapan penyihir

19. choose the expression of offering help​


semoga jawabannya membantu..

20. Read The Dialogue and choose the correct expression to fill in the blank


baca dialog dan pilih ekspresi yang benar untuk mengisi hitam

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