Rabu, 28 September 2022

Complete Each Family Of Facts 2 8 6

Complete Each Family Of Facts 2 8 6

write 5 expressions of facts about your family

Daftar Isi

1. write 5 expressions of facts about your family

My sister is talkative
My father is very brave
My mother is beautiful
My brother is genius
My grandfather is nice

2. complete the following family tree with the names of erlin's family members

1. Mr Tommy
2. Mrs. Misha
3.Mr. Rahadian
4. Mrs. Rianti
5. Mrs. Miranti
6. Mr. Dharma
7. Edwin
8. Erlin
9. ito

3. Complete the table!NoFactsStatementsI.Brand2 Name of Product3Content / amount4 Description5 Ingredients6 Direction to use7 Direction to store8.Expiration date



2. Hour Juice

3. 600 ml


5. 100% orange

juice from


contains pure





orange juice



8. 13.09.26

4. A family is a group of people who live together in the same house a complete family consist of parents and children the members of the family share housework and take care of each others they feel safe and happy to go home write again with properly punctuation !


A family is a group of people who live together in the same house. A complete family consist of parents and children.The members of the family share housework and take care of each others.They feel safe and happy to go home.

5. please describe each member of your family . deskripsikan ayah dan ibu

1. dad: my dad is a veterinarian, he works at the clinic, he helps animals most of them are dogs and cats. my dad has a tall yet a skinny body. he has brown curly hair, and although he's 50 years old already he doesn't have any wrinkle on his face. he is a funny person, my friends always laugh to his jokes. he is also humble and wise. 

2. mother: my mother is a normal housewife, but she also work on her online clothing from home. she's a very fashionable woman which i really adore. she is tall and somehow she manage to be have slim body even though she already gave a birth to me and my sister. she has long straight hair. she is 45 years old. she is caring, loving, but strong and also empowering.

3. sister: the last, is my sister. my sister is older than me, she is already 20. she works as a secretary in a bank, she is smart and beautiful. she cares about her look very much. her hair is curly, just like daddy's, and her body is tall and slim just like mommy. she loves me so much, she likes to buy me things she got from her work, even though sometimes she is too silly to be alive.

6. Complete each of these sentences with was, were, or did.


1. Did

2. Were

3. Did

4. Were

5. Did

6. Did

7. Was

8. Was

9. Was

10. Did

11. Was

12. Did

13. Did

14. Was

15. Did

16. Was

17. Was

18. Did

19. Were

20. Were

7. A complete family....of parents and one or more children




semoga membantu:)

8. Complete the following tree with the names of Erlin's family members

lengkapi pohon pohon berikut dengan nama nama anggota keluarga Erlin
itu artinya

9. Reread the sentences in Activity 28.Complete the following family tree with the names of Rita's family members.2Mrs. PuspaMr. Bayu6345Mrs. Gita789(10Activity 30Deliver a monolog to introduce one of your family.​


1. Mr. Bayu

2. Mrs. Puspa

3. Mrs. Gita

4. Mr. Farhan

5. Mrs. Lulu

6. Mr. Asna

7. Rita

8. Riki

9. Heri

10. Nana


semoga membantu^^

jadikan jawaban terbaik^^

10. complete each sentence with the correct form of the verb in parentheses

1. Have
2. Washes
3. Do you know.
4. Is
5. Doesn't
6. Keeps
7. Never washes
8. Wears
9. Is always
10. Is always
11. Says
12. Takes

11. A utility bill showed that 700 littres of water was used by a family of 3 adults in a week. Each member of the family used the same amount of water each day. How many litters of water were used by each person in a day? .... litres *


Banyak air yang digunakan oleh setiap anggota keluarga per harinya adalah [tex]\[33\frac{1}{3}{\text{ liter}}\][/tex]. Dalam hal ini digunakan konsep pembagian. Kamu perlu menentukan terlebih dahulu banyak air yang digunakan oleh satu keluarga selama satu hari.


Oleh karena 700 liter air digunakan selama 1 minggu oleh satu keluarga, maka banyak air yang digunakan selama 1 hari adalah

[tex]\[700{\text{ liter}}/{\text{minggu = }}700{\text{ liter}}/{\text{7 hari = }}100{\text{ liter}}/{\text{hari}}\][/tex]

Catatan: 1 minggu = 7 hari.

Oleh karena ada 3 orang dalam satu keluarga dan setiap anggota keluarga menggunakan banyak air yang sama, maka banyak air yang digunakan oleh setiap anggota per harinya adalah [tex]\[\frac{{100{\text{ liter}}}}{3} = 33\frac{1}{3}{\text{ liter}}\][/tex].

Pelajari lebih lanjut materi tentang pemodelan matematika yang menggunakan konsep pembagian pada https://brainly.co.id/tugas/42698038.


12. Can you complete each of these word forks?1. Self.......................................2. Minded.......................................3. ....... tempered.......................................

Maksudnya gimana ya? self-confident, self-centred, self-controlled
open-minded, absent-minded, single-minded
hot-tempered, good-tempered, bad-tempered

bad-tempered: angry, furious, fierce
*ini semuanya kata sifat, kl butuh yg kata benda jg ada lho misalnya self-esteem, self-image, self-respect^^

13. A. Complete each sentences with one of the words in parentheses



Mr. Kazi is a successful restaurant owner.

Mr. Kazi manages 168 restaurants successfully.


Mr. Kazi hoped he would get a job in the airplane industry.

Mr. Kazi was hopeful that he could get a job in the airplane industry.


Mr. Kazi was the manager of a KFC restaurant.

Mr. Kazi managed a KFC restaurant.


Mr. Kazi's work impressed his employers.

Mr. Kazi's work made an impression on his employers.


Mr. Kazi made a profit from the sale of each restaurant.

Mr. Kazi profited from the sale of each restaurant.

14. Complete the chart with the correct form of each verb. ​


1. Tries

2. Goes

3. Brushes

4. Leaves

5. Worries

6. Washes

7. Stays

8. Drinks

9. Does

10. Teaches

15. I respect my own familytake care of each otherapa arti kata tersebut​


I respect my own family , take care of each other.

Saya menghormati keluarga saya sendiri, saling menjaga satu sama lain.

16. Can you complete each of these word forks?1. self-............. 2 .............-tempered 3 .............-minded

1. self centered

2. Short tempered

3. Clossed minded

maafkan kalau ada kesalahan :/ #Max

17. please complete the table below based on of family member's physical appearance.​


mohon lengkapi tabel di bawah ini berdasarkan penampilan fisik anggota keluarga

18. complete each of the sentences below with one of the following expressions ​


1. little

2. a few

3. few

4. little

5. a few

6. little

7. few

8. a few

9. a little

10. few

11. little

12. a few


a few (untuk countable noun) dan a little (untuk uncountable noun) kita pergunakan ketika menekankan bahwa ada sejumlah kecil dari sesuatu. (tidak dibicarakan apakah itu cukup atau tidak)

few (untuk countable noun) dan little kita pergunakan untuk menekankan bahwa jumlah itu kurang dari semestinya/kurang dari yang diharapkan.

Smeoga bermanfaat

19. Complete each sentence about you and your friends or family 1.walking 2.writing 3.watching tv 4.cleaning 5.eating 6.drawing


1.walking = sedang berjalan

2.writing = sedang menulis

3.watching tv = sedang menonton tv

4.cleaning = sedang membersihkan

5.eating = sedang makan

6.drawing = sedang menggambar


Semoga bermanfaat.


1. I`m walking around town with my cat.

2. She is writing her diary every night.

3. We are watching tv while eating.

4. They are cleaning the house and yard.

5. I am very happy because I am eating with my big family at the restaurant.

6. He is drawing his favourite cartoon.


- walking = sedang berjalan

- writing = sedang menulis

- watching tv = sedang menonton tv

- cleaning = sedang membersihkan

- eating = sedang makan

- drawing = sedang menggambar.

WHY WE SAY "SEDANG"? Because, the sentence is use ing, so ing shows that we are doing it.




20. artikan complete the following family tree with the name of erlin's family members​

jawab : lengkapi silsilah keluarga berikut dengan nama anggota keluarga erlin

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