Senin, 12 September 2022

Geometry Escape Room Answer Key Pdf

Geometry Escape Room Answer Key Pdf

the key / think / in / I/my/ somewhere/ room / is​

Daftar Isi

1. the key / think / in / I/my/ somewhere/ room / is​

Urutan kata-kata diatas adalah..

Answer:I think the key is somewhere in my room


Aku pikir kuncinya ada di suatu tempat di kamarku

2. Answer key of reading power by longman


kunci jawaban "kekuatan membaca" oleh logman


kunci jawaban kekuatan membaca oleh longmen


semoga membantu

3. ATTITUDE is THE KEY, what the answer ?​


pernyataan evaluatif terhadap objek, orang atau peristiwa. ini yng bhs inggris (Evaluative statements on objects, people or events)


maaf jika salah

4. cara membedakan baris geometry dan deret geometry

Barisan geometri adalah barisan bilangan yang mempunyai rasio yang tetap antar dua suku yang berdekatan.

Sedangkan deret geometri adalah jumlah dari barisan geometri.

semoga membantu:)Tolong jadikan jawaban yang terbaik ya^_^


• Barisan dan Deret


Learn With Tjo


Barisan Geometri : Setiap suku yang memiliki besaran rasio yang sama

Deret Geometri : Suku yang tersusun dalam bentuk operasi seperti penjumlahan, perkalian, pengurangan dan lain sebagainya

5. can the followinh nouns be counted or not? Choose the correct answer. Milk, room, butter, song, music, minute, tea, child, homework, key. Mohon bantuannya


   milk → uncountable

   room → countable

   butter → uncountable

   song → countable

   music → uncountable

   minute → countable

   tea → uncountable

   child → countable

   homework → uncountable

   key → countable


6. Math_L0V3r #geometry



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

∆TBC = ∆sama sisi dimn sudut²nya = 60⁰

jika RS // BC & TR : RC = 2 : 1 maka

TS : SB = 2 : 1 juga

∆TAB = ∆sama sisi dimn sudut²nya = 60⁰ liat gb 2

[tex]QS² = TS² + TQ² - 2 TS.TQ. cos 60⁰ \\ QS² = (2a)² + (1a)² - 2(2a)(1a)(½) \\QS²= 4a² + a² - 2a²= 3a² \\ QS = a \sqrt{3} [/tex]

[tex] \frac{TQ}{ \sin \alpha } = \frac{QS}{ \sin {60}^{0}} \\ \frac{a}{\sin \alpha} = \frac{a \sqrt{3} }{ \frac{1}{2} \sqrt{3}} \\ sin \: \alpha = \frac{1}{2} \\ \alpha = {30}^{0} = \frac{\pi}{6} [/tex]

7. diketahui suatu barisan geometry 3,6,12,....maka suku ke -7 Dari barisan geometry tersebut adalah....


Barisan dan Deret

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

3, 6, 12, ....

a = 3

r = 6/3 = 2


U7 = ar^6

U7 = 3(2)^6

U7 = 3(64)

U7 = 192



un = ar^n-1

8. what are these rooms used for? a. Living room =b. Garage =c. storage room = d. Dinding room =please answer​


a.Living room (ruang keluarga)

for a gathering place with family

b.Garage (garasi)

to park the vehicle

c.Storage room (Ruang penyimpanan)

used to store an object

d.Dining room ( Ruan makan )

as a place to eat


maaf kalo salah

A.Livingroom:to welcome guests

B.Garage:to place the vehicle they have

C.Storageroom:to store goods that are not used

D.Diningroom:for family members' dining rooms



9. 2. What is on the living room?Answer:.​


A living room is a room in a home that's used for entertaining friends, talking, reading, or watching television. If you're a couch potato, you most likely spend lots of time in your living room. You can also call a living room a lounge, a sitting room, a front room, or a parlor.


semoga membantu

10. Miss Anna : This room is dirty. ... this room, please?Ferry : All right, Ma'am.Answer=​


MataPelajaran = BahasaInggris


*Terjemahan nya

Miss Anna = Ruang ini kotor...... ruang ini, tolong ?

Ferry = Oke Bu.

kalimat yang paling cocok untuk mengisi titik titiik adalah = Bisakah kamu membersihkan?

Translate Bahasa Inggrisnya >> Can you clean.

11. 1. Whose living room is it?Answer ..... Salira2. How many things are there in the living room?Answer:3. Is there a calendar in the living room?Answer:4. Is there a sofa in the living room?Answer ....5. Where is an ashtray?Answer .....​

1.Ruang tamu siapa itu?

Jawab anda

2.Berapa banyak hal yang ada di ruang tamu?


3.Apa ada kalender di ruang tamu?


4.Apa ada sofa di ruang tamu?


5.Dimana asbak?


Jangan lupa follow

12. VIII. Arrange these words into a good sentence! (Susunlah kata kata berikut kedalam kalimat yang benar) 1. is - The - beside - kitchen the - living room Answer:.......... 2 bed room - There-near-is-the-a-guest room Answer: 3. mother-is - My-the-in kitchen - cooking Answer: on - is-table -- There-a-book - the Answer: 5. between - The bath room - is - kitchen - and - dinning room Answer:​


1. Thekitchenisbesiderhelivingroom

2. Neartheguestroomthereisabedroom

3. Mymotheriscookinginthekitchen

4. Thereisabookonthetable

5. Thebathroomisnearthekitchenanddiningroom(pilihan kurang jelas)




1 the kitchen is beside the living room

2 there is a bed room near the guest room

3 my mother in cooking in the kitchen

4. there's a book on the table

5. the bath room is between the bath room and the dining room

13. room - Jossica - clean - your Answer:​


Jossica clean room......

kalau ada yang salah mohon maaf

room- joassica - clean - your answer

= kamar jossica bersih

14. QUIZ SLENDER MAN1. Apa yang dimaksud dengan Geometry?2. Apa yang dimaksud dengan Geometry Dash?:)​


geometri adalah ilmu yang mempelajari hubungan antara objek-objek geometri, seperti titik, garis, bangun, dan sudut. Geometri merupakan cabang ilmu tertua dalam MatematikaGeometry Dash (terkadang disingkat GD) adalah permainan video arkade bergenre runner horizontal yang dibuat oleh Robert Topala, yang rilis pada tanggal 13 Agustus 2013. Di permainan geometry dash, pemain bisa mengasah otak dan pikiran pemain untuk berpikir cepat dan tidak mudah takut.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

jangan lupa jadikan jawaban tercerdas dan jangan lupa follow semoga jawaban ini bisa membantu

15. explain the parts of the house below . a. dining room room Answer:

a.dining room is a room for we gathered with our family and eating together is a room for we cook anything for we eat room is a room for we study anything lessons

16. apa yang dimaksid geometry

Geometri merupakan bagian Matematika yang membicarakan titik, garis, bidang, ruang dan keterkaitan satu sama lainnya. Eh, bener nggak sih yang ditanyain geometri dalam matematika?geometry apa geometri

17. looked for-in-she-key-her-yesterday-yard-the answer :.....................

She looked for her key yesterday in the yard

She looked for her key in the yard yesterday

18. the room large?3.When is the room claned?Answer:4.How often is the floor swept?Answer5. Who arranges the room?Answer:6. Where are the pillow and bolster put?Answer:7. What is the colour of the wall?Answer:8 Is the door locked when Riska leaves?Answer:​

°•.Jawaban.•°Riska'sNo, it's not large.It is cleaned every day.Twice a day.By Riska's mother.On the bed.Blue colorYes, she always close the door when she's leaving.

#SemogaMembantu#Semangat #Goodluck #MaafKalauSalah

19. the room large?3.When is the room claned?Answer:4.How often is the floor swept?Answer5. Who arranges the room?Answer:6. Where are the pillow and bolster put?Answer:7. What is the colour of the wall?Answer:8 Is the door locked when Riska leaves?Answer:​


2. It is not large

3. Every day

4. Twice a day

5. By her mother

6. On the bed

7. Blue colour

8. Yes, she is always locked


1. whose room is this?

Answer: This is Ridka's room the room large?

Answer: No, it isn't

3.When is the room claned?

Answer: it's always cleaned everyday

4.How often is the floor swept?

Answer: Twice a day

5. Who arranges the room?

Answer: Riska mother

6. Where are the pillow and bolster put?

Answer: on bed

7. What is the colour of the wall?

Answer: it's blue

8 Is the door locked when Riska leaves?

Answer: yes, Riska always locked it

20. apa itu geometry dan jelaskan ​



adalah cabang matematika yang bersangkutan dengan pertanyaan bentuk, ukuran, posisi relatif gambar, dan sifat ruang. 

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