Jumat, 30 September 2022

How To Increase Days Of Working Capital In Capsim

How To Increase Days Of Working Capital In Capsim

how the ways to increase the nationalism spirit of of young generation in global era

Daftar Isi

1. how the ways to increase the nationalism spirit of of young generation in global era

Pendidikan karakter untuk mencintai negara merupakan salah satu hal yang harus ditanamkan bagi tiap-tiap generasi muda sedini mungkin. Karakter untuk mencinta bangsa dan negara merupakan fondasi awal untuk membentukan karakter jiwa nasionalisme dan upaya membangkitkan rasa nasionalisme pada generasi muda Indonesia.

2. what is the capital of egypt ? what is the capital of jordan ? how to make a cup of tea ? how to cook some instant noodles ?

the capital of jordan is 'J' karena yang ditanya capital = huruf kapital bukannya capital citythe capital of egypt : kairo
the capital of jordan : amman

3. How many days are in the mont of may

31 days ...............

4. In your opinion, how can they increase their better services by handling of mail?

Menurut Anda, bagaimana mereka bisa meningkatkan layanan mereka dengan lebih baik dengan penanganan surat.Itu artinya ya

My opinion,
by looking for better employees Friendly courteous and polite.Semoga Membantu dan benar ya.

5. Suppose that real interest rates decrease across Europe. This development will (Increase/Decrease) U.S. net capital outflow at all U.S. real interest rates, which in turn will cause the (Demand for/Supply of) loanable funds to (Increase/Decrease) because net capital outflow is a component of the relevant curve in the loanable funds market.

Jawaban ini menurut saya sendiri, karena saya nda paham masalah keuangan eropa.


-Supply of


simplenya di eropa ada masalah soal penurunan kurva, mereka ni kaya dukun mau ngeramal akankah Bertambah/Berkurang, dan apakah Permintaan/pasokan dana pinjaman akan bertambah/berkurang. gitu

jika menurut anda jawaban saya kurang tepat, silahkan anda rombak jawaban saya

6. how to increase income/cara meningkatkan penghasilan

harus giat bekerja,perlu modal yang banyak,jangan suka berjudi karena berjudi merampas harta kita

Sisihkan dan simpan penghasilanmu tabungkan atau bisa juga investasikan penghasilanmu yg di sisihkan itu, misal beli logam mulia atau emas yg harga jualnya tidak jatoh

7. how to net working?.....​

Identify about how computer networks work?

The sender sends an information signal to the receiver.

The encode protocol converts the digital signal into an analog signal.

Then the signal through the transmission medium and through the second protocol is decoded back into a digital signal.

Enter the receiver.

I hope this helps:)

8. 20 men can prepare 40 toys in 24 days working 18 hours a day. then in, how many days can 36 men prepare 48 toys working 16 hours a day ?

1. 24 . 8 = 40/20
2. 16X = 48/36

=    16X/432 = 48/36 : 40/20
=    16X/432 = 48/36 . 20/40
=    16x/144 = 2/3
=    X = 18 days

9. 4. A developer plans to renovate a house in 40 days by 35 workers. Right after running 5days, the working is stopped for 10 daysahead due to the less materials stocks. Thenumber of additional workers should beadded in order to finish the working on time(explain how do you got it)is. ...A. 49 workers B. 25 workersC.15 workersD.14 workers​

40.35 = 5.35 + 10.0 + 25.x
1400 = 175 + 0 + 25x
1400 - 175 = 25x
1225 = 25x
1225/25 = x
49 = x

So, the answer is A. 49 workers

10. insects in a tank increase at a rate proportional to the number present.if the number increase from 20.000 to 90.000 in one hour, how many insects are present at the end of two and three hours?

140.000 in two hours, in 3 hours it will increase to 210.000

11. Can you Answer it ? 1. how much days in September month ? 2. how much days in Februari month ? 3. how much days in July month ? 4. how much days in Oktober month ? 5. how much days in December month ? good luck for answer it :) *no ngasal di report


1. 30 Days

2. 28 Days

3. 31 Days

4. 31 Days

5. 31 Days


1. There are 3 days in septebmer

2. There are 29 days in february

3. There are 31 days in july

4. There are 31 days in october

5. There are 31 days in december

sry if its not right

12. It takes 10 road workers 5 days to complete a road repair when working 2 hours a day. Working at the same pace, how many days will it take 2 people working 5 hours a day to finish it?


10 days


10 people × 5 days × 2 hours= 2 people × @ days × 5 hours

@ = 100: 10

@= 10

13. 1. What is human capital? 2. How important is it to take a good care of human capital for the business sustainability? 3. What are, in your opinion, steps to take a good care of human capital in a company/business/institution?

jadikan yang terbaik yaa

14. write the days of the week in the correct order.remember the first letter is a capital letter?​

Jawaban:Monday TuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday

pls follow



-Selasa= Tuesday







maaf y klw salah

15. In 2020, company e is aiming to increase its revenue up to the industry average. by assuming all companies will have similar revenue per transaction as in 2019, how much should they increase their number of transactions (in %)?


so here I am sorry for the legend mobile game because there will be a big update

16. how to increase income

Doing Businesses

invest your money.

1. Stop doing what you're often doing
2. Don't let money define you
3. Start prioritizing your profit
4. Start placing a higher value on you time
5. Proximity is power
6. Lower your excuse
7. It's okay to say no sometimes
8. Shift your focus from victim to leader

17. 1.There are twelve months in a year. The average of month consist of 30 days. So, how many days are there in a year?a. 300 daysb. 320 daysc. 365 daysd. 360 days​

answer :

c. 365 days

18. how to increase student's creativity?​

Study hard


All Tasks Must Be Done

19. a developer plans to renovate a house in 40 days by 35 workers. right after 5 days, the working is stopped for 10 days ahead due to to less materials. the number of additional workers should be added in order to finish the working on time is.. (pakai cara yaa) a. 49 b. 25 c. 15 d. 14

Kelas 7 Matematika
Bab Perbandingan dan Aritmatika Sosial

The number of additional workers
= (35 worker . stop)/remaining time
= (35 . 10)/(40 - 5 - 10)
= 350/25
= 14 workersJawaban :

35 × 10 / ( 40 - 5 - 10 )
350 / 25 = 14

20. Tono and body have 94 Marbles. Everyday they lose 6 of their marbles. How many do they lost in: a. 4 days? b. 7 days? c. 12 days? d. How many days will it take them to lose all of their marbles?​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

a = 0 lost marbles

b = 6 marbles got lost each day

Un = a + b(n)

a. For n = 4

0 + 6(4) = 24 marbles got lost in 4 days

b. For n = 7

0 + 6(7) = 42 marbles got lost in 7 days

c. For n = 12

0 + 6(12) = 72 marbles got lost in 12 days

d. The amount of 0 + 6(n-1) should be 94 or more.

0 + 6(n) = 94

6n = 94

n = 47/3

Because a day is round, 47/3 will be rounded up to 48/3 = 16 days.


a.6×4 day = 24







maaf yah kalau salah

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