Minggu, 04 September 2022

Marina Correctly Simplified The Expression

Marina Correctly Simplified The Expression

Match the expression in the left side anf the responses in the right side correctly.

Daftar Isi

1. Match the expression in the left side anf the responses in the right side correctly.












2. 3. Where does the dialog take place?4. What does expression use in the dialog? Write the expression correctly!isi nya kk ​


i dint no,what you main

3. Answer the following questions correctly ! 1. Write 1 expression of Congratulating and 1 expression of Hope ! 2. Write 1 expression of Agreement and 1 expression of Disagreement ! 3. What is the Social function (the purpose) of the Procedure Text ?

my is faisal putra pratama

4. What is the simplified form of the expression -3(m + n) + 2(3m + 2n)? A. -5m + 4n B. -2m + n C. 3m + n D. 3m - n



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:





semoga membantu

5. Read the senteces correctly, then choose the correct format ok adjective. 1. She (correct/correctly) explained the topic. her answer is (corrrct/correctly).

She correctly explained the topic. Her answer is correct.

6. 11. Yusuf answers the question correctly.The passive form of the sentence isA. The question is answered by Yusuf correctlyB. The question was answered by Yusuf correctly.C. The question were answered by Yusuf correctlyD.The question are answered by Yusuf correctly.​


a.the question is answered by yusuf correctly

7. the underlined expression is the expression of ​

jawaban :

tulisan yg di garis bawahi apa ya kak

8. Complete this dialogue with the correct expression!er these questions briefly and correctly!A: How do you do?B:...proccion!​


B. hai how are you


semoga bermanfaat

9. write the permission correctly​


excuse me sir can i go to the disco with my girlfriend tonight?

excuse me, sir. Can you help me, please?

10. Apa fungsi dari Bangunan Marina By The Bay?​


sebagai tempat hiburan dan area refreshing bagi masyarakat

11. say the time correctly​


1.A half past five

2.A quarter to seven

3.A quarter past eight

4.Nine o'clock

5.Ten to two

12. Name the places correctly​

library, hospital, street

13. why did marina hartati write the announcement ?

Jawaban lengkap: Marina Hartati write the announcement because she wants to inform the reader about......(isi sesuai keterangan. contoh: school competition)

semoga membantu

to inform readers about something

14. fill the sentence correctly​

a. (-) my father will not let me go out side in the evening

(?) will my dad let me go out at side in the evening?

b.(+) I can speak English Fluently

(?) can I speak english fluently?


15. II.ANSWER THESE QUESTION BY CORRECTLY1.What is the agreement meant ?Write 2 are the expression of agreement !1.2.b. Write 2 are the expression of disagreement1....2...​


1. the act of coming to a mutual decision, position or arrangement.

2.  I share your opinion

    I couldn’t agree more.

    i agree, that's a fantastic idea


3. I'm afraid I disagree

   I don’t think you’re right.

   that doesn’t make much sense to me.

   that’s not necessarily true.

16. After You Watch ‘The Video’, Please; Identify and Write expression correctly about: a.The greeting expression b.Expression of leave taking, c. Expression of thanking and d. Expression of apologizing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ck8p6jV3_waTTJsT-RtmxXR-k2s_c2mk/view?usp=drivesdk​


Sola. tematik. 121212121. + 231972.

17. bentuk2 surat salahsatunya simplified style, jelaskan pengertian simplified style :)

simplified style itu merupakan bentuk surat yang hampir  mirip dengan Bentuk Lurus Penuh namun hanya saja tanpa ada salam  pembuka dan  salam penutup.

18. The underlined expression is the expression of ....


Ekspresi yang digarisbawahi adalah ekspresi ....

19. Do the following assignment correctly! 1. Write the expression of Agreement and the response! Give the example of short dialogue! 2. Write the expression of Disagreement and the response! Give the example of short dialogue!


1. Write the expression of Agreement and the response! Give the example of short dialogue!

2. Write the expression of Disagreement and the response! Give the example of short dialogue!


1.• Do you agree with the new rules in this school? → Expressing of agreement

I agree completely → Response

•Putra: (Do you agree) with the new rules in this school?

Tia: What rules?

Putra: The ban of bringing cell phone in the school

Tia: Hmm... (I agree) because the cell phone itself can dustrub student's concentration during studying

2. •Do you disagree of smooking in the public place? → Expressing of disagreement

I couldn't disagree more → Response

•Putra: (Dou you disagree) of smooking in the public place?

Tia: Yes. I couldn't disagree more

Putra: Why?

Tia: Because smooking is not good


1. Expression of agree means an expression or expression that states agree with other people's opinions.

2. Expression of disagree means an expression or expression that disagrees with other people's opinions.

Semoga membantu:-)

Jangan lupa jawabannya dikasih terbaik><

20. Buatlah percakapan 4 orang tentang the expression of attention, the expression of understanding, the expression of compliment, the expression of opinion

Andi had passed on his final semester test. On the way
home, he meets Desi, his friend. She congratulates and
compliments Andi.
Desi : Hi, Andi. How are you doing?
Andi : I am fine, thanks.
Desi : It’s very nice to meet you here, Andi. You look great
today! I love your new hair style.
Andi : Thank you very much, Desi. You look great, too.
Desi : Thanks, Andi. By the way, how was your test? Have
you got the result?
Andi : Yes, I’ve got it. You know what? I have passed for the
final test. I’m so happy right now.
Desi : That’s great. Congratulations! How’s the score?
Andi : Thanks God. I got the highest score for the test.
Desi : Wow, that’s amazing. I know you are very smart, Andi.
Well done!
Andi : Thanks for your compliment, Desi. You are so kind.
Desi : Never mind Andi. It’s my pleasure.

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