Selasa, 27 September 2022

What Value Would Be Returned Based On The Formula

What Value Would Be Returned Based On The Formula

based on the announcement above, the meeting would be heid i

Daftar Isi

1. based on the announcement above, the meeting would be heid i

in Gilmer Country Court House


The meeting will be held in Gilmer Country Court House at 6.00 pm.

Best Regards.

2. TASK 9 Answer the questions based on the picture. 1. What would she like to be someday? 2 .What would he like to achieve someday?​


Dia ingin menjadi apa suatu hari nanti

2:Apa yang ingin dia capai suatu hari nanti

maaf kalo salah


ini aku hanya tau sedikit maaf apabila salah

3. apa artinya what would you say based on the following situations

apa yang akan kamu katakan berdasarkan situasi berikutApa yang akan kamu katakan berdasarkan pada situasi berikut?

4. write two example time signal based on the formula​


you/we/they + are + +v ing + time

they are playing football right now

we are doing our homework right now

You are studying right now


mengapa pakai right now semua? berdasarkan formula yang tadi, be yang harus digunakan adalah are, yang berarti kalimat yang harus dibuat adalah present continuous. present continuous tidak mengharuskan menyertakan time signal

te tapi jika harus, maka time signal yang hanya bisa digunakan untuk present continuous adalah "now" Dan "right now"

5. 32. Based on the announcements above, what will be held on those special events?​


arti dari Based on the announcements above, what will be held on those special event

s? : Berdasarkan pengumuman di atas, apa saja yang akan diadakan pada acara spesial tersebut


kebalikannya :

tertejamah dari berdasarkan pengumuman di atas, apa saja yang akan diadakan pada acara spesial tersebut

s? : sed on the announcements above, what will be held on those special event



maaf klo salah:> semoga membatu,thanks

6. which one is the correct formula based on positive formula simple past tense​


Positif (+) · Subject + verb 2 + object · Subject + to be (was/were) + adjective/adverb

Negatif (-) · Subject + did not + infinitive verb + object · Subject + was/were + not + adjective/adverb


make the smartest one, please; (

7. based on the text, what things can be recycled??​


berdasarkan teks dapatkah anda menebak apa itu ekowisata

Things you recycled can

8. Success will be based on how well the "team" work. What is meant by the "team"?

yg berarti team adalah kerja sama kelompok artinya kalian harus bekerjasama sebagai tim

9. 3. Look the picture and what is the appropriate expression can be expressed based on the picture​


Doctor is treating a patient

(Dokter sedang mengobati pasien)


maaf kalo salah ^_^

10. What would you say based on the following situations?Write suitable responses.Practice the dialogs with your friend.artinya​


apa yg akan kamu lakukan berdasarkan situasi berikut ini? tulis respon yg cocok parktek kan percakapannya dengan teman mu


semoga membantuuu


Apa yang akan anda katakan berdasarkan situasi berikut?

Tulis tanggapan yang sesuai.

Berlatilah dialog dengan teman anda.


11. 1 explain the chararter based on the story' 2 what is problem the story' 3 what is the ending the story' 4 what the adjectives based on the story' 5 what is moral Valve based on the story


Ceritanya juga kak biar bisa dijawab



12. Bahasa indonesianya what would you say based on the following situations

Apa yang akan kamu bilang berdasarkan mengikuti situasi?
Maaf kalau salah.

apa yang akan Anda katakan berdasarkan situasi berikut ini.

13. what inference can be made about the rotation of the earth based on the changing position of the shadow?​


The rotation of the earth causes the part of the earth that is facing the sun to get light and experience daylight.

While on the opposite side, the earth's back to the sun and does not get light. We call it night.

This event lasts throughout the day with each part of the earth experiencing day and night for 12 alternating hours.

The difference in the time of day and night becomes further in the hemisphere that is farther from the equator or the equator.


sorry if wrong:)

14. Based on the material covered in this chapter, what questions would you ask the firm’s founders before making your funding decision? what answers would satisfy you ?

The questions I would ask to the founder are:

How they will encourage consumers to buy or use they product?What will the firm do to compete the competitors in the same segment?Do you have field-based plan and strategies for at least two years ahead?

The answers which satisfy me is when the founder already has strategies based on field-based research. Another answer is when the founder knows what he will do before he does it.


Pertanyaan di atas harus dijawab berdasarkan teks atau materi yang diberikan, terlihat dari kata-kata ini: "based on the material covered in this chapter" artinya berdasarkan material yang dibahas di bab ini."

Walaupun soalnya kurang lengkap namun bisa kita pahami dari konteks pertanyaan bahwa kita diharuskan membuat pertanyaan yang kira-kira akan kita ajukan kepada founder perusahaan andaikan kita investor yang akan berinvestasi.

Pelajari lebih lanjutTentang memahami bacaan bahasa Inggris:

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ4

15. What the aquestions based on the dialogue

question:where the dialog?

:how can i make a question without a dialog?

16. Based on the text, the following would be the kind of information that could be revealed about ancient people thought modern genome analyses, EXCEPT

Berdasarkan teks, berikut ini adalah jenis informasi yang dapat diungkapkan tentang orang kuno berpikir analisis genom modern, KECUALI

17. based on the story of timun emas golden cucumber what moral value can you learn​


we must not threaten and be mean to others because we will get the punishment we deserve. The very evil giant got punished for drowning in the mud lake for killing the golden cucumber


18. What would you say based on the following situation.. wake up and se your mother in the dining room you would say

good morning, what do you cook for breakfast, mom?

19. what kind of occasion will be held based on the text above??


Acara seperti apa yang akan diadakan berdasarkan teks di atas?

20. After you've understood the material about passive sentences based on the formula

Jawaban:maap pertanyaanya apa ya?

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