Rabu, 14 September 2022

Which Element Is Least Likely To Undergo A Chemical Reaction

Which Element Is Least Likely To Undergo A Chemical Reaction

Caution keep hands away the chemical reaction is in progress 1. The text means that getting too close to material is... a. Able to cause injury b. Harmful to the reaction c. Dangerous to the chemical d. Harmless to the progress

Daftar Isi

1. Caution keep hands away the chemical reaction is in progress 1. The text means that getting too close to material is... a. Able to cause injury b. Harmful to the reaction c. Dangerous to the chemical d. Harmless to the progress

c. dangerous to the chemical

2. 5.similiar to outside 6.a soft silver white chemical element whitch is found in salt7.a type of fat which a produced by hydrogenation ​


5. External/Exterior (terserah kamu)

6. Sodium

7. Transfats (maaf kalau yang ini salah)

3. One of the element used to produce wire is copper. The chemical code for copper is...

Copper = tembaga = Cu(Cuprum)

4. caution keep hands away chemical reaction is in pogress . what does the sign mean ?

Hati-Hati, Hindari Tanganmu Ketika Reaksi Kimia Sedang Berlangsung.

5. Which of the following would least likely have a rainforest? * 1 point Malaysia Brazil Russia Philippines


a country that has no rainforest is Russia


sorry if wrong

#Son Goku or also Kakarotto

6. Compound (Mr = 80) contains 40% mass element X (Ar = 32) and the rest is element Y (Ar = 16). The chemical formula of the compound is


Massa total = 100%

Ar X = 32

Ar Y = 16

Mr = 80

%Unsur = n x Ar unsur/Mr senyawa x 100%

40% = n x 32/80 x 100%

n = 1

n x Ar X + m x Ar Y = 80

2 x 32 + m x 16 = 80

16m = 16

m = 1

maka senyawa = XY

7. chemical reaction that happen in burning?

Reaksi pemutusan ikatan kimia

8. Which approach is most likely to result in employee buy-in to the budget?.


gapinter bhsa inggris




pendekatan mana yang paling mungkin menghasilkan pembelian karyawan dalam anggaran?

9. Which the following elements is not a narrative teks element?


Elemen-elemen berikut mana yang bukan elemen teks naratif?

10. Undergo is closest in meaning to?

Experience (maybe)

Maaf kalo salahexperience (maybe) itu sih kayaknya itu artinya atau jawabannya?

11. hope means something which is possible. wish means something which is not likely to happen. we use hope to express a wish/desire/aspiration that has a good chance of being true

we use hope to express a wish that has a good chance of being true. maaf kalau salah

12. Which of the following is likely to increase your quality of sleep

1. Perhatikan apa yang Anda makan dan minum sebelum tidur2. Buat kondisi kamar Anda senyaman mungkin3. Lakukan kebiasaan sebelum tidur4. Buat jadwal tidur yang rutin, bahkan di akhir pekan5. Batasi waktu tidur siang Anda atau jangan tidur siang sama sekali6. Lakukan olahraga teratursomogabermanfaatdanmembantu^_^

13. Which title/caption that is likely to describe the chart best?​


Judul / keterangan apa yang paling mungkin mendeskripsikan diagram?


14. Which of the following elements is not a narrative text element?​


mana pilihan jawabnya


manakan elemen berikut ini yang bukan elemen teks naratif

15. which of the following elements is not a narrative text element​

Jawaban : semoga membantu yaa

- Time

- Setting

- charaterization

- character Frame

Jadikan yang terbaik yaa , dan bintang 5 juga , semoga membantu


16. (a) Place the metals calcium, potassium and zinc in order of chemical reactivity towards water, from the most reactive to the least reactive. (b) Write the chemical equation for the reaction between the most reactive metal in (a) and water.

Hope this will help....hmm.... Chem sec 4 right ?

17. 1. Which one creates jellyfish's light? A. White blood B. Nervous systemC. Chemical reaction D. Salt water​


D. Salt water


Semoga membantu

18. If chemical reaction is endothermic, the temperature would …



19. 13. Which of the following would a traveler be likely be LEAST likely to obtain at Fort Laramie? (A) Fresh water (B) Food (C) Formal clothing (D) Lodging ​


(D) lodging (penginapan/villa/hotel)


disitu ditanyakan


fresh water : air segarfood : makananformal clothing : baju biasalodging : hotel



~Fort Laramie adalah pos perdagangan( benteng ) penting abad ke-19, situs diplomatik, dan instalasi militer yang terletak di pertemuan sungai Laramie dan North Platte. Mereka bergabung di Lembah Sungai Platte atas di bagian timur negara bagian Wyoming AS~


~Fort Laramie adalah sebuah kota di Goshen County, negara bagian Wyoming, Amerika Serikat~



→ tempat wisata bergenre sejarah, belum tentu ada air segar, dan makanan karena itu bukan rumah makan/ pantai.

→ baju formal/biasa juga tidak mungkin ada di sana, karena tempat itu bukan toko baju.

→ dan yg pasti, kebanyakan tempat wisata, terdapat penginapan untuk peristirahatan yg ingin menginap bagi para wisatawan.

20. which of these types of cells is most likely to divide?

jenis sel mana yang paling mungkin untuk di bagi

itu bahasa Indonesia nya

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