Minggu, 11 September 2022

Which Nims Management Characteristics Includes Maintaining Accurate

Which Nims Management Characteristics Includes Maintaining Accurate

Determine which includes the cause and sentence which includes the effect

Daftar Isi

1. Determine which includes the cause and sentence which includes the effect

1. Number 1 is the cause.Because there is word "because".

2. is Effect.Because there is word became. Became is the effect word

3.is cause too like number 1

4.is effect.Because slowly is an effect word like number 2

5.cause again. there is word "because"

:) Thanks

2. Which includes structure of personal letter​


privacy, no one knows, always taken and hidden


Jadikan jawaban tercerdas:)


Place and Date of Writing Letter. The place and date of the letter is the most important part of a personal letter. ...

2. Recipient's Address. ...

Include Greeting Words. ...

Opening Paragraph. ...

Letter Contents Section. ...

6. Cover Section. ...

7. Author's Name and Signature.

jadikan jawaban tercedas

3. Which one of the characteristics from the picture above ?


gimana mau jawab? tidak ada fotonya

4. Which is correct about characteristics koala???Science grade 3Please answer​​


B. It has hair and fur.

C. It has legs.

D. It breathes through lungs.

F. It reproduces by giving birth.

H. It is a mammals.


Koala merupakan hewan mamalia (mammals) yang berkembang biak dengan cara melahirkan (giving birth). Koala memiliki bulu disekujur badannya (hair and fur), baik dari kepala sampai ujung kakinya (legs). Hewan ini bernapas menggunakan paru - paru (lungs).

Note:Semoga membantu :)

5. which includes adverb of Quantity is...except!A.ManyB.muchC.some D.Hello tolong di jawab ya ka​


D. Hello (because hello is a greeting not a quantity adverb)

6. The scope of economic development includes the process and policies___ a nation improves the economic, political, and social well-being of its people.A. whichB. of whichC. in whichD. by whichE. on which

D. by which

The scope of economic development includes the process and policies by which a nation improves the economic, political, and social well-being of its people.
Jawabannya adalah A. Which

7. "The tour includes three Asian countries." Which is a noun phrase? * a. the tour b. the tour includes c. three Asian countries d. Asian countries​


a, c, d


Noun dan keterangan tambahannya bisa digunakan sebagai subjek dan atau objek. Kalau kata 'includes' nimbrung, jadinya kalimat itu tidak lengkap atau independent clause, bukan noun phrase

8. From The dialoga que above, it whichexpressions that includes inObligation​

dialognya mana?

lain kali cantumkan dulu dialognya.

9. Which is correct about characteristics koala???Science grade 3Pleasee answer​


The characteristics of the koala are :it has hair and fur. it has legs.it breathes through lungs. it reproduces by giving birth.its a mammal.

SORRY IF WRONG + your answer in the picture is correct.


10. molluscs which have outer multilayer shield shaped shells are the characteristics of the class

That characteristic are suitable with Lamellabranchiata or well known with bivalvia or pelecypoda

11. Which is correct about characteristics bee???Science grade 3Please answer​​


G. it has wings


Karakteristik dari lebah yang benar adalah, ia memiliki sayap.

12. The process in which the young inherit these characteristics is known as …. * A. heredity B. inherited characteristics C. non-inherited characteristics D. genetic information​


B. inherited characteristics

maaf kalau salah:)

13. how human can live anywhere without having to have the characteristics which animal possesses​


bagaimana manusia bisa hidup dimana saja tanpa harus memiliki ciri-ciri yang dimiliki hewan

maaf kalo salah ya

14. Which characteristics of the fern is still maintained in the cycadophyta ?

| Botany, Taxonomy |

Fern characteristic from Cycadophyta is

Evergreen leavesThe species are dioeciousOvule not coated by the fruit leavesDoesn't produce flowers

15. in which process and in which knowledge area the initial cost management plan is developed


Plan Cost Management


Materi : Main Processes of Cost Management - Cost Management

Terdapat empat proses dalam manajemen biaya, diantaranya adalah :

Planning Cost Management (perencanaan)Estimating Costs (estimasi biaya)Determine Budget (menetapkan anggaran)Control Costs (pengendalian biaya)

Planning Cost Management mencakup perencanaan dari sisi biaya yang mencakup menetapkan anggaran, estimasi biaya dan mengelola biaya yang mungkin akan terjadi selama proyek berlangsung, singkatnya tahap perencanaan manajemen biaya dimulai dari planning cost management.

Terdapat dua syarat dalam perencanaan :

Biaya siklus hidup produk, dimana hal ini merupakan hal penting dalam pengelolaan proyek, dimana setiap produk memiliki masa/siklus hidup misalnya laptop yang memiliki siklus hidup selama 5 tahun.Rekayasa nilai, dimana perusahaan mengerjakan proyek dengan biaya yang lebih rendah. Misalkan, untuk membangun losmen selama 6 bulan dibutuhkan tiga buah bulldozer, dimana ada pertimbangan untuk membeli atau menyewa, dikarenakan masa waktu pengerjaan 6 bulan, maka perusahaan mempertimbangkan untuk menyewa bulldozer daripada membeli (disertai alasan bahwa biaya sewa lebih murah daripada biaya beli)

Demikian jawaban dan pembahasan mengenai proses manajemen biaya, semoga membantu meningkatkan pemahaman mengenai manajemen biaya, semoga sukses.

Rujukan baca : Blocher, Edward J., Chen, Kung H,. Lin, Thomas W. (2011). Cost Management : A Strategic Emphasis Fifth Edition. New York : McGraw – Hill Companies,Inc.

16. Which of these words is a berb? a. Manager b. Manage c. Management


b. manage


manager = noun

management = noun

17. the following statements which are included in the characteristics of descriptive text are? ​

Pernyataan berikut yang termasuk ciri-ciri teks deskriptif adalah? saya


ini jawabanya

18. arti maintaining adalah?

the translate is mempertahankan 

i hope this help: )Mempertahankan, Menjaga, Memelihara, Menegakkan, Mengurus.

I hope this helps.....

19. Which three management options can be used to manage fortiap






20. Please make a paragraph which includes both definite and indefinite articles


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Tolong buat paragraf yang termasuk artikel pasti dan tidak terbatas

NB:Semoga membantu

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