Minggu, 02 Oktober 2022

1/4 Of A Cup Is How Many Tablespoons

1/4 Of A Cup Is How Many Tablespoons

1.how many sugar do we need to make a cup of coffe? 2.how many coffee do we need to make a cup of coffee?3.what is the last step to make a cup of coffee?4.what is the purpose of the text?5.what must we do before serve the coffee?bantu jawab please:)​

Daftar Isi

1. 1.how many sugar do we need to make a cup of coffe? 2.how many coffee do we need to make a cup of coffee?3.what is the last step to make a cup of coffee?4.what is the purpose of the text?5.what must we do before serve the coffee?bantu jawab please:)​

1. A sponful of sugar.
2. A teaspoon of coffee.
3. Stir the mixture for a few moment.
4. Fill in the cup with boiling water.
5. Stir the mixture for a moment.

2. how many coffee do we need to make a cup of​




semoga membantu :))

3. How many spoons of sugar must we provide to make a cup of coffee

3 tablespoons or suit one's taste

4. 1) How much is one serving of beans?2) How many calories are in one serving of beans? 3) How many calories from fat are in one serving of beans? 4) Find the percentage of calories from fat in these beans5) How many calories are in one cup of beans?​


1. 128 gram

2. 120

3. 20

4. 20%

5. 120

5. how to make a cup of tea

Add 200ml of freshly boiled water to your tea bag (in a mug).

2. Allow the tea bag to brew for 2 minutes.

3. Remove the tea bag.

4. Add 10ml of milk.

5. Wait 6 minutes before consumption for the cuppa to reach its optimum temperature of 60 degrees centigrade

6. terjemahan how many cup of self rising fluor to make novel apple padding

berapa banyak tepung untuk membuat pie apel

seberapa banyak tepung untuk membuat pie apel

maaf kalo salah

7. Active : She makes a cup of coffee Passive voice A cup of coffee is made by him A cup of coffee is make by her A cup of coffee is made by her. A cup of coffee is make by him A cup of coffee is makes by her

simple present tense

She makes a cup of coffee

rumus active voice :

s (I,you,they,we) + V1 + o

s (she,he,it) + V1 + es/s + o

A cup of coffee is made by her.

rumus passive voice :

s + Tobe + V3 + by + o


A Cup of coffee is made by her


karena passive, maka digunakan verb 2Her untuk perempuan, him untuk laki laki

8. what is the capital of egypt ? what is the capital of jordan ? how to make a cup of tea ? how to cook some instant noodles ?

the capital of jordan is 'J' karena yang ditanya capital = huruf kapital bukannya capital citythe capital of egypt : kairo
the capital of jordan : amman

9. how to make a cup of coffee?

1.put the coffee into the glass 2.pour the hot/warm water 3. stir it until dissolved maaf kl salah first,prepare your coffe,sugar,spoon,hot water,and cup
put a teaspoon coffe to your cup
add some sugar in it
pour hot water to your cup
stir it well

aku juga mendapat pr ini untuk ujian praktik 
dan aku betul semua,mudah2an kamu betul semua yaa

10. How to make a cup of tea !!

Ingredients:1.    600 ml milk
2.    1 tea bag
3.    15 seeds of cardamom
4.    1 teaspoons of cloves powder
5.    1 tablespoon of cinnamon powder
6.    1 tablespoon of ginger powder
7.    125 ml hot waterHow to make:1.    Put all of the ingredients in the pan, pour hot water and cook it for 7 minutes until it’s boiled.
2.    After 7 minutes, lift it up. And pour into the glasses.
3.    Finally, Masala tea is ready to serve.
Get a proper pot onRun the tap a little so the water is nicely aerated. Use water that has boiled just once - any more than that and the level of oxygen in the water is reduced and your tea can taste a bit ‘flat’.Warm the teapot first by swilling boiling water around inside it, then warm the cups with the water from the teapot.For a four-cup pot, use two teabags. For loose tea, use one teaspoon per person and one for the pot. (Our tea buyers like it really strong and use three or four.)Add freshly boiled water to the pot, stir and leave to brew for 4-5 minutes depending on how strong you like it.If you take milk, we recommend a splash of whole or semi-skimmed milk, with sugar if you take it.A proper cuppaPour freshly boiled water directly onto your teabag in a mug. This way the tea infuses better than adding the teabag to water.Leave to brew for 4-5 minutes according to taste.Remove the teabag with a spoon giving it just one gentle squeeze.

11. 1)A kg of rice - Rp. 13.000.-A: How much is....B: It is ......2)A cup of coffee - Rp. 8.000,-A: How much is....B: It is3) A box of milk - Rp. 14.000,-A: How much is......B: It is .....4) A birthday cake - Rp. 120.000,-A: How much is.....B: It is ....5) A kg of sugar - Rp. 17.000,-A:......B:.....​


1. A: How much is it?

  B: It is thirteen thousand rupiah.

2. A: How much is it?

  B: It is eight thousand rupiah.

3. A: How much is it?

  B: It is fourteen thousand rupiah.

1. A: How much is it?

  B: It is one hundred and twenty thousand rupiah.

1. A: How much is it?

  B: It is seventeen thousand rupiah.


Soal ini menanyakan harga, yang sesalu menggunakan kalimat How much is it. Dan jawaban 'B' adalah harga benda tersebut, namun dibaca menggunakan huruf.

Maaf jika salah, semoga membantu ya

12. coffee - a - cup - is - mother-of-drinking The correct arrangement is .... a. mother is drinking a cup of coffee. b. mother is drinking a coffee of cup. c. mother is drinking coffee a cup of. d. mother is drinking cup of a coffee.​


a.Mother - is - drinking - a-cup- of- coffee

moon maaf kalo salah✨


jawaban nya D. mother is drink cup of a coffee

13. 10. The title of the text is .... (judul teks tersebut adalah ....)A. how to make a cup of coffeeB. how to make a cup of teaC. how to mske a risolD. how to make an omelet​


10. Judul teks tersebut adalah .... (judul teks tersebut adalah ....)

A. cara membuat secangkir kopi

B. cara membuat secangkir teh

C. bagaimana cara mske risol

D. cara membuat telur dadar


teksnya mana


14. How to make a cup of tea

Traditional way

First, fill the kettle with the water.
Second, boil the water.
Then, fill the tea-pot with the hot water.
Next, put some tea into a pot.
Leave the pot for a few minutes.

Pour the tea into a cup.

After that, put some sugar into the cup.
Finally, stir the tea with a tea spoon.

Modern way

First, take a cup or a glass
Second, pour some hot water from dispenser.
Third, take a tea bag and dip it into the hot water inside the cup or glass. Wait until the water become rose-color.
Fourth, add some sugar. If you like it sweet, add two or three spoonful of sugar.
Finally, stir it well and serve. Serve it in the afternoon with some bread.

15. how to make a cup of coffee

How to Make A Cup of Coffee


1. coffee powder

2. sugar

3. a glass of water


1. Boil the water in a pan or pot

2. Prepare a cup

3. Put 2 teaspoons of coffee powder and 2 teaspoons of sugar or as your taste into the cup

4. Then, pour the boiled water into the cup

5. Stir well

6. Wait for about 3 minutes

7. A cup of coffee is ready to serve


Procedural text is a text contains of information and instruction to do something. This text aims to facilitate people in doing something effectively.

The structure of procedural text:

1. Goal

This section tells the purpose of the text. Example: "How to Make A Cup of Coffee", "How to Make An Avocado Juice".

2. Materials or Ingredients

This section gives information about what you need to do something according to the goal.

3. Steps

This section explains the process step by step on how to do the completion of the goal.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

1. How to make a cup of tea: https://brainly.co.id/tugas/6127751

2. How to make avocado juice: https://brainly.co.id/tugas/9415249

3. How to make a sekoteng iced: https://brainly.co.id/tugas/18482409

Detail jawaban

Kelas: 9

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: Procedural Text

Kode: 9.5.5


16. arti how about a cup of tea?

Bagaimana minum teh?
Maaf kalau salah

Terjemahan dalam bahasa Indonesia adalah "Bagaimana dengan secangkir teh?"

Artinya, orang tersebut menawarkan (giving offer) kepada orang lain untuk minum secangkir teh.

17. The text is for questions number 42 and 43.MAKING LEMONADEIngredients:2 tablespoons of lemon juice2 tablespoons of sugar1 glass of waterDirections:1. Slice a lemon in half and squeeze the juice into a cup.2. Take out the seed.3. Pour two tablespoons of juice into glass.4. Add sugar.5. Pour water and stir well.6. Put it in ice cubes.42. How much sugar is needed?​


42. two tablespoons of sugar

18. how to make a cup of milk

Langkah2nya kah?
Prepare milk, hot water, cup, and spoon
1. Pour milk to taste into a cup
2. Pour hot water too, and stiring with spoon and serve the milk.

Maaf kalau kurang tepat,
Semoga terbantu.

19. how many sugar do we need to make a cup of coffee?​


Just suite on your taste


Well if you like sweetness the you should put maybe 2 or 3 spoon.

But if you didn't like to much sweetness you can add maybe 1 spoon.

20. Daddy drinks A cup of coffee everyday.The passive form is ....(10 Poin)A cup of coffee is drink by daddy everydayA cup of coffee is drinks by daddy everydayA cup of coffee is drank by daddy everydayA cup of coffee is drunk by daddy everyday​


A cup of coffee is drunk by daddy everyday​

passive itu pas ti pake verb 3

o + imbuhan +verb 3 + s

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