Selasa, 11 Oktober 2022

Eocs Can Be Fixed Locations Temporary Facilities Or Virtual Structures

Eocs Can Be Fixed Locations Temporary Facilities Or Virtual Structures

the pain can be "TEMPORARY"what does the "Temporary" mean?A.extraordinaryB.HorribleC.short-termD.realivingE.easy

Daftar Isi

1. the pain can be "TEMPORARY"what does the "Temporary" mean?A.extraordinaryB.HorribleC.short-termD.realivingE.easy

c. short-term
is the answerAdj. Temporary = Sementara, Durasi pendek, singkat

C. Short-Term

2. How many facilities can be enjoyed by visitors?​

Visitors can enjoy 36 Facilities.

3. Bahasa ingriss We wil tell names of the public building and other facilities in or vilage and their locations? Dan contoh nya dalam bahasa inggris?

=> Terjemahan :
Kita akan menyebutkan/menceritakan nama-nama bangunan umum dan fasilitas lainnya atau desa dan lokasinya.

=> Contoh :
> Mall. Lokasinya di kota (kota=city/town)
> Airport.
> Bank.
> Hospital.
> Post office.
> etc (dll)

Maaf jika salah. Semoga membantu ^_^

4. A: Why can’t I find my script files on this laptop? B: It already gone because the laptop . . . . yesterday. *4 poinBe fixedFixedWas fixedAre fixedWere fixed​


was fixed


maaf kalo salah


was fixed


semoga membantu

5. complete the following sentences with " There is or There are " correctly...... several entertainment facilities we can enjoy in a big city​

There are several entertainment facilities we can enjoy in a big city. Karena several itu termasuk plural.


There are several entertainment facilities we can enjoy in a big city.


penggunaan to be "are" adalah untuk kata objek yang lebih dari satu. Di kalimat tersebut, terdapat kata several yang berarti beberapa. Hal ini merupakan alasan mengapa penggunaan kata yang benar merupakan there are.

6. Mention the structures or the characteristics of discussion text

the generic structure of discussion text

1. issue
2. argument pro
3. argument cons
4. conclusion

7. What are the parts or proposal the structures of proposal



What are the parts or proposal the structures of proposal

The structure of the proposal generally consists of the background, problem formulation, objectives, benefits, scope, and content of the proposal


Apa bagian atau proposal yang menjadi struktur proposal

Struktur proposal secara umum terdiri dari latar belakang, rumusan masalah, tujuan, manfaat, ruang lingkup, hingga isi proposal


semoga membantu ya

Daffa1818-Gemar membantu

8. What is Virtual Reality? What is Augmented Reality? How can it be applied in our life?

Apa itu Realitas Virtual? Apa itu Augmented Reality? Bagaimana itu bisa diterapkan dalam hidup kita?g

1. Virtual reality (VR) or virtual reality is a technology that allows users to interact with a computer-simulated environment, an actual environment that is imitated or truly an environment that exists only in imagination.
2. Augmented reality (AR) is a live direct or indirect view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are "augmented" by computer-generated or extracted real-world sensory input such assound, video, graphics, haptics or GPS data.



9. Mention the structures or the characteristics of discussion text

- Argumentation Text

One of argumentation text is discussion text. Discusion text use to help other people to find the purpose from the opinion in the text.

• Generic Structure of Discussion text
- Issue (Main Problem)
- Arguments (Opinion)
- Conclusion/Recommedation (Suggestion)

10. apa yang di maksud dengan Main or Virtual Memory & I/O device ?

Main memory, memori utama/ fisik seperti penyimpanan dalam bentuk array, yang disusun word dan byte

memory virtual : virtualisasi memory menggunakan RAM dan Hardisk, sistem operasi windows misalnya terdapat fitur tersebut. memvirtualisasikan seolah2 menambahkan ruang pada RAM menggunakan Hardisk atau flashdisk

I/O device
perangkat input/ output pada komputer, adalah suatu perangkat yang berhubungan dengan sistem komputer dg cara mengirim sinyal melalui kabel atau media lain
ex, input device : keyboard, mouse, scanner, barcode reader
ex output device : printer, plotter, monitor speaker,

11. What are the parts or the structures of proposal


apa saja bilang kayak gitu vro


What are the parts or the structures of proposal


Abstract/Summary. The abstract is the most important component of the proposal. ...

Statement of Need. What is the issue that you are addressing and why does it matter? ...

Project Activity, Methodology and Outcomes. ...

Evaluation. ...

Dissemination. ...

Budget and Continuation Funding.

semoga membantu

12. 4. Write a sentence or a dialogue aboutyour future fixed plan with “be going to”!5. Write a sentence or a dialogue aboutyour future fixed plan with "I'd like to”!ada yang bisa gak kakak"?tolong dong​


4 im going to graduate from seniorhighschool

5 i would like to study at a university

seniorhighschool(sma)bisa di ganti juniorhighschool(smp)atau primaryschool(sd).

13. Hiring temporary workers can be very......A. economizeB. economicallyC. economyD. EconomicalJawab beserta alasannya ;)))

Hiring temporary workers can be D. economical


Adjective atau kata sifat adalah kata yang menjelaskan noun / kata benda.

Kata sifat menjelaskan berapa banyak atau bagaimana jenis suatu benda. Kata sifat diletakkan di depan kata benda yang di deskripsikannya.

Contoh :

Two cats live in my house (Menjelaskan berapa banyak)They have many friends (menjelaskan berapa banyak)She is a good mother ( menjelaskan sifatnya)Two little cats live in my house (Menjelaskan jenisnya)

Kata sifat / adjective datang setelah linking verb :

The dog is cuteThey are very closeYou should be happy

Dalam satu kalimat, bisa menggunakan lebih dari 2 adjective

Two big men were crossing the streetThe little spider is deadA very beautiful flower is left in front of the door

Pelajari lebih lanjutKata sifat dalam bahasa Inggris itu Adjective jawaban

Kelas: SMP

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: Adjective

Kode: -


14. “The temporary houses will be constructed on pieces of land..” The antonym of temporary is?​




the antonym of temporary is permanent


Regardless of the country, good school facilities help determine the success of students and the effectiveness of a teacher’s lesson. However, with tight budgets and staff costs, the condition of school facilities is often further down the list of priorities.

Studies show that school facilities have an impact on the overall school experience of students and teachers. According to an article by PennState University, school facilities affect teacher recruitment and retention. More importantly, they also affect the health, behaviour and engagement of the students. Thus, adequate facilities make it easier for the school to deliver better education.

Many parents often do not consider the quality of school facilities as a factor in choosing a school for their children, looking only at exam rates. Good equipment and facilities are part of a school’s holistic approach to improving the learning environment and balancing academics with other important non-curriculum activities, whether science lab facilities or sports equipment. When a school invests in facilities, the benefits to the school go far beyond the initial capital costs.


makasih bang poinnya

16. the temporary houses will be constructed on pieces of land.."" the temporary word has antonym of .....




temporary sementarq, permanent tetap


permanent, eternal, everlasting


temporary = sementara

17. The notebook . . . yesterdayA. FixedB. Is fixedC. Was fixedD. Will be fixed

c.was fixed sorry klu salahc. was fixed
karena kalimat yang terjadi di situ adalah simple past tense

18. There are 3 parts or structures of narrative text. The ….. introduce the character or place or time of the story.​


adalah cerita khayal yang bertujuan menghibur pembaca. Tentu yang namanya cerita khayal itu ya belum tentu keberannya bisa jadi itu hanya imajinasi atau cerita fiktif yang dibuat oleh seseorang atau cerita buatan sekelompok masyarakat yang tida terbukti kebenarannya. Contoh naratif yaitu, Cinderella, Sangkurian, Snow White, Rabbit and Crocodile, dsb. Untuk penjelasan lebih rinci silahkan baca penjelasan berikut.

Definisi Teks Narasi

Teks naratif adalah cerita imajinatif untuk menghibur orang (teks narasi adalah cerita imaginatif yang bertujuan menghibur orang).

19. which structures on earth do you think can be seen from outer space​

Jawaban:The Great Pyramids of Giza, Egypt.

The Grand Canyon, USA.

The Himalayas.

Great Barrier Reef, Australia.

Amazon River.

Ganges River Delta.

Greenhouses of Almería, Spain.

Penjelasan: smoga membantu

20. does virtual culture erode or enhance our culture traditional?is that good or bad

that is bad because virtual culture resulting in traditional culture forgottenapakah ini untuk diartikan jika diartikan saya tau artinya
apakah budaya virtual mengikis atau meningkatkan budaya kita secara tradisional? apakah itu baik atau buruk

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